
Chapter 22

At this time, the three people lurked tacitly and silently observed the Long Arm White Ape in the distance behind a cluster of trees.

The current Long Arm White Ape is on the branch of a giant tree. It is reclining on the main trunk and resting. The sun shines on it through the gaps in the leaves. It is very comfortable.

"Is this guy okay?" Qiu Bai turned his head and looked towards Ning Tian beside him.

"100 Year Soul Beast Long Arm White Ape, judging by the fact that its arm will grow ten centimeters in length from the original one meter every one hundred years, this Long Arm White Ape's arm is The length is about one meter seven, it should be in the early seven hundred years.

Long Arm White Ape is a strength soul beast, absorb its spirit ring, I should be able to get a strength amplification soul skill. Okay, That's it, my second spirit ring."

Ning Tian observed it while judging its year, after confirming the year and the effect of the soul skill after absorbing, Ning Tian decided decisively.

Looking at Ning Tian's analysis of Soul Beast, Qiu Bai can't help but sigh, he is indeed a direct disciple of the great sect, he knows so much soul beast knowledge at a young age, and the background is different.

But this time your judgment is wrong. If there is no accident, your second soul skill is not strength amplification, but the cancellation of abnormal status. However, compared with ordinary strength amplification, the soul skill exposed by abnormal status is significantly rarer. When encountering a Spirit Master with a soul skill that causes abnormal status, this soul skill can help teammates quickly remove the negative state and instantly reverse the battle situation.

"Are you sure? It's this one, don't look for it anymore." Qiu Bai looked at her and asked.

"No, this Long Arm White Ape is very close to the endurance limit of the second spirit ring in terms of age, and the additional soul skill it gives me is also good, even if I keep looking for it, it won't necessarily work.

I can find a more suitable one."

While hunting for spirit rings does need to be carefully selected according to the direction of your own plan, if you really pick and choose like cabbage in the vegetable market, you may end up picking it up instead. You can't get anything, so after seeing a suitable Soul Beast, you can win it decisively, which is also what a Spirit Master must have.

"Okay!" Seeing Ning Tian's determined look, Qiu Bai said nothing more.

Alas, I reminded you that benevolence and righteousness are exhausted. This is up to you, when the time comes is different from what you think, don't come and blame me. Qiu Bai thought to himself, then got up and was about to go out.

"Eh? What are you doing?" After seeing Qiu Bai's action, Ning Tian hurriedly reached out and grabbed his shoulder.

"Of course I'm going to catch the Soul Beast, haven't you decided to have it?" Seeing Ning Tian grabbing him, Qiu Bai couldn't help but wonder.

"Don't make some plans? Just go straight on? We…"

"No, no, that guy is just a 700 Year Soul Beast, not that hard to deal with , the crack lizard was stronger than it last time."

Before Ning Tian could finish speaking, Qiu Bai waved his hand, indicating that there was no problem.

Hearing what he said, Ning Tian remembered that the boy in front of him was indeed not an ordinary person. When they first met, he used a very strong attitude to solve the problem of letting her and Wu Feng meet. The 800 Year Crack Lizard is powerless to resist.

Thinking of the strange silver flame he can use, which can completely suppress Wu Feng's martial spirit, his martial spirit must be the Fire Dragon Spirit, which is stronger than Wu Feng's Red Dragon Spirit.

Maybe the next hunt soul beast can know what his martial spirit is.

"Young Lord, what's the matter?" Wu Feng asked with concern when he saw that his Young Lord was silent.

"It's okay. Do you need our help?" Ning Tian senses come back, and after answering Wu Feng with a smile, he asks Qiu Bai again.

"You don't need to help,

just wait here." Qiu Bai shook his hand and walked straight out of the woods.

The movement of Qiu Bai walking out of the woods and the sudden appearance of a strange aura awakened Long Arm White Ape who was resting. The long-arm white immediately noticed the outsider who was disturbing its rest. It stood up immediately, its two long and strong arms raised high, and its already vicious face now roared in Qiu Bai's direction even more ferociously.

"yo hoo, you still want to scare me!"

Looking at Long Arm White Ape's ferocious appearance, Qiu Bai said that he was not frightened at all, and immediately started running With Returning Mystic Dragon Transformation Art, the original white and tender skin surface became silvery white, and a pattern similar to scaled animal skin spread all over the body.

Long Arm White Ape saw that the outsider was not frightened, and jumped from the branch angrily in an instant, raised its strong arm high and smashed it towards Qiu Bai. After Qiu Bai saw it, he had no intention of evading, and stood silently on the spot, watching its fist come.

"what are you doing, quickly avoid!"

"Don't be in a daze, bastards, hurry up!"

Seeing that Qiu Bai didn't dodge at all plan, Ning Tian and Wu Feng hurriedly shouted to him.

Long Arm White Ape is a strength soul beast. Even if it is not a Peak in strength soul beast, it is by no means ordinary. The Long Arm White Ape of about 700 years ago, except for the defense system The average 2 Ring Spirit Master simply wouldn't dare to take a hard hit from it. However, Qiu Bai is not an ordinary person.

Qiu Bai raised his right arm, blocking the attacking part of his arm just moments before White Ape's long arm hit him. "Bang~" With a loud noise, the ground stirred up a burst of dust.

Ning Tian and the two on the side looked at the scene in disbelief. Qiu Bai, who would have been beaten to death by Long Arm White Ape in their opinion, used a Only a thin arm blocked White Ape's giant arm, and his body was like a hill without the slightest movement. No matter how hard it tried, it couldn't advance half a point.

Although Qiu Bai's Returning Mystic Dragon Transformation Art is still in the first layer of skin transformation realm, its physical strength is no less than some 1,000-2,000 Year Soul Beast with the help of cultivation art . Although the Long Arm White Ape in front of him is a strength soul beast, it is only a 100 Year Soul Beast after all, and it is naturally no match for Qiu Bai in a head-on confrontation.

"yo, the strength is quite strong."

Long Arm White Ape was also surprised at this time, it did not expect this little The human power is even stronger than it.

"Look at the move, imitating Teacher Saitama, consecutive normal punches."

Qiu Bai noticed the abnormality of Long Arm White Ape, and before it could react, he raised his left hand to his eyes. The unresponsive streak hit its now defenseless belly, every punch left a deep punch mark on the body of the white ape .

As Qiu Bai's fist landed on Long Arm White Ape, the sound of one after another bones shattered in the air.

That was the sound of Long Arm White Ape's bones being smashed by force. After this attack, the bones of Long Arm White Ape's body were interrupted, and now it was unable to move and fainted. Even the physique of Soul Beast won't die for a while, but it won't last long.

"OK, it's done! Hey! Come here quickly."

Shaking his left hand, Qiu Bai shouted to the two in the bushes. However, no voice responded to him.

The two women who witnessed the whole process of Qiu Bai's violent battle stood motionless in the bushes dumbfounded.

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