
Douluo Dalu : Journey To The End

Reborn in Douluo Dalu, No OP System to help nor Powerful family or Rich beautiful fiance to help Lin Tian : "I will see this this life journey of mine to the end" --------------------------------------------------------------------------- my first time trying to write Fanfic, expect it to be problematic and has many imperfection. hopefully i'm able to see this novel through to the end as the name is also my wishes Note: been busy IRL and updating the novel become unstable for now

kardel_Master · Anime & Comics
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57 Chs

Chapter 53:

While Lin Tian still trying to think a way out suddenly Xiao Wu turn her head and asked.

"Brother is something wrong? you have been silent for a while."

Hearing this Lin Tian finally snapped out from his deep concentration.

"Oh, umm sorry i was just mesmerized by how beautiful you have grown over the past few years, ahahaha."

Hearing this Xiao Wu cheek become a bit pink out of embarrassment and pout cutely, "Hmph of course, If I didn't grow up won't you get stolen by other girl."

Lin Tian become chocked by his own saliva, he was complementing her and all, but suddenly she ended up bringing out this matter. it seems this girl is still jealous and has some grudge about him patting Zhu Zhuqing before.

'A girl's grudge is really terrifying, I better remember about his from now on.'

taking a deep breath he finally decide to try to open Xiao Wu meredian, if it failed then he will make some kind of excuse to her later.

"Ok I'll start now."

without waiting for her answer Lin Tian put his hand into Xiao Wu's back and start to input his Spirit Power.

since she doesn't have any form of meredian Lin Tian start to slowly make his Spirit Power flow in a pattern. he make his Spirit Power flow just like how it flow in a normal person meredian.

the first time didn't have any effect then he repeat the same flow , second, third, fourth....

it was at this time that slowly some of Xiao Wu Spirit power start following this pattern and create some vague path for her Spirit Power to flow as if her body start creating a psuedo meredians.

Sensing this Lin Tian was happy, it means it is possible for him to create a Meredian path for Xiao Wu, He without any further ado keep doing this with high concentration.

it's just because of his high concentration he didn't realize that Xiao Wu body is trembling whenever his Spirit Power flow and tried to create a new meredian path.

at first it was a small trembling, but when his Spirit Power flow around her chest area she suddenly-

suddenly she moans with a sultry sound.


hearing this Lin Tian was shocked awake from his deep concentration and finally realize something is wrong with Xiao Wu.

She is panting heavily with red face as if she has done some kind of heavy exercise.

He wanted to say something but can't, because to create meredian for Xiao Wu he need to keep inputing Spirit Power non stop and this took a lot of energy and concentration even with his high Spiritual power.

it is unknown whether Xiao Wu understand his condition or not, but she suddenly said.

"B-Brother Tian you can continue."

Lin Tian unable to say anything finally keep flowing his Spirit Power inside Xiao Wu, but this time he is sober and able to feel and hear her every movement.

everytime his Spirit Power flowing to a new location Xiao Wu will make a big reaction and various sound.

"mn~ ah- *MOAN*"

"huff huff wai- *GASP*"

"ah~ hih! mmn NOOO~"

Lin Tian tried really hard to concentrate on his job but listening to the sultry and enticing sound coming from Xiao Wu infront of him almost broke his concentration many times, he is only a young male teenager for the love of god! being able to hold on is already impressive.

he didn't dare to stop at all because he didn't know if there will be any negative impact if he stop midway in this process. but even so his body is honest and his little brother already rising up and ready to make trouble.

'oh any f*cking god, budha, demon, devil please let me hold the f*ck on!'

the two keep going back and forth with Xiao Wu moaning and Lin Tian trying to keep his sanity for another half an hour and finally the last Meredian was formed completely.

Lin Tian felt this was the hardest fight he had ever done since he was reborn.

when the meredian completed suddenly a large influx of Spirit Power start flowing and filling every corner of Xiao Wu's meredians.

with this meredians Xiao Wu body start changing from a non human into a semi-human which causes her breath to also change and become similar to a human to some degree.

but Lin Tian didn't have the mind to think or feel about this change, because all he can feel right now is lust that has fill every inch of his body especially his raging little brother down there.

just as he pull Xiao Wu's shoulder suddenly she fell back easily without any resistance, Lin Tian become a bit sober by the shock and hurriedly check her condition.

"This girl is actually sleeping." Lin Tian said while his eyebrow keep twitching in annoyance while looking at the sleeping girl.

while he is glad that there's nothing wrong with Xiao Wu, Lin Tian still felt the urge to vomit blood because of the annoyance.

'Is this what it meant to be c*ck blocked?'

Lin Tian shook his head helplessly, the girl is already asleep and he can't just ask her to wake up help him with his libido.

in the end he just took a cold midnight shower to calm his mind and then forcefully sleep through the night beside her.


The next Morning.

their group of four people are walking towards the edge of Soto city.

Lin tian was walking while yawning widely. his body is good as ever but his mind still feel heavy from last night event.

at the side was Xiao Wu who was embarrassed and didn't dare to look at Lin Tian directly in the eye, even though nothing really happen with them she's still embarrassed with the sound she had made last night.

Tang San being the wood head he is didn't really notice anything about their condition, while Zhu Zhuqing took notice that something is wrong with them and start imagining things wildly.

the four keep walking in silence on the way until finally they saw a group of young teens queuing in a line, on the top of the end of the queuing line there's a wood sign saying 'Shrek Academy'."

must write mooreee......

kardel_Mastercreators' thoughts