
Douluo Dalu: Hentai

[#Warning##Don't read this because this is a Hentai fiction] An old man reincarnated in Soul Land with a system. [No futanari, slight yuri] Tags: Dirty old man, pig monster, clones, rape, pedo, heavy sexual activity....etc.

Doldman116 · Anime & Comics
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34 Chs

Chapter 14- Patting Liu Erlong

Blue tyrant academy-

A wrinkled old man in a black robe sat on a chair in the office. This was Old Gin, looking at the voluptuous woman with red eyes. Liu Erlong was one of the Golden Ironed Triangle's members. She was a stunning woman in her thirties, dressed in a dark blue gown that hugged her curvy figure tightly. Her beautiful face was looking at the old man as her black smooth hair fell over her shoulder.

"What do you want, old man?" Liu Erlong asked, her face was cold, as Old Gin smiled at her.

"Well, I'd like to join a girl in your academy," Old Gin explained as to why he came to the Blue Tyrant Academy.

"But this Academy is only for ordinary citizens, and by the looks of you, she may be from a wealthy family," Liu Erlong said, thinking this would be difficult.

"You are correct, her name is Zhu Zhuqing, princess of the Star Luo Empire," Old Gin said. She was astounded because she was aware of the Star Luo Empire's tradition for their descendants, which was extremely cruel to young children.

'Tsk never thought it was from the royal family,' Liu Erlong thought, and it was very risky to deal with a Royal family if it was from a clan she might be able to help.

"If you help that poor girl, I will become this Academy's guardian," Old Gin said confidently as he made his offer.

"What? At your age, don't make fun of yourself old man "said Liu Erlong, thinking the old man was joking with her.

"Oh! If you're doubting my strength, taste it, lady "As a red violent spiritual power pressed down on the entire room, Liu Erlong's breathing became difficult and her consciousness slowly faded.

'What in the world is this power? If this continues, my mind will blank out,' Liu Erlong thought as she held the table to support herself, but the pressure suddenly stopped and everything returned to normal. Her panting face looked up at the old man's red glowing eyes, which were staring at her like a monster.

"Do you have any doubts about my strength, Lady Liu?" Old Gin smirked.

"No, I don't have, and I apologise for doubting you, sir," Liu Erlong said respectfully while wiping sweat from her brow, and her demeanour softened towards him.

"No need to be like that, Lady; instead, I have to be grateful for your assistance," Old Gin said with a smile. She nodded and inquired about Zhuqing, who was about to join the Academy, as he told her a made-up story about what happened with Zhuqing and him.

'Well, I want to beat that bastard Dai Mudai, and that lonely girl has faced many difficulties; if I know this, I will take care of her without thinking,' Liu Erlong thought as Old Gin ogled at the ample breasts that bounced whenever she moved as he wanted to suck them hard.

'Damn, I can't wait to fuck her,' Gin thought, unable to control his thoughts in the presence of such a luscious woman.

"As for Lady Liu..."

"Call me Erlong sir," Liu Erlong said with a winsome smile.

"Then you too call me Gin, she was currently in Shrek Academy and training there as you see that academy is a horrible place never expected that a member of Golded Iron Triangle was a broke person," said Old Gin with a blank face. Liu Erlong was embarrassed by her friend, and she knew Flender was greedy.

"This...I apologize in place of my friend," Liu Erlong said, her cherry lips wary.

"It's fine, and why don't you show me around the Academy Erlong?" Gin asked, standing up from his chair.

Gin and Erlong were walking in the corridor of the classroom section building around midday, and Liu Erlong was explaining the Academy's standards and profits. When Liu Erlong walked in front of Gin, he was only ogling at her peach ass, which was moving up and down.

Gin would interrupt their conversation to talk to children coming out of class and answer any questions he had about the academy. They ate their lunch in the academy canteen, which tasted good, and walked to a green hill mountain while chatting about other topics. He looked at the plain house with many neatly placed flower pots in front.

"This place is peaceful, but there's a lonely feeling mixed in here," Gin said from the bottom of his heart as Liu Erlong's face became sad and she remembered her mid-twenties days. Gin saw her absent-minded expression and knew she was thinking about that shit Xiaogang.

"Seems like you've had a rough past, Erlong," Gin said softly. He took her hand in his and led her to the centre of the flower garden. She was startled by his unexpected touching and wanted to pull her hand away from his, but then a table and chairs appeared out of nowhere.

"This.." she was shocked seeing the table coming out from the air.

"Relax and sit down, Erlong," Gin said, pulling her to a chair. She sat gracefully in the chair, and coffee appeared on the table.

"Are you surprised that I can store these big things?" Gin asked, nodding her head and sipping her coffee.

"That's because my Martial soul has a space element, even if it has limited usage. Anyway, why don't you tell me about your broken heart past, maybe it'll cool down your sadness," Gin said as she fell silent at his words.

'It's been a long time since I talked to someone open-minded,' Liu Erlong sighed.

"Well, it all started with the death of my mother..." She described her tragic love story and her journey from childhood, describing how she was born to a prostitute and her father was actually an elder of the Blue Lightning Tyrant Dragon Clan.

Every woman's wedding is the most important day of her life, but it was an unfortunate day for her when her father yelled and declared that she was Yu Xiaogang's cousin. After learning this, Yu Xiaogang ran away from the wedding, leaving her alone, Her mind stopped working and her heart was broken.

"From that day forward, I've been waiting for him for ten years....but he never came," Liu Erlong said in a longing voice as tears rolled out from her eyes.

'Damn! She squandered twenty years for a scumbag, I've never understood women's hearts, they only fall for idiots,' Gin reflected, even in his previous life, good women fell for a rouge.

"Well, he was born with a weak spirit and cast out from his clan, but he worked hard to make a name for himself and eventually published a Theory that was praised by everyone, but the fact that his lover was his relative broke him down a lot," Gin explained, as Liu Erlong understood why Gin was telling her that she needed to understand Yu Xiaogang's point of view.

'I've never thought in this way...' Liu Erlong reflected, her mind racing with thoughts.

"But he's never a suitable person for you," Gin said in a mocking tone while sipping his coffee, which Liu Erlong never expected to hear from him. Her heart swelled with rage, and she cast a cold glance at him.

"Because you may have a bit of a temper or more haha but your personality is beautiful, I don't think such a graceful person is suitable for a guy like him...just my thoughts, and as a man, he is also a good guy to face and stand up to humiliation from his clan," said Gin praising Yu Xiaogang.

"But Liu Erlong, he should have told you after one or three years to break up with you, but he didn't care, even knowing your stubborn nature is just the worst thing he did to you and he didn't meet you, of course, you can force him to marry you again, but what he did isn't right," explained Gin about his dislike of her lover.

"When a man faces solitude, he will certainly strengthen himself, but in the case of a woman, they can't hold against the loneliness," Gin said with a sad voice as his eyes looked at her deeply. She can see his loneliness and she can't even compare it to his.

Her eyes couldn't take it any longer, and she realised she'd squandered her lifetime, effort, and love. Gin stood up and embraced her to his chest, tears streaming down her trembling hands. She clenched on his shoulders, buried her face in his chest, and cried out loud, unconcerned about her demeanour.

She eventually stopped crying, and she was so embarrassed by her behaviour that she didn't want to see Gin. Gin was slowly patting her back to make her feel better, and she moved her back from his chest with red swollen eyes and a beat-red face while turning her head away.

"Haha now, Erlong, did you feel good?" Gin asked, embracing her head with his hand. She nodded her head and felt no disgust at the thought of an old man touching her. Suddenly, he lifted her in a princess pose, startling Erlong, and he walked over to the house. He threw her into bed and slept next to her.

"You cried a lot, so sleep well, and don't worry, I won't do anything to you," Gin said, nodding her head and deciding to allow this only for today. And she slept peacefully by using his arm as a pillow and closing her eyes.

'Oh? She actually fell asleep... OK, maybe she's mentally tired, but sweety, from now on I'm going to play with you a lot hehe I can't wait to taste this woman,' Gin thought as he heard his system's notifications.

[Ding, congratulations, host, on entering the plot story and earning 500000 million points]

[Ding, the Host, gained 50,000 points by changing the thoughts of side character Liu Erlong]

[Ding, Host received a special Nirvana Quantum reward for entering the plot, which was saved in the Storage]

'What is this reward...?' Gin wondered as he took it out, which was spinning with many red circles around the Bright red ord. Then, in front of him, a screen with an empty circle appeared. He was perplexed, and the Nirvana Quantum sucked into the empty circle, closing the screen. All of this happened in the blink of an eye, and he had no idea what had happened.

[Ding, saving the Nirvana Quantum and loading the process.....1%....2%....]

'Tsk, very slow loading, who cares now, it's time for the girls to face the heaven Dou Academy students in the Spirit Arena,' Gin thought as he drifted into sleep while hugging Liu Erlong.


Author: Some may be offended if I praise Yu Xiaogang, but I believe he has faced humiliation since he was 6 years old. But what he did to Liu Erlong and Bibidong was equally heinous. And I had a brilliant idea to use Liu Erlong XD.

Finally, I believe that we should learn about every positive aspect of a person. Thank you for taking the time to read this.