
Douluo Dalu : Journey To The End

Reborn in Douluo Dalu, No OP System to help nor Powerful family or Rich beautiful fiance to help Lin Tian : "I will see this this life journey of mine to the end" --------------------------------------------------------------------------- my first time trying to write Fanfic, expect it to be problematic and has many imperfection. hopefully i'm able to see this novel through to the end as the name is also my wishes Note: been busy IRL and updating the novel become unstable for now

kardel_Master · Anime & Comics
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57 Chs

Chapter 52: Night talk and difference

Night comes and the city start it's night life.

Unlike the small Notting City, Soto City are considered to be a Large city which causes the city to be bustling even through the night.

as for Lin Tian's group they already staying in the hotel booked by the restaurant staff. Lin Tian himself are already inside his hotel room, he is reading some updated report while waiting for something.

*Knock *Knock

hearing the knock Lin Tian directly get up form his chair and open the door, there he finally saw the person he was waiting for. Xiao Wu were infront of him while wearing light pink colored pajamas her hair is not tied and falling freely showing her knee length black hair.

Lin Tian smiled and directly welcome her inside, "Come in let's go and talk inside."

Xiao Wu didn't say anything and come inside the room, without hesitation she directly sit on the bed side while Lin Tian also followed by sitting beside her.

when he sit down Xiao Wu suddenly lunged and hug him tightly, Lin tian also put his arm around and hug her back.

"I miss you."

"I miss you too."

both stayed like this for a few minutes, feeling each other's presence venting their loneliness from seperation for the pas few years.

suddenly Xiao Wu look up at his face and asked while still hugging him, "Brother Tian how did you ended up coming together with Sister Zhuqing."

Lin Tian hearing this think for a while and then sigh, "Well it is a bit of a long story."

then he started telling her the story of his journey, starting from when he set out from Gengxin city aiming to go to Star Dou forest to get his third spirit ring.

he explain he meet Zhu Zhuqing that almost die when he was almost outside of the forest and he ended up saving her because the assassins tried to attack him to kill innocent passersby but they ended up being killed themself.

hearing this Xiao Wu was a bit nervous, she has been living a normal life in notting city and never had to fight to death with other people so killing another people is something a bit farfetched for her currently.

"From what I know at the time one of her guards betrayed her and then backstabbed her when she was surrounded by the assassins. as for the one who wanted to kill her it seems to be her own sister."

once again Xiao Wu was surprised, "Bu-but why her own sister wanted to kill her!?"

"Well I already know the reason behind this and I can tell you, but I hope you won't tell anyone else about this matter ok." Lin Tian said while looking at Xiao Wu seriously.

seeing him being so serious Xiao Wu nodded.

then Lin Tian start explaining about Zhu Zhuqing origin, being the daughter of the Zhu Family Patriarch and wedded to the Prince. and then he explain Star Luo Empire tradition for choosing their Prince by pitting the prince and their fiance against each other, the winner will become Crown Prince and the loser will die.

"So the reason why Sister Zhu almost being assassinated by her sister is..."

Lin Tian nodded, "Actually it is a very rare case for the candidates to be assassinated in the Star Luo Empire history most of the time both pair of candidate will ended up fighting each other to the death in front of the king when they are of age. but Zhu Zhuqing fiance the young prince ended up running away a few years ago and left her behind alone in the Star Luo Empire which cause this event to happen."

"What! how could he do that! didn't he even think anything about sister Zhu's feeling at all!?"

Lin Tian shook his head, "The prince ran away bringing a big amount of money with him, and he spend most of his time wasting his money in debauchery. Actually you have already seen him today."

hearing this Xiao Wu feel as if thunder struck her mind, "Bother did you mean..."

"Yes it was the guys that we met at the hotel lobby, he is the Star Luo Empire young prince and also Zhu Zhuqing fiance."

"Ooh poor Sister Zhu no wonder her face is so pale when I first saw her."

Xiao Wu was shaking while saying this, she couldn't imagine how it feels being abandoned and then meeting the person who abandoned her only to found out that he was actually such a bastard.

Lin Tian patted her head to calm her down, "Well you can go interact more with her and become friends later ok, even though she seems a bit cold because of her experience she is actually a very nice person after you get to know her."

Xiao Wu nodded and calm her emotions while being patted by Lin Tian, inside her mind she decide to protect Zhu Zhuqing and keep her away from that bastard of a man.

"Alright that's enough for the depressing matter now. Xiao Wu I have a good cultivation technique for you."

and then Lin Tian start telling her the cultivation method of Primordial Heavenly Technique, of course he will also help her to open the meredians so she can have a head start.

Hearing his explaination Xiao Wu interest was piqued, after all becoming stronger is something that every Spirit Master wanted.

Finally it is time to start with the meredians opening, Lin Tian sit behind Xiao Wu while she is sitting cross legged infront of him.

"I'm going to start now, just tell me later if you feel uncomfortable with anything."


Lin Tian start by pressing his hand and her back, but when he wanted to start he was stunned speechless.

what he would normally need to do is to input his Spirit power into the meredian slowly and help the people to open meredian and feel redirect the flow of Spirit Power for cultivation.

but when he touch Xiao Wu's back he realizes a problem and a fatal one, her body doesn't have any meredian that other human normally would have and also he could feel her body is not the same as human on the inside.

'is it possible a transformed Spirit Beast's body is not the same as human? wait I remember in the original story Tang Hao saying to Xiao Wu about transformed Spirit Beast reaching maturity when becoming a Spirit Saint, could it mean her body will only become fully human when she become Spirit saint?'

thinking of this Lin Tian become stucked in hard place, because if he stopped now Xiao Wu might find something wrong.

'Damn it what should I do now!!'