
Chapter 23

"Hey! Hey! I'm back to my senses! If you don't come to Soul Beast, you'll be dead!"

Seeing the sluggish appearance of the two girls, Qiu Bai kept calling arrive.

Under Qiu Bai's repeated calls, the two finally came back from their stunned senses.

Ning Tian was the first to react and hurriedly ran over to check the Long Arm White Ape. After all, this is her second spirit ring. It was her who was crying.

She hurriedly took out the dagger from the storage soul tool and put it on the soft neck of Long Arm White Ape, in order to prevent Soul Beast's blood from splashing, she stabbed it from the bottom up, After entering, countless yellow light spots flew out from its body, and gathered above it into a spirit ring exuding deep yellow light, floating quietly in the air.

At this time, Wu Feng also came over, but when he came, he looked at Qiu Bai with a strange look. Qiu Bai also felt her gaze, but when he looked towards Wu Feng, Wu Feng was startled and immediately turned his head to the side.

"Okay, I'm going to absorb the spirit ring next, please help protect me."

Ning Tian sat down with his legs crossed and said to the two of them.

"Don't worry, Young Lord, leave it to me."

"Come on, good luck!"

Wu Feng is quite a boy Angrily patted his chest and said to Ning Tian, ​​Qiu Bai also encouraged her, but with a strange smile on his face.

Ning Tian didn't notice Qiu Bai's strange expression noddéd, he used spírit power to pull the spirit ring to the top of his head, closed his eyes and started to absorb.

Ning Tian is absorbing the spirit ring, Qiu Bai and Wu Feng are protecting on the side. Although it is a protector, there is basically no problem at a level like the second spirit ring. The two of them just need to pay attention to whether there is a Soul Beast around.

Absorbing the spirit ring is an extremely long process, although it is only a second spirit ring, but not a few hours.

During this process, Qiu Bai was nothing. He sat on the side and released spiritual detection all the time, and he had no intention of speaking. However, Wu Feng on the side was very uncomfortable. With her irritable and active personality, it would be fine if she was alone, but there was another person on the side, but she could be said to be embarrassed or embarrassed to Qiu Bai.

speaking of which the meeting between the two at first was awkward. At first, Wu Feng's protector eagerly attacked Qiu Bai, but her attack not only did not hurt the other party, but she was caught by the other party's breath. Shocked and forcibly exited the Spirit Possession state, and was too frightened to move. This hit her, who always had high self-esteem, deeply, but at the same time, she became curious about this mysterious teenager.

"Hey!" Wu Feng couldn't hold it any longer and said to Qiu Bai who was sitting beside him.

Qiu Bai sat motionless as if he didn't hear it.

"Hey! Hey! Hey! I'm calling you, bastard." Seeing that Qiu Bai didn't respond, Wu Feng called out a few more times, but there was still no response, and finally he couldn't help but get a little annoyed.

"I don't call him a hello or a bastard, and the Nine Treasure Glazed Tile Sect doesn't teach discíple how to talk to others?" Seeing that Wu Feng was a little annoyed, Qiu Bai also responded to her and said .

"You are not allowed to insult the Nine Treasure Glazed Tile Sect!" Hearing Qiu Bai's words, Wu Feng's explosive barrel was instantly ignited again.

"Oh, I didn't insult the Nine Treasure Glazed Tile Sect, it's just that your attitude towards people is really a bit out of your own sect. Anyway, you are also a great sect discíple, and you are somewhat polite. Ah, otherwise the image of the Nine Treasures Glazed Tile Sect will be lost."

"Well, sorry, I have something to ask you."

Qiu Bai excused himself , while fooling Wu Feng to calm down.

"That Qiu Bai, what is your martial spirit?"

"Well, I won't tell you."

Wu Feng spoke to Qiu Bai again , I even used it this time, but it didn't work. Qiu Bai still looks like he doesn't care.

"Why? I should be polite!"


You're polite, but I didn't say I was going to answer you question."

"You bastard, I…"

Qiu Bai's rogue speech undoubtedly ignited the explosive barrel again, but the explosive was once again savagely by Qiu Bai before it exploded. His eyes were so frightened that he pushed back several steps, not daring to speak.

"hmph!" Wu Feng snorted, turned his head angrily and ignored him.

"Haha, it's so cool to flirt with little loli, that puffy look is so funny. Eh? Wait, I'm not lolicon, I'm 30 years old. He can tease a nine-year-old girl. He was just teasing her, definitely not teasing. Yes, that's it."

Seeing Wu Feng's puffed up look, Qiu Bai couldn't help but chuckle inwardly, But then I noticed something strange and started explaining and comforting myself.

The two returned to the situation of ignoring each other again.

Time passed slowly, and a morning passed like this.

As it approached noon, Ning Tian, ​​who had been sitting cross-legged, finally moved. She opened her eyes with a hint of excitement in her expression.

"Congratulations, you are now a 2 Ring Spirit Grandmaster."

"Congratulations, Young Lord."

See Ning Tian absorption When it was over, the generals came forward to congratulate her.

Not waiting for Ning Tian to speak, Qiu Bai asked, "How is it? Is the soul skill what you imagined?"

"Huh?" Hearing Qiu Bai's words, Ning Tian checked his second soul skill, but made a strange sound.

"What's the matter, Young Lord, is there something wrong?" Seeing Ning Tian's strange appearance, Wu Feng immediately asked with concern.

"My second soul skill is not strength amplification."

"How could it be? Long Arm White Ape is strength soul beast?"

heard Ning Tian's soul skill is not the expected strength amplification, Wu Feng shouted in disbelief.

"Then what is your second soul skill?" Seeing the appearance of the two, Qiu Bai asked Ning Tian even though he already knew it.

"The soul skill that Long Arm White Ape brought me is a soul skill that I have contacted with abnormal status, but Long Arm White Ape is obviously a strength soul beast." Ning Tian was a little puzzled when asked by Qiu Bai replied .

Alas, the power of the plot is really powerful. The probability of Auxiliary Spirit Master absorbing the spirit ring of Long Arm White Ape and getting the abnormal status of removing the soul skill is extremely small.

"You are good luck, you won the lottery."

"Win the lottery? What kind of lottery?" After hearing Qiu Bai's words, she became even more puzzled.

"Long Arm White Ape is indeed a strength soul beast, but its abnormal status resistance is better than strength, Auxiliary Spirit Master absorbs its spirit ring, in addition to strength amplification, there is also a very small The probability of obtaining abnormal status removal soul skill. Compared with the former soul skill, the second soul skill is significantly rarer and more powerful."

Qiu Bai explained to her in detail the Long Arm White Ape Two soul skills will be brought.

"so that's how it is, putting it that way, my luck is not bad. But how do you know so much?" After hearing Qiu Bai's explanation, Ning Tian also did it for his own good Yun was very happy, and at the same time was curious about Qiu Bai who knew more than her great sect discíple.

Because big brother has system plug-in. Of course this cannot be said.

"Well, guess what!"