
Douluo Dalu: Era of Tang Ming.

A story about a person reincarnating in his most loved and prized fiction with some wishes. This is fanfiction of Douluo Dalu and the story will follow canon. And yes MC is going not going to hug Tang San thigh but will be with him. I don't own Douluo Dalu or any characters. All rights belongs to their respective owners. All I own is my character and the things that I will later add.

PrimorDious · Anime & Comics
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133 Chs

Battle (Part 2/2).

Tang Ming didn't stop at that as he continued to wave his spear ten of times in all of their direction as countless white crescent slashes of spirit shot toward them.

Tang San seeing this immediately pulled all of them out of the attacks way with the help of Blue Silver Grass vines that was bound around their waist.

"Too fast!" Tang San murmured as he too was barely able to dodge all of the attacks.

"Be careful!"

Tang San used his Purple Demon Eyes which is now at the third stage to keep a look at Tang Ming, who at this time was nodding towards them especially toward him with a smile.

Tang Ming had launched all those countless crescent energy slashes at the speed which is nearing the early Spirit King, but Tang San and the others have managed to dodge them with little efforts.

"Good, very good. You all managed to evade the long ranged attack that was nearing the speed of normal early Spirit King. Now I'll be fighting in close combat, prepare yourself." Tang Ming glanced at them with a smile as he was happy seeing their progress.

Tang San and Dai Mubai looked at each other as they both nodded their head as if agreeing to something. Suddenly their formation changed a little as Tang San, Dai Mubai, Xiao Wu and Zhu Zhuqing all dashed toward him from different directions. Fatty was standing in between the Oscar and Ning Rongrong preparing to defend them from any attack.

A Seven Treasure Glazed Tile Pagoda slowly lit up in the hand of Rongrong as several rays of light surged out and fell on everyone increasing their strength, agility and defense significantly.

Ning Rongrong face looked pale as she have used all of her spirit power to give everyone a boost. Oscar was also cooking numerous sausages as he continued to pass them toward everyone to help them recover their spirit power.

Feeling the surge of strength, Dai Mubai and everyone immediately used their spirit ring ability again as many voices came one after another :

"White Tiger Vajra Transformation!"

"Spider Web Restraint!"

Tang San and Dai Mubai lead the charge as Tang San shot a blue coloured orb toward him as it expanded in the air to become a cobweb when it neared him but met with a single thrust of the spear as it disintegrated into countless pieces.

Dai Mubai was just behind the web as he punched toward Tang Ming who was still in his thrusting posture, he smiled slightly seeing a direct hit but his smile froze on his face as his fist passed through Tang Ming which then scattered into air.

With his [Divine Sense] acting passively within fifty metres, no one can land a sneak attack on him as long as it is not some ability which let them hide from his [Divine Sense] which is nigh-impossible.

He had already sensed Dai Mubai behind the cobweb, so after destroying the cobweb he instantly jumped in the air with extreme speed leaving an afterimage behind which Dai Mubai attacked.

He immediately slashed vertically downward with his spear launching an energy slash toward Dai Mubai who suddenly felt a crisis as without even looking where the attack was coming from, he immediately used his first spirit ring ability as a layer of white gold spirit power covered him like a shield increasing his defense.

Xiao Wu suddenly appeared behind Tang Ming with her teleportation ability as he scorpion like braid latched on to Tang Ming's neck as she looked at his eyes and used her second spirit ring ability.

"Charm!" A sweet voice came out from Xiao Wu's mouth as her eyes shined a bright pink as it looked right into Tang Ming's eyes which became muddled for a brief second before it recovered it's gleam instantly. A deep yellow ring of light rose up from her foot as it surged out with charming pink light.

But in this split second, Tang San immediately used his third and fourth spirit ring ability simultaneously.

"Spider Web Restraint!!"

"Blue Silver Prison!"

Instantly a cobweb binded him at his place as another cage formed with red-ish black Blue Silver Grass surrounded him.

Xiao Wu had already teleported herself and was standing beside Tang San.

Explaining this took a lot of time as all of this happened in just a span of a few seconds. Seeing Tang Ming bound at a place, everyone's eyes shined as they didn't hold back and launched all of their most powerful attack as countless lights suddenly bloomed around the battlefield.

"White Tiger Meteor Shower!"

"Paragon Golden Body!"

"Waist Bow!"

Zhu Zhuqing also didn't waste this chance as she used her fourth spirit ring ability as a black spirit ring of light rose up from her feet giving Tang Ming a shock, as he was seeing everything happening around him.

"Nightmare Clones!"

A low voice came out from her mouth as her figure multiplied by four, each looking extremely corporeal as they all used the first and third spirit ring ability simultaneously.

"Hell Rush Stab!"

"Hell Decapitation!"

Her speed increased explosively as all five of them launched hundreds of attack from all around toward him.

Tang San was also using his hidden weapons and his Eight Spider Lances to launch attack at him continuously.

Ma Hongjun was also not to be left behind as he consecutively used all of his ability:

"Bathing Fire Phoenix!"

"Phoenix Wing Ascension!"

He first used the two support ability as his fat figure bathed in fire as a pair of wings made up of flames rose from his back increasing his fire attack power as he launched the attack spirit ring ability.

"Phoenix Roar Air Strike!!"

Tang Ming looked at all kind of attack coming toward him at the same time, countless fist sized balls that looked like meteors, a 5m pillar of flames that was rising up from the grounds heading toward him in the air, countless hidden weapons with poison that Tang San was shooting toward him with extreme precision, hundreds of claw strike from the five Zhu Zhuqing and a kick from brightly shining Xiao Wu with great strength.

He was seeing this in slow motion as he activated his [All-Seeing Eye] in its full splendor. He has all the time in the world to dodge every attack but was just standing there looking at all of this. He can even see Grandmaster looking toward him with a frown.

He immediately activated [Godspeed], [Lightning Armor] as his figure was instantly covered in a bright purple armour and also used one of the the technique which he rarely used [Kunpeng Leaping the Nine Realms]. His body disappeared soundlessly leaving behind an extremely life like afterimage and reappeared some distance away while still in the air.

As if Time resumed from the stopped state, all the attack bombarded the afterimage but the expected sound of collision didn't happen as all the attacks just passed through his afterimage.

Everyone's looked extremely shocked as even Tang San who was still shooting countless daggers and needles looked flabbergasted for a moment before he and everyone noticed Tang Ming still in the air some distance away donning a purple armour with lightning sparkling around it.

Without giving them any chance, Tang Ming used his first spirit ring ability as ten spear imbued with lightning elements suddenly appeared behind him and started spinning.

"Thunderstorm Strike!!"

He motioned his hand forward as all ten of the spinning lightning spears were launched toward them.

Tang San hurriedly activated his fourth spirit ring ability again but this time on himself and the others as seven of them were instantly covered in many black cage formed from Blue Silver Grass overlapping each other.

Before any of them can use any other defensive measures, the spears arrived before them and shattered the black cage formed from Blue Silver Grass instantly.

"Do it!!" Tang San seeing that the cage won't help them much in defending from the incoming spear shouted at Oscar as all of them were pulled back by him with the help of Blue Silver Grass vines that once again bound themselves on the waist of the other.


A loud boom sounded as they all just dodged the attack. Oscar immediately used his third spirit ring as he looked toward Tang Ming and said :

"I, your father, has a MUSHROOM saus..."


Before he can even finish his incantation, again a lightning spear appeared and hit him making sending him flying. Not only him but everyone too was once again attacked with tens of lightning imbued spears as they too were blasted back. Tang Ming didn't stop at that as he used his first spirit ring ability consecutively again and again raining hundreds of lightning spear.





Grandmaster's and every teachers looked stunned seeing this. Even Liu Erlong was looking at this scene with wide eyes as her jaw nearly dropped from the shock as Tang Ming continued to rain [Thunderstorm Strike] for two minutes straight.

After the dust cleared, everyone can see the Shrek Seven in an extremely wretched state with their clothing torn at places with injuries apparent. The battlefield looked like it was hit with a meteor shower as countless deep crater can be seen all over the place.

Except Tang San everyone else was unconscious as he too was barely conscious with his extremely tenacious willpower.

"Do you have to be so ruthless, Tang Ming?" Flender asked as he looked at everyone with pitiful gazes.

"You should learn to restrain yourself, brat! What if you killed them?" Zhao Wuji said with a berating expression.

"It was necessary for them to go through this. After receiving training from master and increasing their cultivation continuously, they have become a little arrogant and started seeing themselves as a geniuses, that would cost them heavily in the coming tournament." Tang Ming said in a calm voice as he continued, "And master also agrees with this. He was the one who mentioned this to me and also told me not to show them mercy and crush their arrogance."

Everyone gazes immediately turned toward Grandmaster who's eyes twitched as he looked at his extremely eloquent student who put the whole blame on him.

"Xiao San, quickly drink the liquid I gave you. And also give them to everyone else." Tang Ming said as he maid his way toward Zhu Zhuqing.

He held the unconscious Zhu Zhuqing as he took out another bottle containing the Healing Wine and fed her a few mouthfuls.


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