
Chapter 24

"Well, Guess what!"

Hearing Qiu Bai's light-hearted remarks, Ning Tian was also a little angry, but the sight before him This person had just hunted Soul Beast for herself, and good upbringing told her not to get angry, so she could only put an ugly smile on her face.

"All right, let's go quickly." Seeing Ning Tian's obviously angry expression but holding back his anger, Qiu Bai felt a little amused, and then said to the two girls.

In this way, the three-person team continued to advance outside the forest.

The three quickly shuttled through the forest, and soon came to the edge of the periphery.

"At the current speed, you will be able to leave Star Dou Forest before tonight, Ning Tian, ​​you have a way to contact your sect!"

See you will be leaving the forest soon Now, Qiu Bai's speed also slowed down, and he turned his head and said to Ning Tian beside him.

"Well, I carry the sect's messenger on me. As long as I can leave the Star Dou Forest, I can use it to contact the sect."

"Yes, you are free Spirit Master, are you interested in joining the Nine Treasure Glazed Tile Sect? With your talent and ability, I can guarantee that you will be treated as a direct disciple of the highest level, and cultivátion resources and money will give priority to you."

After saying he didn't have to worry about how to get in touch, Ning Tian made a solicitation request to him.

Qiu Bai is not at all surprised by Ning Tian's solicitation. Although he didn't tell them too much information and abilities about his martial spirit, he didn't seem to have the strength of a Spirit Grandmaster level at all, and talents who were younger than them but broke through two rings were enough to attract them. They are.

"eh~ The conditions are good! I can become a direct disciple if I go there as an outsider, and I'm also a Nine Treasure Glazed Tile Sect that has been famous for thousands of years in inheritance. I don't seem to have any reason to refuse…"

Ning Tian couldn't help but be overjoyed when he saw Qiu Bai's obvious expression after thinking. The Nine Treasure Glazed Tile Sect is an auxiliary sect, the most lacking in the sect is the powerful Battle Spirit Master, compared to recruiting high-level unfamiliar Spirit Masters, the Spirit Master with talent cultivated since childhood is obviously safer and more trustworthy.

Qiu Bai's talent undoubtedly moved her, although he didn't mention his martial spirit and ability, but the silver flame and strong physical strength he could drive showed his extraordinary . In her opinion, as long as Qiu Bai can join the Nine Treasure Glazed Tile Sect, with the financial resources and resources of the Nine Treasure Glazed Tile Sect, he will definitely become a Super Douluo or even a Limit Douluo in the future.

"But I refused!"


Ning Tian, ​​who originally thought Qiu Bai would agree, heard his refusal first. He was stunned, and then called out to him in surprise.

"You don't know what to do, this is an invitation from our Nine Treasure Glazed Tile Sect!"

Wu Feng next to him heard Qiu Bai reject Ning After Tian's invitation, a strong sense of belonging to the sect also made her angrily said to Qiu Bai.

"all right, alright, don't get angry, I don't have any plans to join the sect at the moment. So you just…wait!"

Seeing that both of them are a little angry Qiu Bai also spoke out to comfort him, but before he could finish speaking, his expression condensed and he suddenly felt a strong unfamiliar aura nearby.

"What's the matter?"

Seeing Qiu Bai's suddenly serious face, the two women asked worriedly.

At this moment, Qiu Bai is using spiritual detection to detect the other party. It is a huge snake soul beast. Fiery breath.

The body of the giant snake is about six meters long, and the whole body is covered with black scales, and on it is covered with bright red lines like lava. It is most conspicuous on its head,

with a single horn that looks like a black rock, with eight horns in a circle on top of the single horn.

Lava Horned Python

Attribute: Fire

Year: 8,523

Detailed Explanation: Fire Soul Beast Lava Horned Python, 1,000 Years. The hundred-year-old Lava Horned Python is red all over, with a black bulge on its head, which grows by one meter every two hundred years on its original one-meter length. When I know 1,000 Years, the body is six meters long, the color of the body changes to pitch black, and a single black horn grows on the bulge on the head. .

After the system observes the other party's information, Qiu Bai was really startled.

This 8,000 Year Soul Beast should normally live in the Star Dou Forest mixed area, but now they are very close to the outer edge of the big forest. In this position, the number of 100 Year Soul Beasts has become very small, and there are more weak Soul Beasts of the decade. Compared with them, this Lava Horned Python can be said to be Satan-Class.

It is obviously abnormal for a Soul Beast of this level to appear here, which made Qiu Bai suddenly think of the Soul Beast riot that happened a few days ago. This Lava Horned Python must have been killed by the High Rank Soul Beast at that time . driven here.

??"damn, it's been a few days since the riot, you don't hurry back to your mixed area, are you addicted to food abuse? go fuck yourself eight lifetime snake ancestors."

??" p>

Thinking that the riot had passed for a few days, and this guy was still in this kind of novice village, Qiu Bai couldn't help but greet the snake's family.

"Come on, get out of this place." Qiu Bai hurriedly turned around and grabbed the hands of the two girls behind him and ran in the other direction. If he was alone, he really planned to find this snake to practice his skills. Even if he couldn't beat it, there was still a way to escape. But now with two girls, he can't take risks at all.

"Wait, slow down, what's wrong?" Startled by Qiu Bai's sudden move, Ning Tian asked while running.

"There's a 1,000 Year Soul Beast in the back, which we can't handle at all." Qiu Bai answered in a short while pulling the two girls to run.

Lava Horned Python, who was at a distance from them, seemed to sense that the first few people were escaping quickly, and quickly caught up.

Although Lava Horned Python is not a speed-type soul beast, it has a very good speed with eight thousand years of cultivation base, and it can be said that it is not difficult to chase three people who are not Spirit Grandmaster.

After Qiu Bai ran with them, not very long Ning Tian also noticed the soul beast aura who had been chasing them. The movement speed of the breath is extremely fast, and at the current speed, it will not take long for it to be caught up.

"Hey, Ning Tian you two, let's go first, I'll stay here to stop the guy behind."

Knowing the current situation, Qiu Bai decided to stay and stop the Horned Python, you don't need to beat it, just buy a certain amount of time to let Ning Tian and the others run away, and you have a way to escape.

"What? No, 1,000 Year Soul Beast is not something that Spirit Grandmaster can deal with. You stay here to die."?

Ning Tian was first frightened after hearing Qiu Bai's words arrived, and then decisively refused, the professional ethics of the Auxiliary Spirit Master did not allow her to abandon her companions.


Not listening to Ning Tian's words, Qiu Bai forward and raised his hand and stepped hit her on the neck, knocking her out, She fell straight down, and Qiu Bai held her up and handed her to Wu Feng.

"What are you doing, you gave Young Lord to…" Qiu Bai's behavior undoubtedly angered Wu Feng.

"Okay, I don't have time to listen to your nonsense. If you don't want her to die, take your Young Lord with you."

Not listening to Wu Feng's roar, Qiu Bai turned around. The body, in a fighting stance, turned in the direction of Lava Horned Python.

"You won't…"

"get lost!"

Wu Feng first I was stunned, just as I was about to say something, Qiu Bai scolded him back. Looking at this young acquaintance in front of her, she was in a very complicated mood at the moment, she carried Ning Tian on her back and took a deep look, then turned around and ran away.

"Hey, hold on and don't die, I'll find someone to help you soon!"

From behind came Wu Feng's somewhat immature shout.

"hmph, I have a little conscience."

Hearing Wu Feng's shout, Qiu Bai's mouth raised slightly.

After a few breaths, a sound of breaking wind came, and a huge pitch-black silhouette appeared in front of him.

"It's finally here!"