
Douluo Dalu: Era of Tang Ming.

A story about a person reincarnating in his most loved and prized fiction with some wishes. This is fanfiction of Douluo Dalu and the story will follow canon. And yes MC is going not going to hug Tang San thigh but will be with him. I don't own Douluo Dalu or any characters. All rights belongs to their respective owners. All I own is my character and the things that I will later add.

PrimorDious · Anime & Comics
Not enough ratings
133 Chs

People Regrets.

A/N : Hello Everyone. I hope you all had a good day.

So this is todays chapter, a short one but still. I hope you like it.

Also can you all give me some power stones, i normally don't ask for it but I want it to be shown in fanfic list so others who have dropped this thinking I have stopped posting chapter can find this again.

Anyways, any suggestions, reviews and comments are appreciated either positive or not. Now I'm out.

Your Humble Allfather - PrimorDious. Peace out ✌️.



In the next few days, Shrek Academy basically encountered no real challenge as only three of the Seven Shrek Devils participated in every match with the four substitutes, to crush all the academies they were against.

The opponent academies will either abstain from the match or will be defeated in less than one minute.

This also become one of the focal discussion during the match, as the spectators will bet if the next academy will either last for one minute or not against them.

They continued to win the few match that they had before facing any of the five elemental academies.

At this day, Grandmaster pushed the door of the Shrek Academy room as he entered with a little solemn expression on his face.

"The result of the few days have been nothing but speactacular to say but don't let this bit of arrogance get to your head. Your next game is going to be quite a bit of challenge as it is against one of the elemental academies - The Blazing Academy."

"Blazing Academy?"

Hearing this name, Shrek Academy student eyes lit up with excitement!

They finally have a wothy opponents who will not abstain from fighting. They have been one of the few academies that also had an undefeated record till now. Last few matches the opponent had all abstained from fighting them as they hadn't fought a single match in last few days.

"Our Battle Will be Legendary!!" shouted Ma Hongjun and Tai Long at the same time.

(A/N : Lame joke, i know.)

"Ming'ge, Teacher, let's prepare for the next match."

Tang San said as everyone immediately restrained their excitement and discussed what strategy to use against Blaze Academy.


At the Heaven Dou Great Spirit Arena, the spectators area were full to its maximum. The atmosphere seems to be as in a festival as people were cheering discussing and betting against each other.

Today was one of the few match that no one wanted to miss.

"Welcome everyone! To the eleventh round of the qualifiers."

"Today is one of the few very anticipated battle that people are dying to see. Yes, todays match is the fiery Blazing Academy vs mosnters of Shrek Academy!!"

As soon as the official announcer announced this, the crowd erupted in uproar as they all started shouting their respective favourite team name.

"Shrek Academy!!" No name side character 1.

"Shrek Academy!!" No name side character 2.

"Blazing Academy!" No Name side character 3.

"Shrek Aca...who the fuck said Blazing Academy?!"No name side character 4.

"Huh..so what?! Miss Huo Wu will definitely beat the crap out of Shrek and end their winning streak." No name side character 3.

"So, you've choosen death.." No name side character 1, 2, 3 and 5, which appeared put of nowhere said at the same time. Before the no.3 side character can even retort the other three jumped at him and started beating him.


Well no one gave attention to them as all of the others eyes are glooed toward the two entrance of the Great Spirit Arena.

"Please welcome Shrek Academy and Blazing Academy!"


The sound of the door opening sounded as the two doors opened at the same time as the lights suddenly focused on the two teams respectively.

In an instant, the familiar white uniform came into view as the figure of Dai Mubai in the lead, looked really cool with the knee length, wide at the bottom with golden yellow bordered trench coat exclusive to him. While others too were wearing the same long white trench coat and long trousers, just with different colours exclusive to them.

What's different about them from their previous matches was a member standing at the end who also wore similar uniform as the others but with platinum shades.

Yep, it was none other than Tang Ming who too decided to participate in the match.

On the other side, the seven members of Blazing Academy also entered the battle stage. All of them were wearing a blazing red uniform with golden outline and design.

Blazing Academy members consist of six men and one woman, who was also in the lead of their team, whose name was Huo Wu, who the no name side character 3 cheered for.


"No matter how many times I see, the uniform of the Shrek Academy looks so cool." Speactator 1.

"Right! I too feel the same. I have even pre-ordered the uniform of Dai Mubai with the golden linings from the Immortals Love as they have already ran out of stocks for Shrek Academy uniform." Speactator 2.

"Who is that young man standing behind? I seem to have seen him before" Speactator 3.

"..Hm?! Isn't this the same person who defeated the Heaven Dou Imperial Academy second team single handedly?" Spectator 2.

"WHAT..??" Speactator 1 and 3 said with shock as their conversation was loud enough to garner others attention as they all learned who the last person was.


"Last time, the Shrek Academy defeated the Elephant Armored Academy, one of the five elemental academies..."


In one of the stands, dedicated to participating academies, a burly man directly slammed the table as he heard the announcer statement!

The others standing behind him also have displeased expression on their faces, as they are none other than Elephant Armored Academy students.

The previous incidents of losing to Shrek Academy, a no name academy was a matter of shame for them.

"On the other side, like Shrek Academy, the Blazing Academy has also never lost a single match till now, having a record of perfect winning streak."

"Now, both academy please open martial spirits."

Both sides opened their martial spirits as they got in their battle formation. Tang Ming too summoned his Primordial Spear as four rings, yellow, yellow, purple and black rose from his feet as they started floating around him.

He stood at the end of their formation as his main role in this match is to support the team from behind and take action if anything untoward happens.

"Then let the battle begin!"

Shouted the official announcer loudly .


Shouted the captain of the Blazing Academy which surprisingly was not the girl but the young man standing beside her.

Four of them immediately dashed toward Shrek Academy team as the latter also dashed forward meeting them in close combat.

But suddenly two of the members of the Blazing Academy speeds increased significantly as they dodged the attacks of Shrek Academy and made a trail for the last person standing with a spear in his hand.

You know there's quite a few moments in life where a person regret doing what they did, something they shouldn't have done even I they grow two more balls under.

This was one of the moments the two agility will forever remeber in their life as Tang Ming whose main role was to support them and to assure their victory if any thing out of their prediction occurs, looked at them with surprise before smiling at them sincerely.

The two agility system members of Blazing Academy didn't hesitate to open their fourth spirit ring as two deep purple coloured ring rose up from their feet and merger with them.

"Fourth Spirit Skill : Flaming Leopard Kick!"

"Fourth Spirit Skill : Burning Flamingo Dive!"

This all happened so swiftly as no one even reacted except Tang San who was ready to obstruct both of them with his Blue Silver Grass only to see Tang Ming slightly shaking his head at him, as he reluctantly withdrew.


A huge shockwave was blasted outward as the attack of the both member of Blazing Academy connected with Tang Ming.

"Tang Ming.!!" Zhu Zhuqing who was at the spectators seat immediately stood up as she was ready to discard the rules of tournament to go save him.

"Brother Ming!"

"Tang Ming!!"

