
Douluo Dalu: Era of Tang Ming.

A story about a person reincarnating in his most loved and prized fiction with some wishes. This is fanfiction of Douluo Dalu and the story will follow canon. And yes MC is going not going to hug Tang San thigh but will be with him. I don't own Douluo Dalu or any characters. All rights belongs to their respective owners. All I own is my character and the things that I will later add.

PrimorDious · Anime & Comics
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133 Chs

Tang Ming vs Blaze Academy! (1/3)

A/N : Hello Everyone! Hope you all been having good times.

So for not posting chapter for regularly, i wrote this chapter a little longer. It's approx word count is about my two short chapter. You can also expect another chapter tomorrow (not lying, i swear).

So Enjoy.

Any suggestions, reviews and comments are appreciated either positive or not. Now I'm out.

Your Not So Regular Allfather Author - PrimorDious.

Peace out ✌️.



"Don't worry, Zhuqing. Tang Ming isn't going to be harmed by just some fourth spirit skill of a Spirit Ancestor. You should know better than that."

Liu Erlong tried to appease Zhuqing, who look like is gonna jump off to the battle stage. The other beside her who also looked worried and shouted for Tang Ming, also became relieved realising who he is and how strong he is.

Hearing Liu Erlong, Zhuqing calmed down a little bit as she remembered the conversation she had with Tang Ming a few days ago.


"So how strong are you right now, Ming?" Zhuqing had asked this question to Tang Ming, out of pure curiosity.

It has become a regular habit for both of them to spend some time at night together, either taking a long walk or just laying on the rooftop of their chamber looking at the moon.

Both of them were the type who didn't like to talk much. Spending time in the silent night gazing at the moon with each other, is one of the few moments both waited for to come.

This too was one of the nights where they were just sitting beside each other as they both talked about their whole days listening to each other, when this question came in her mind out of nowhere.

No one in their whole Shrek Academy know how powerful Tang Ming is, as he had even defeated the three teacher Flender, Zhao Wuji and Liu Erlong in a single battle. Tang Ming had also never mentioned clearly how strong he is, as even she

"Um... I don't have a definite answer to your question, Zhuqing. But if I say it conservatively, then perhaps no one below a Spirit Douluo even hope to injure me."

Tang Ming said trying to be as conservative as he can. He had full confidence in himself that no one below Titled Douluo can even harm a single hair of his but... that's for him to know.

Zhuqing who heard Tang Ming statement looked at him with a little surprise and doubt, but seeing the sheer amount of confidence he was exuding, she smiled and didn't continue further.


And her worry faded as soon as the dust settled.

Standing straight without as much as a speck of dust in his uniform, Tang Ming didn't look like as if he had taken an attack.

The two agility system Spirit Master who after attacking had backed off looked like as if they had seen a ghost as their eyes went completely wide in astonishment.

"But how..!?"

"Our attack definitely connected... how is this possible that you are totally unscathed? Even an early spirit king will be severely injured from the surprise attack of both of us...?!"

This was the question many in the spectators were asking themselves too, even the higher ups in VIP seats looked at this with interest.

"Go!" Tang Ming suddenly said in a low tone as he pointed his spear at the Blaze Academy, amidst the confusion.

But before anyone can guess what happened, Dai Mubai abruptly took a step forward, making the whole stage shake. Huang Yuan and Tai Long followed at his side, the three simultaneously pressuring their counterparts.

At their waist appeared wrapped a slender and extremely durable Blue Silver Grass.


At this moment, raging flames also leapt up from the middle of the enemy ranks. Fiery red light filled half of the stage with scorching hot air.

The other members of the Blaze academy also released their first spirit ring releasing dazzling light.

Sparks radiated all around the two auxiliary system spirit masters, countless little flecks of light in the air swiftly condensed and spiralled over the head of all seven.

"Today is the day your winning streak ends." Huo Wushuang said.

"That's what I wanted to say. Today will be the day your Blaze Academy meets their destiny."

Dai Mubai said with smirk.

Huo Wushuang, who was the captain of the Blaze Academy brazenly stepped forward with the the other power attack system spirit master. A resonant dragon roar came from his throat as the flames all over his body vaguely took the shape of a fire dragon.

Spirit Possession made his body swell a size, covering his hands and skin with flaming deep red scales.

The two agility attack system spirit master also detoured around them again as this time they once again went for someone at the back...Tang San.

Without a doubt, the Blaze academy tacit understanding was extremely good. The match had just started but not only they managed to land a clean hit, they also managed to establish a little advantage.

On the battlefield only three people didn't move. On Shrek Academy's side was Tang Ming and Tang San and on the opposite side Huo Wu, the female member of the Blaze Academy.

Tang Ming has replaced Jiang Zhu for this match, as having him in the match just guarantees their victory. He was naturally standing there without any movement as he was only there for support.

Huo Wu first looked at Tang San and then at Tang Ming. Xiao Wu and Jing Ling also flashed out to the side meeting the opponents two agility system spirit master, loudly colliding with each other.

Dai Mubai and Huo Wushuang loudly erupted with their second spirit ability, both jolted simultaneously. Huo Wushuang took a step back as Dai Mubai didn't move a hairs breadth.

The two both had extremely powerful martial spirit, but Dai Mubai still had an edge in its quality and spirit power.

Wushuang looked unreconciled from being pushed back in their bout. With an explosive roar he once again swiftly charged forward without using any spirit ability, striking at Dai Mubai with pure brute force.

The other Blazing Academy power attack system spirit master was somewhat out of luck, fa ing the attack of both Tai Long and Huang Yuan at the same time.

Tai Long martial spirit is Vajra Orangutan and after Spirit Possession, his body sturdiness almost rivals Dai Mubai. His Attack was also the simplest, pure spartan force. Basically no matter what or who the opponent is, he would let the opponent bombard him and he would equally throw out his fists.

Huang Yuan on the other hand was extremely swift with his movements as he was not giving any chance for his opponent to land a blow on him while simultaneously attacking him.

When there was a little difference in level, a two on one battle is without any suspense. But at this moment, those constantly condensing sparks in the air who were originaly ecey distributed across all the members, suddenly accelerated, their collective power shooting into the body of the power attack system spirit master.

His spirit power immediately swelled as tremendous energy suddenly exploded out of him, repelling both Tai Long and Huang Yuan's attacks.

Even if it didn't injure the two, the leopard power attack system spirit master immediate crisis was resolved. He immediately went straight for the seemingly weaker of the two, Huang Yuan.

He wasn't going to fight that madman who was shouting something along the line of 'Finally a worthy opponent, our battle will be Legendary!' as he looked at him with this crazed glint in his eyes while continuously raining down punches on him.

Having seen this clearly, Tang San finally moved. With just the thought, Blue Silver Grass abruptly withdrew, pulling back Huang Yuan and Tai Long, while also pulling back Dai Mubai at the same time.

Dai Mubai and Huo Wushuang could be said to be evenly matched. Both were power attack system spirit master, both had overbearing spirit, there was just a very little difference in spirit power but what's different among the two is the experience and fighting capability.

Dai Mubai who has practiced with Tang Ming has learned quite a bit of unique martial arts from him, mostly the one he fancied was what Tang Ming called Boxing and Judo.

Just this much difference made it quite hard for Huo Wushuang to land a hit as Dai Mubai easily parried or countered most of his attacks with minute precision, while also landing a blow or two in middle.

But just as Huo Wushuang thought he would land a hit, Dai Mubai sudden retreat was undoubtedly beyond Huo Wushuang's comprehension. His feet unconsciously followed, automatically pulled along, both fists simultaneously bursting out, straight at Dai Mubai's chest.

Dai Mubai retreat was too fast and at the same time Huo Wushuang also that felt something was amiss.

But at the moment he advanced, Huang Yuan and Tai Long also simultaneously retreated to either side, the three forming a perfect triangular formation with him in the centre.

This wasn't the first time Shrek has used this tactics in a fight. Last time, it was the same tactics that Shrek Seven Devils used against Heaven Dou Imperial Academy when they fought against them in Great Spirit Arena, trapping the young master of Blue Tyrant Lightning Dragon Clan and finally defeating them. They had also used it in quite a few matches during tornament ensuring a swift victory.

Tang Ming hadn't seen them used this the last time as he was not there at that time but even he had to admit that he too would've fell for this trap, although it's whole another matter if they can keep him trapped.

Tang Ming looked at Huo Wushuang, who wasn't weak at his level but facing against three attack system spirit master, all of them stronger than other.

Dai Mubai and Tang San had already discussed this before, and as he retreated, he had already understood Tang San's intention. Without the slightest hesitation he directly unleashed his third spirit ability as he shouted.

"White Tiger Vajra Transformation!"

His figure instantly grew a size bigger as his muscle expanded and the white light around him turned golden white. A 'king' character in Chinese also appeared at his forehead.

Even though he was retreating, his imposing manner increased instantly. Seeing the encirclement almost complete, Dai Mubai halted. He crouched like a tiger and immediately attacked with lightning speed.

Everything happened extremely fast, this encircling joint attack was fast, fierce, precise and instantaneous. As long as they defeated Huo Wushuang, then the rest of the team would also fall quickly..

But Tang Ming knew that it wasn't so easy. He knew that even though they managed to trap Huo Wushuang, but it isn't going to last long.

He knew that just as their team observed other team and their battles, the others also checked their information too. So the chances of this tactics failing was also extremely high. Tang Ming knew Tang San also understood this and he must would have some other things planned.

Also there is someone else on the Blaze Academy that is even stronger than Huo Wushuang, Huo Wu.

So before Huo Wu could do anything to change the outcome or prolong the battle unnecessarily, he too moved.

A flaming whirlwind suddenly erupted from within the Blaze Academy team, as Huo Wu who had stood silently from the beginning moved.

Her action was also simple as her third spirit ring started shining. A dazzling purple light mixed with the golden red around her, as a ring-shaped flame instantly erupted where it was needed the most.

Her control was extremely precise and when that ring-shaped flame arrived, was precisely when Dai Mubai and trio completed their encirclement.

But before the ring-shaped flamed could even touch anything, Tang Ming suddenly activated his [Godspeed] as purple lightning started flickering all around his body.

He immediately disappeared from his place and appeared right in front of the ring-shaped flame as he didn't do anything and let it hit him. He was just there to support them in this match, so what better ways other than tanking most of the lethal hits from the opponent and letting his team execute their plan and defeat them.

He was also testing if any of the participants attack can even injure him slightly, as just his physical body strength alone without enhancing it with spirit power is something beyond the concept of Douluo World.

Bizzarely, even though that erupting ring of flame hit Tang Ming, it didn't make any sound. It's as if a drop of water was thrown into a huge ocean.

"*Sigh* too weak...well it's not that unexpected." Tang Ming muttered lightly to himself but at the moment when everyone heard it, they exploded.

They suddenly remembered that he just had taken two direct hit from the agility system spirit master too and was unharmed.

"How is this possible..hm. Does he has some kind of nullification spirit ability but.." Ning Fengzhi at the VIP section mused.

"But he clearly didn't use any of the spirit ability..maybe some kind of innate ability or technique, then?" Gu Rong who was standing beside him added.

"Maybe his physical body strength is too strong but this seems too unbelievable, tanking some ones attack at the same level without as much as a single scratch." Emperor Xue Ye said to Ning Fengzhi as the latter also nodded his head in agreement.

Platinum Bishop Salas frowned at this as he seems to have been lost in contemplation.


"I have to politely ask you to stop right there and wait for your eventual defeat without interfering. Or I might have to use force against you." Tang Ming tried to imitate the abominations known as young masters but failed spectacularly.

The other team members of Blaze Academy looked at him as if he was some kind of retard.

You asked them to stop and they will stop?

What kind of dumb logic is that in a battle.

"Oh yeah?! Just so you can take some beatings, makes you think you can stop me." Huo Wu retorted in anger as her attack didn't even manage to injure him.

She glared at him but didn't continue as she was interrupted.

"San, deal with him quickly. Or I will end it before you all can even get a chance, ..kay?"

Tang Ming didn't even gave them a single glance at them again as he disregarded whatever they were spouting and shouted at Tang San.

"And as for all of you...hmm. I don't like the look in all of your eyes. Till they finish their battle, why don't you all sit down and rest." Tang Ming said indifferently as he found all of them looking at him with cold murderous intent.

"Hmph! As if you can sto...??!"


Tang Ming said as he increased the gravity around the whole arena by ten time, yes whole arena, even where Tang San and others are.

Suddenly an enormous pressure descended on everyone in the battle stage as they almost immediately fell except, Shrek Academy team.

They all had already adapted to ten times gravity when they had trained with Tang Ming. Some of them can even handle twenty time the normal gravity, so for them it wasn't much but for Blaze Academy students it was another matter.

Not to mention sitting, they were laying flat on the ground except Huo Wu, who somehow was kneeling at one knee. If look could kill Tang Ming would've already died thousands of time by the way she was looking at him.

Tang Ming too was in the mood as he provoked her even more and smirked at her.


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