
Douluo Dalu: Era of Tang Ming.

A story about a person reincarnating in his most loved and prized fiction with some wishes. This is fanfiction of Douluo Dalu and the story will follow canon. And yes MC is going not going to hug Tang San thigh but will be with him. I don't own Douluo Dalu or any characters. All rights belongs to their respective owners. All I own is my character and the things that I will later add.

PrimorDious · Anime & Comics
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133 Chs

Classification Levels.

"The three levels are Mortal, Earth and Heaven. In mortal level are those who had not yet broken through level 30 and became Spirit Elder. Ning Rongrong, Zhu Zhuqing and Ma Hongjun you three are in mortal level. Your main goal now is to speed your cultivation and breakthrough level 30 as soon as possible."

"In Earth level are those who have reached level 31 or above. Tang San, Xiao Wu, Dai Mubai, Oscar you all are above level 30 and has already became a spirit elder. Your main goal now is to enhance your physical strength, to learn to control spirit power subtly and also to get familiar with your new skill. You all also need to have a deeper understanding of your own spirit and know when and how to use your skills effectively. I'll teach you this individually in the near future."

Grandmaster said clearly with a stern expression.

"Ehh? But what about brother Ming, teacher?" Xiao Wu immediately asked just as Grandmaster stopped to take a breath.

"Why are you so interested in my matter always, little devil?" Tang Ming asked with an evil grin as he continued, "Could it be.."

Tang Ming expression became exaggerated as he looked at Xiao Wu with disbelief as Xiao Wu immediately retorted without thinking, "It's not like that. I like Xiao San.."

She closed her mouth instantly with her hand as she started blushing while bowing her head down. Everyone smiled a little seeing this as Ma Hongjun kept giving Tang San a lecherous smile.

"Phew!. Oh it's ok then. Because I like those with big ones, hehehe." Tang Ming said with a relieved face as everyone looked at him with surprise and all the girls started blushing.

"Brother Ming! You.." Xiao Wu shouted with her red face but can't continue as she knew he was right. Ning Rongrong also secretly looked at her assets and then glanced at Zhu Zhuqing who was also looking at hers with pride.

She can't help but become a little disappointed but immediately regained her senses as she thought to herself.(A/N : She's just comparing herself with others, there's no other motive.)

Zhu Zhuqing was for the first time felt pride over her plentiful chest. She always felt that these were burdens as every single man kept giving her lecherous glances while looking at her specially because of her chest. But she can't help but feel fortunate now as Tang Ming said that he like those with big ones. Maybe he was giving a sign that he like her.

As she was lost in her thinking, Ning Rongrong kept glaring at her large chest which eventually was noticed by her as she came to her senses looked at Ning Rongrong who was glaring at her chest hatefully.

Ning Rongrong noticing her gaze, immediately turned her head while blushing heavily. Zhu Zhuqing then looked at Tang Ming who was standing straight with an indifferent expression like that he didn't even say anything.

Grandmaster coughed as he then again said, "Tang Ming is in the heaven level for now as I didn't how strong he is right now. I'll tell what his goal will be after consulting him individually. For now all you all have to reach your current goal as soon as possible."

"For now I'll rank you all according to your age except Tang Ming. No.1 Dai Mubai, No.2 Oscar, No.3 Tang San, No.4 Ma Hingjun, No.5 Xiao Wu, No.6 Ning Rongrong and No.7 Zhu Zhuqing. Tang Ming is not in your ranking for the time being." Grandmaster slowly said.

"Today you all have one day off. From tomorrow, you will all recieve my training. Okay, now you all can go. Gather here today early, I don't want anyone to be late." After speaking Grandmaster then glanced at everyone and turned around to leave with Flender.

Everyone also bowed and planned to leave, as suddenly Tang San let out a painful groan and shouted loudly.


Immediately afterwards, a purple light started surging from Tang San's back, his back started squirming as if something was forcefully trying to come out.

Everyone immediately looked at Tang San as Grandmaster and Flender who had just taken a few steps also turned their head.

At this time eight sharp spear like legs suddenly emerged from Tang San's back.

Tang Ming immediately shouted as he shouted loudly :

"Everyone back up!"

Everyone immediately stepped back as they heard Tang Ming voice but fatty was a little late to react. Before he can even turn to move, one of the spear leg moved and was just an inch away from Ma Hongjun's chest.

But suddenly a lightning fast leg arrived and kicked at his side as he was sent flying while blasting into the wall.

It was Tang Ming who kicked him as he moved there instantly with his [Godspeed]. As it was an emergency he didn't controlled his strength as Ma Hongjun was blasted so far away.

Everyone was shocked when they saw this. But fortunately Tang Ming reminded them in time as they a got away, well most of them.

Seeing the eight spider like legs emerging from Tang San's back, Grandmaster and Dean Flender immediately hurried over.

Grandmaster slowly got closer to Tang San as he said solemnly :

"Xiao San, control your spirit power slowly..."

As Grandmaster was slowly explaining Tang San how to retract back his spider like spear legs, Tang Ming hurried over to Ma Hongjun in the distance as he didn't know how bad he was hurt.

As he reached the place, he can see that Ma Hongjun was lying unconscious embedded into one of the house's wall. He immediately checked his all body with spirit power and was relieved to find him uninjured as there was no obvious injury either external or internal.

He pulled fatty from the wall as he took out a jade wine bottle as 'Monkey Sage Wine' and poured it slowly at his face.

Fatty was startled awake and shouted:

"Who dares to wake me? See if I don't break your le... The Fuçk!!"

His voice suddenly stopped as he saw the face of Tang Ming smiling widely with his eyes closed. He felt goosebumps all over his body as all his hair in his body stood up straight up looking at the devil's smiling face.

"Oh! Hehe! I-Its y-you brother Ming. I thought it was someone else." Fatty said while pretending to laugh and tried to change the topic which he failed with flying colours.

Tang Ming really wanted to have some fun but remembering that he just kicked him, he let it go.

"I'll let it slide this time. Get up and come with me." Tang Ming said as fatty didn't know why but felt relieved.

Tang Ming then walked toward Tang San and fatty also hurriedly stood up and followed him.

As they reached there, they can see Tang San panting while sitting half-kneeling on the ground. The strength of the external spirit bone is obviously beyond Tang San's imagination otherwise he won't lose control.

Grandmaster was also beside him at this time as Tang San slowly got up as he said :

" Xiao San, you go and take a rest first."

Tang San nodded his head as he went toward his room while Xiao Wu supported him. Grandmaster and Flender then also left.

"What the fuçk is that thing behind, Tang San?" Ma Hongjun asked while remembering the scene where he was just an inch away from touching him.

Tang Ming just smiled and didn't explain as he also made his way toward his room.

Everyone else also left.

At evening, while everyone else was still resting and recovering. Zhu Zhuqing can be seen standing in front of Tang Ming's room. She then lightly knocked on the door.

"Come in." A voice came from inside.

Zhu Zhuqing who has planned what to say after Tang Ming opened door was perplexed now. She has never entered a boy's room but she steeled her heart and opened the door and entered.

But what she didn't noticed was Dai Mubai, who has just came out of his room to see Zhu Zhuqing entering Tang Ming's room alone. His face immediately fell down as he felt very disheartened at this turn of events.

He kept standing outside of his room for more than half an hour, after which Zhu Zhuqing came out from Tang Ming's room.

She didn't notice Dai Mubai standing there and turned to leave.

Dai Mubai also didn't say anything as he turned around and went inside his own ro with a gloomy face.

Zhu Zhuqing just went inside to discuss about fighting at Soto City Great Arena. It took that long because they were discussing about strategy.

After a few minutes Tang Ming also came from his room as he made his way towards the Shrek Academy's gate.

When he arrived there he can see Zhu Zhuqing standing there while leaning on one of the tree, while lost in thought. He didn't made any sound while walking and approached her stealthily.

She only noticed when he stood right in front of her as she again regained her cold appearence and said :

"Lets go to the fighting arena now."

Tang Ming didn't say anything and just nodded his head as they both started slowly walking toward the Soto City Spirit Fighting Arena.


A/N : Here's today's chapter. SO ENJOY Bitch Of Son's.

As promised this is today's chapter and the next chapter will be release again tomorrow or the day after tomorrow at the same time as of today.

The next few chapter will be a little long as it will have some battle scenes.

If you hadn't still checked out how Tang Ming appearence looks like, go and see it in the auxiliary chapter 'Images'. And don't forget to--


Any suggestions reviews and comments are appreciated either good or bad. Now I'm out.

Your Allfather Author-PrimorDious.

Peace Out Bitçhes ✌️.

Creation is hard even if it's a fanfiction. So keep motivating and cheering me up. And thank you to all those who support me. ThankYou.

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