
Douluo Dalu: Era of Tang Ming.

A story about a person reincarnating in his most loved and prized fiction with some wishes. This is fanfiction of Douluo Dalu and the story will follow canon. And yes MC is going not going to hug Tang San thigh but will be with him. I don't own Douluo Dalu or any characters. All rights belongs to their respective owners. All I own is my character and the things that I will later add.

PrimorDious · Anime & Comics
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133 Chs


The day passed out as everyone only rested that day except Grandmaster went to meet Tang San because of his extremely rare external spirit bone.

The next day, at this time Tang Ming can be seen outside at the forest beside the Shrek Academy. He was practicing with his external spirit bone which he named 'Battle Saint Gauntlets'.

He was now completely unafraid to fight anyone with his bare hands as the gauntlets gives his both hand a strong defence and striking power. Even his spear can't penetrate his gauntlets even when using [Thunderstorm Strike] to attack both of his hand.

He was really satisfied with his external spirit bone toughness and its skill.

He also finished his practice as the sun also rose up in the sky.

For sometime he was also thinking that if he should add spirit rings in his other martial spirit.

He decided to add spirit rings only to his Monkey Wine Gourd for now and will only add spirit rings to the other two when his body was able to endure the spirit ring of 100,000 years. After deciding he was walking toward the dorms as it is already more than 6 in the morning.

Tang Ming already guessed that after returning to Shrek Academy, the master should have also arrived by yesterday and would have met Tang San also because of the external spirit bone issue. He can easily say that Grandmaster cherishes and care for Tang San more as he can help him prove his theories.

He had already sensed him when he was looking for Tang San last night. And even though he didn't want to admit as it would hurt his pride and feeling, he was also hoping for him to come and meet him after seeing Tang San. But even after waiting all night at the door of his room Grandmaster didn't came.

No matter how arrogant he was and how strong he became, he can't deny that he also wanted to be loved. His last family didn't give him any familial love, though he admit that it was beacuse of his fault at the first place. He always hides his feelings from others behind a smile and vents it while practicing and training.

But after given a second chance to live and that too in his favourite world, he really wanted to experience this type of feeling and that was also one of the main reason he chose to come to Shrek Academy as he had seen in the original how Shrek Seven all love and care for each other. He also wanted to be one of them.

If not for that he would have already joined Spirit Hall. Personally he didn't have any prejudices against the Spirit Hall. It can even be said that he even agrees with the way Spirit Hall is developing and wanting to unite the whole continent. But they just had to go and kill the mother of both the ML and FL. If he can he would really change the outcome of Spirit Hall. But that goal was too far away for now.

He shook his head from this depressing thoughts as he got ready to meet his master. Even though Grandmaster didn't care for him as much as Tang San but he can't deny the fact that he was also the only person other than Tang San who showed him care and love.

When living with Tang Hao, it was a monotonus one as he didn't even care for his own son much less him. Well and fortunately because of that Tang San didn't even doubt him and always thought that Tang Ming is his biological brother.

After washing himself and wearing a platinum coloured suit with some golden embroidery, he slowly walked toward the academy.

As he was walking out of the forest, he sensed someone hiding on one of the trees. He didn't feel any malicious intent coming from the person as he looked at the tree and said in an indifferent voice, " Come out whoever is hiding."

The other party didn't moved and said anything.

Tang Ming raised one of his eyebrows in interest and then smirked as he thought to entertain whoever was spying. He suddenly disappeared from his place and appeared right in front of the tree as he clenched his fist and punched the other person.

But immediately his eyes widened as he saw the face of the person and hurriedly changed the direction of his punch. The other person eyes didn't even flinched slightly. The punch grazed past the face of the person and hit the tree.


The tree was immediately shattered upon impact and the force of the punch was so strong that it destroyed two more tree behind the first one.

The other person just stared coldly at his eyes directly. It was none other than Zhu Zhuqing who was looking at him directly in his eyes. Zhu Zhuqing then tilted her head slightly to look behind and saw the devastated tress as her eyes condensed slightly. She didn't think that a casual punch would be so powerful.

She hasn't seen Tang Ming fighting anyone seriously other than Titan Giant Ape and that too with his spear. She was quite shocked at his casual strength but didn't let her expression change.

"Zhu Zhuqing?"

Tang Ming looked at her with confusion, "Sorry, i didn't realise it was you."

"You don't ned to apologise. Its my fault." Zhu Zhuqing lighlty jumped from the tree. She was wearing a purple black dress that accentuated all her curves beautifully. Nobody can say that this was the body of a twelve year old.

"Do you have any business with me?" Tang Ming calmly asked and didn't lose his cool because of the fact that his crush is standing right in front of him all alone. Yep, definitely didn't lose himself in shouting and jumping.

"Un. I want you to become my partner in two on two matches in Soto City Great Fighting Arena. Will you?" Zhu Zhuqing asked Tang Ming without any change in her expression except they can see a slight blush on her white cheeks, which is very obvious.

"S-Soto City Fighting Arena..why not?" Tang Ming said blankly as he was stunned seeing her blush. No matter how many times he saw her he always become stunned seeing her blushing and smiling. He was always captivated by her beauty.

Zhu Zhuqing also was surprised for a moment as it can be seen on her face which in all the situation always remained cold have a touch of confusion, her eyes looked lost for a moment as she didn't thought that he would accept her request instantly.

"Wait..What? Didn't I tell you before that you should first reach spirit level 30 otherwise you would only eft hurt." Tang Ming came back to his senses as he asked her.

"I want to become stronger." Zhu Zhuqing replied concisely.

Tang Ming was silent for a while. He really didn't want her to get hurt. Looking at her determined face, she won't take a no for an answer.

Tang Ming knew that in the original book, Zhu Zhuqing's family clan was one of those big clans where the interest of the family matters more than anything. The struggle within the family is also very serious and she was schemed by her own sister who wanted to kill her. Her life was in danger every moment. No wonder she develops such a cold temperament.

"Fine. But you'll have to follow what I say." Tang Ming said.

Zhu Zhuqing nodded her head in agreement.

"Let's go back now." Tang Ming said.

Zhu Zhuqing and Tang Ming then made their way to the academy.

As they reached the the academy, they went toward cafeteria. Everyone else was also their now and was eating breakfast. As the both of them entered together, everyone else looked at them.

Nobody said anything as they continued eating except the fatty who was giving him knowing glances.

After eating they all came to the square.

At this moment, Flender walked in with two people by his sides.

"Children, I've a few things to announce today. So gather up."

Flender coughed a few times and then pointed his hand to the person next to him, "First of all, let me introduce the new teacher of the college."

Flender pointed toward the Grandmaster who was standing next to Zhao Wuji with his hands behind his back. He was wearing a black scholar like robe.

"This is the new teacher of our Shrek Academy and is called Grandmaster. He was the one who researched and published the ten core competencies of martial spirit. He is known as invincible in the theory of martial arts and has extremely high research on martial spirits. He is also the teacher of Tang Ming and Tang San."

They all were slightly surprised after hearing the first few lines of introduction but was completely shocked by the last thing Flender said.

Many of the Tang San's knowledge of spirit masters and martial arts were much better than them and he had always said that it was because of his teacher's guiding. They had long heard of his teacher but didn't expect him to come to Shrek Academy!

Tang Ming immediately stepped forward as he bowed straight ninety degree as greeted.


As Tang San has already met Grandmaster yesterday he wasn't surprised.

Grandmaster then hurriedly hold Tang Ming up and smiled. He was very satisfied with both of his disciples.

Flender then continued :

"From today all your training will be given to the Grandmaster and he'll be fully responsible for it."

The master then took a step forward and his eyes swept across all of them. Although his strength is low, he has a very rich experience and vast knowledge reserves. After glancing at all of them, Grandmaster then slowly said :

"My name is Yu Xiaogang, you all can directly call me teacher in the future. I have read the information of each of you. I will make a set of plan for training each of you in future. I'll treat everyone equally. As a student of Shrek Academy you must work harder than ordinary spirit master. Because this is the monster academy, Shrek Academy! where only monsters studies."

"Next, I'll simply divide your strength into three level. I'll determine the general direction and goal for each level for you!"


A/N : Here's today's chapter. SO ENJOY MDAFKRS.

As promised I have posted a new chapter. The next chapter will be released the day after tomorrow at the same time as of today. Anyway do tell me if like the chapter. And don't forget to--


Any suggestions, reviews and comments are appreciated either good or bad. Now I'm out.

Your Allfather Author-PrimorDious. Peace Out ✌️.

Creation is hard even if it's a fanfiction. So continue to support and cheer me up.

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