
Douluo Dalu: Hentai

[#Warning##Don't read this because this is a Hentai fiction] An old man reincarnated in Soul Land with a system. [No futanari, slight yuri] Tags: Dirty old man, pig monster, clones, rape, pedo, heavy sexual activity....etc.

Doldman116 · Anime & Comics
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34 Chs

Side story-2 Break the destiny

Ning Rongrong made the least progress out of all the girls during the three days of gruelling practice of the technique taught by Pigmo, while Zhuqing made the most. Nevertheless, all the girls gave it their all to raise the Spiritual power realm. They went to Soul Arena on occasion for group matches, where their abilities were praised and well-known by all participants and people.

Within the isolation barrier, a short pig monster stood in the centre where Pigmo was surrounded by the girls in the morning, and Zhuqing dashed towards him at high speed to attack him with her sharp cat claws. His chubby hands developed a strong metallic layer that defended against her attacks.

"First Spirt ability: Tongue blade"

Meng Yiran aimed her Serpent cane's sharp tongue at him, but he dodged the blade before it arrived, which surprised her because it looked like he could predict the future. Xiao Wu kicked him with her leg while he casually gripped her leg and pushed her leg to the side. Xiao Wu's whole body was pushed to the ground and stopped herself by stumping her foot to the ground.

"First spirit ability: Strength amplification"

"Second spirit ability: Speed amplification"

A Seven Treasure glazed tile pagoda shone brightly in Ning Rongrong's hand, and Xiao Wu felt her strength increase as she dashed toward Pigmo with a grin. Ning Rongrong's spirit ability increased Meng Yiran and Zhuqing's speed.

"Third spirit ability: Poison web orb" Meng Yiran mobilized his movements by using her poison wed on him.

"Third spirit ability: Hell Shadow blade" When Pigmo dodged the poisoned web, Zhuqing dashed to his right side with sharp blade hands, while Meng Yiran used her Tongue blade spirit ability on his left. And, using her Teleportation spirit ability, Xiao Wu appeared behind him in a surprise attack.

'Well, everything was perfect except...' Pigmo took a step back as Meng Yiran Tongue's blade skill was directed at Zhuquing and bent back to avoid Xiao Wu's attack who had just teleported behind him. He grabbed Xiao Wu's leg again and threw her body at Meng Yiran, who was still attempting to stop her spirit ability.

As all three were defeated by themselves, Pigmo appeared behind Ning Rongrong, who was perplexed, but she suddenly felt her back chill and turned her head back. Pigmo stared at her with red glowing eyes as her legs became paralyzed and she collapsed to the ground, sweating profusely.

'I think we've been fighting for an hour, it's time to stop,' Pigmo thought as he easily defeated them single-handedly while gazing at the rising sun. They can't see an opening when they fight Pigmo, and their stamina is nearly depleted.

"Enough for today," Pigmo said as they panted and kneeled on the ground. The isolation barrier was removed as they went to their dorm for a bath.


A small girl sat under a tree in a grass field, with an adorable face and a longing for someone. Then, with a wide grin, a blonde-haired boy dashed towards her.

"Don't worry, I'll defeat my brother and promise to save you, Zhyqing," the little boy said confidently.

In Mubai's room, he awoke with a dream of his childhood memory, as he had remembered the promise he made to her. He was ashamed of leaving her there and didn't care about her while he was enjoying life.

"Will she forgive me...whatever I'll make up with her, but seeing her improvement, I might fall behind her," Dai Mubai clenched his fist.

"All right, I'll talk to her now," said Dai Mubai with determination on his face.

He washed up quickly and went to the academy canteen. He noticed Zhuqing sitting with other girls, smiling and conversing with them. When he returned to his chair opposite her after picking up the food and attempted to converse with her.

"Oi! Boss, let's go, twins are waiting for you!" exclaimed Ma Hongjun, who couldn't wait to enjoy the evening. Dai Mubai was stunned by his words; his first impression of him with Zhuqing had been destroyed.

"It's not what you think, Zhuqing?" Dai Mubai explained Ma Hongjun's words to Zhuqing, and Ma Hongjun thought he ruined their relationship as he slipped away quietly from the canteen, not wanting to face the angry Dai Mubai.

But Zhuqing didn't even look at him as she stood up and walked over after she finished her meal. Meng Yiran laughed at the Dai Mubai, thinking that if he found out what they were doing every night, he would have a heart attack.

"Wait, Zhuqing! I need to speak with you" Dai Mubai abruptly stated. Zhuqing sighed and excused herself by looking at the girls.

"Don't worry, we'll wait there and come soon?" said Ning Rongrong, her uninterested gaze fixed on Dai Mubai. That look irritated him, and he wanted to yell at her, but he needed to make amends with Zhuqing first.

"So tell me, what do you want to say" Zhuqing questioned with a stern expression.

"That fatty was telling all lies, so don't take it to your heart," said Dai Mubai with a slight smile. Zhuqing clenched her fist, furious at his deception, but she kept her cool.

"And we should work together to fight against our siblings for the throne," Dai Mubai said as he moved closer to her, but Zhuqing stepped back and looked at him with disgust. Mubai's movements changed when he sensed her disdain for him.

"Dai Mubai, when I first came to Soutou city, I saw you with twins and taking them to a love hotel, and I thought you were going to apologize, but...you lied," Zhuqing said coldly, disgusted with him. He was ashamed of his actions, but he refused to give up on her.

"I apologize..."

"Don't.. You think I'll forgive you with your words, but you abandoned me in that hell, and every time and day I have to live in fear as if I'm going to die at the hands of my sister....and that promise you made to me, you threw it away "Zhuqiug spoke in a cold and angry tone, her eyes slightly red. Dai Mubai was taken aback by her words, and he had forgotten the promise he had made to her.

Xiao Wu became enraged when she saw Zhuqing trembling and about to attack him, but Meng Yiran grabbed her and shook her head to stop her.

"Zhuqing, please allow me to explain..." begged Dai Mubai as he couldn't wait to explain to her.

"No, I've had enough of you, and as for kingdom tradition, I'll face it with my own strength and hard work," Zhuqing said as he walked over to the girls. Dai Mubai was standing by himself and staring at her back while trying to call her but finding that his voice was muffled by what she had said.

"Zhuqing, are you all right? Tell me I'll beat that jerk into submission " With a scowl on his face, Xiao Wu said. The other girls were concerned about her and inquired about her situation. Zhuqing's heart was happy, and no one had ever cared about her, not even her own family, but seeing them concerned about her shook her cold heart.

Since Zhuqing's tone was the opposite of who she was supposed to be, everyone was taken aback when she said, "There's nothing to worry about, and thanks for worrying"

'Good job, kitty, I'll reward you at night,' Pigmo, who was in Ning Rongrong's arms and witnessing everything, said via telepathy. Zhuqing smiled as she lowered her head shyly.

'Where had master gone, Pigmo? I want to meet him right away,' Zhuqing said longingly through telepathy. They began walking towards the meeting point with Yu Xiaogang.

'Don't worry, you'll meet him soon, and you'll have to act a lot when he shows up,' Pigmo said via telepathy, a wide grin on his little cute pig face.

The students in the Shrek academy stood in a straight line only Dai Mubai was dull remaining all were enthusiastic about a group match.

"Well, our next opponent is Heaven Dou Academy, and they are strong, but don't be afraid students, you got this with all the training I put you through, and don't forget the teamwork," Yu Xiaogang said, folding his hands back.

'Tsk, What a moron?' thought Meng Yiran, disgusted with his hypocritical behaviour, but Xiao Wu still believed him, was a headache, and she was hoping Gin would bring her back to reality.

'Hehe, I'll put a bet on my students,' Flender thought, eager to get on profit from their match.