
Douluo Dalu: Era of Tang Ming.

A story about a person reincarnating in his most loved and prized fiction with some wishes. This is fanfiction of Douluo Dalu and the story will follow canon. And yes MC is going not going to hug Tang San thigh but will be with him. I don't own Douluo Dalu or any characters. All rights belongs to their respective owners. All I own is my character and the things that I will later add.

PrimorDious · Anime & Comics
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133 Chs


He held the unconscious Zhu Zhuqing in his arms as he took out another bottle containing the Healing Wine and fed her a few mouthfuls of it. Even though he kept his hands when attacking them, everyone still ended up pretty bruised up from the impact.

He felt his heart tightening after seeing Zhu Zhuqing with injuries all over her body but steeled himself as it was necessary for her and for everyone else too. Even though he has full confidence that even among all seven of them, Zhu Zhuqing is the one that will never grew arrogant and over-confident of herself and her powers.

At this time, Zhu Zhuqing slowly opened her eyes as she felt the injuries and wounds all over her body healing rapidly. She found herself being held by someone as she lifted her face and looked at the person holding her even though she already knew.

She looked at Tang Ming with her pair of beautiful black eyes only to found him looking at her with a gentle smile.

"Are you alright, Zhuqing?" Tang Ming asked her calmly.

"Un. I'm good."

Zhu Zhuqing said as she continued to look at Tang Ming.

"Could you let me down now." After a few moments Zhu Zhuqing said as a small blush formed at her pale white cheeks.

"Oh. You don't like me holding you?" Tang Ming looked at her while smiling a little evilly as he didn't let her go and instead made tightened his grip a little. He stood up from the sitting position as he carried her in a princess hug.

Zhu Zhuqing felt her cheeks burning but refrained from saying anything else. Tang Ming didn't mind her silences as he turned around and saw almost everyone on their feet again.

He looked at all of them, who were also looking toward him and Zhu Zhuqing with raised eyebrows. Only Dai Mubai face looked a little bitter, he can guess the reason for it but was surprised to find little Rongrong also glaring at him as if she was holding herself back from exploding.

"Good. I didn't expect that you all will even force me to use my spirit ring ability. You have all grown stronger considerably and would be able to defeat anyone at Spirit King effortlessly and might even stand a chance against a Spirit Emperor. Everyone's co-operation has also become more fluid except for some part which I'll mention to you all in the evening."

Tang Ming praised everyone for their growth. Though he lied about the matter that they stood a chance against a Spirit Emperor, as he knew they were perfectly able to beat any Spirit Emperor after seeing their attack power and strategies.

He also let Zhu Zhuqing down after seeing her squirming continuously in his arms as she gave him a grieved puppy eyes look. She quickly got down from his embrace and stood behind him while trying to act as nonchalant as she can to hide her embarrassment but her deep pink cheeks gave her away.

"Good. Even though you all lost but don't worry. As long as you all continue to train hard and don't lose your will, you will be able to beat Tang Ming one day."

Grandmaster said as he walked toward all of them with his hands behind his back. Everyone face looked quite gloomy after facing a defeat but hearing the encouragement from their captain and Grandmaster, made their face lit up with hope as determination can be seen in their eyes.

Even though he said this to encourage them, he too isn't so sure of the chances himself. He had thought that Tang Ming would have grown stronger but so has others and atleast will be able to fight equally against him. But looking at the ease with he was battling and defeating them with using a single spirit ring ability, he knew that Tang Ming had grown way stronger than he had thought.

Liu Erlong demeanour has also changed a little as she looked at the handsome young man standing at some distance. At first she had thought he would be like others or maybe slightly stronger than them but after watching the battle, she knew that she had underestimated him way too much.

She didn't know why but she had a feeling that he was even stronger than she thinks but she didn't give this matter much thought.

"Hahaha! Brat, you became stronger and by so much. Even I have a very difficult time facing them without using Spirit Avatar but you defeated them so easily." Zhao Wuji laughed as he walked beside him and patted his back.

"I'm very proud to see you become this strong, brat Ming. Looks like Shrek Academy will be winning this year Inter-Continental Spirit Master Tournament. Hahaha!" Flender also chimed in as he too laughed as he continued, "We will show everyone that we, of the Shrek Academy is all monsters."

Grandmaster was also smiling after hearing this. He have full confidence that no one will be able to beat the Shrek Academy even with the seven of them but after adding Tang Ming, no academy stood a chance against them.

Grandmaster then instructed everyone a little more after which he left with the other three teachers.

Tang Ming turned around as he faced everyone who were looking at him with a little hesitation.

"So what are the plan for now." Tang Ming said in a cheerful tone as he held Zhuqing's hand.

Fatty looked at this as he gave him a knowing look.

"Why are you giving me that look, you fatso." Tang Ming looked at Ma Hongjun as gave him a kick at his butt.

"Hehe.. nothing, it's nothing brother Ming. I thought you and sister Zhuqing need some time to..you know..." Fatty said as he gave him a lecherous smile again only to be kicked in oblivion.

"Yes, me and Zhuqing are in love with each other and are in a relationship. I don't want anyone to ask any questions or anything related to this, am I clear?" Tang Ming said with a straight face, well as much as he can and glanced at all of them.

Tang San and Xiao Wu didn't even looked surprised as if they had already already known about it, Oscar looked like as if he was reminiscing something while both Rongrong and Dai Mubai had bitter expression as the former has some kind of resolute look in her eyes while the latter only shook his head. And for Ma Hongjun, well he was unconscious with a lecherous grin still pasted on his face.

"Hehe! Ming'ge, you finally announced your relationship. I thought you were never going to tell others about it." Xiao Wu said while winking at Zhu Zhuqing, " I had already guessed it before you even left for training one year ago."

Tang Ming didn't know what to say but he suddenly remembered something as he looked at Xiao Wu with a smile.

"Well enough talking about me, did you guys also confirmed your relationship, huh, Xiao San?" Tang Ming glanced at Tang San. Xiao Wu also started blushing as she hid behind Tang San.

"I had told you so many times brother Ming, I see Xiao Wu just as a sister nothing mo..."

"What about the pledge that you took when we went to Holy Spirit Village with Xiao Wu for the first time six years ago? You took heaven and earth as a witness and became a couple, did you not?" Tang Ming interrupted Tang San as he gave him and Xiao Wu a smirk while taking out a scroll and waving at them, "I also have your marriage contract that you both signed."

Everyone was surprised seeing this as they all turn to look toward both of them as they both shouted in unison, "You tricked us!"

Ning Rongrong did her role splendidly as a nosy person as she came beside Xiao Wu and said :

"You're so bad, Xiao Wu. You are already married to third brother. You even pretended to act as brother and sister, if not for Tang Ming revealing it we wouldn't have known about it, right Zhuqing?"

Zhuqing nodded her head in agreement though she still has her indifferent expression plastered on her face. But as a matter of fact she too was quite shocked that they had already been married for six years.

"Yeah, Tang San you didn't even tell us. Now I get it why you never went to the city to enjoy with us. You already have a wife. tsk..tsk!" Ma Hongjun didn't know when woke up as he gave Tang San and Tang Ming an envious look that is shared by both Mubai and Oscar.

"Or is it some kind of, you know, that you and Tang San act as brother and sister to add flavour in your wedding life, is it?" Ning Rongrong said with a low voice near Xiao Wu's ear as she gave her a teasing look. Even though she said it very low, as a Spirit Ancestor everyone senses has already been heightened to a super human degree so everyone heard her loud and clear.

"NO! NO! It's nothing like that..!" Xiao Wu face immediately turned to beet red as she blushed heavily.

Even Dai Mubai gave another glance to Xiao San as Oscar and Ma Hongjun look changed suddenly to one of admiration as they nodded their head toward him in understanding.

"Well played, Tang San! I didn't think it was in you, I always thought you were a gentle man but now i see, you're a Grandmaster." Both Oscar and Ma Hongjun walked beside Tang San as they patted his shoulder on each side.

Tang Ming looked at everyone with amusement as they slowly walked toward their room while everyone continue to pester Xiao Wu and Tang San.

_ _ _ _

The next day.

Grandmaster summoned all of them to discuss a few things as there is only a few day left from the start of Continental Spirit Master Academy Tournament. He was going to introduce them to three substitute member and the rules of the tournament.

Even though he hadn't met the three substitute but if his memories serves right and there is no changes in the world because of him, then he knew who the three of them are going to be.

Grandmaster introduced them to three men and one woman about 18-19 years old.

First is Tai Long, a member of Strength Clan, spirit Vigorous Orangutan, 39th-level Spirit Elder. He was stronger than his original counterpart maybe because of others already being over level 40 and if I remember correctly, he wanted to date Xiao Wu.

Second is Huang Yuan, spirit Lone Wolf, a 36th-level Spirit Elder who is previously one of the geniuses of Blue Tyrant Academy. He has a robust body structure and is a straightforward person who has full confidence in his strength.

Third one is called Jing Long, spirit Skeleton, a 36th-level spirit elder. He has a lanky figure and looks a little timid.

And the last one is the woman named Jiang Zhu, she is a beautiful girl with what people call a ripe body. The one thing that makes her a little unique is her unique maroon coloured hair. Her spirit is Healing Sceptre and she is a 36th-level Spirit Elder.

They are all elite students that Blue Tyrant Academy cultivated.


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