

Young Yao Xuan, traveled through the Douluo Continent, awakened the Super God System, signed to the Ancestral Dragon Martial Soul at the beginning, and embarked on the road of legend: Encounter Na’er by chance, capture the heart of Gu Yue, in the spirit tower, apprentice Tianfeng; Studying in Shrek, going to Star Luo Continent, Soul Master Competition, bravely competing for the first place; Dragon Valley seizes good fortune, the Sea God Fate Convention, and the sentient people will eventually become family members; Repeatedly town the abyss, break the conspiracy of the Holy Spirit, the sage of the abyss, the ashes disappear; Untie Gu Yuena’s heart knot, hold a grand marriage, break the shackles of the gods, reestablish a new order, and create an invincible myth! p.s. Don’t enter the Tang Sect, don’t lick Tang San, no tragedy, Dzogchen plot

FallenDevilLucifer · Urban
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Earn a golden evolution point for the first time, accept Tang Wulin as a younger brother?

"By the way, there is also Na'er, the future Royal Highness of the Silver Dragon King, if nothing happens, she will soon be transformed into human society, right? Now that I am here, then the task of saving Na'er will naturally have to be Leave it to me!"

While combing through his thoughts, Yao Xuan also secretly made arrangements and plans for the next period of time.

"Come, Yao Xuan, come and eat quickly."

Just as Yao Xuan was thinking, Lin Ximeng also walked out of the kitchen with a hot meal.

Although as a soul master, Lin Ximeng often cooks by herself. Because of this, her cooking skills are not bad. After dinner, Lin Ximeng helps Yao Xuan clean a bedroom, at least in the future. Within three years, this will be his new home.


"Yao Xuan, get up, it's time to go to school."

The next day, at 6 o'clock in the morning, when the sun came out from the horizon, Lin Ximeng called Yao Xuan. Today is the day of enrollment. Yao Xuan will officially study at Red Mountain College and enter the soul master class. Started a three-year study.

According to the provisions of the Riyue Federation, in elementary colleges and secondary colleges, children receive compulsory education. The school system of elementary colleges is three years, while the school system of secondary colleges is six years, regardless of whether they receive spiritual master education or not. in this way.

However, for children enrolled in the Elementary Soul Master Academy, if they can break through the 10th level within three years and advance to the Soul Master, they can continue to study at the Middle Soul Master Academy, otherwise they will only have to transfer to the Normal Academy and enter the Higher Soul Master Academy. The requirements of the Teachers College are more stringent. It is necessary to break through the soul deity before the age of 15 and keep many people out of the threshold.

After breakfast, Yao Xuan followed Lin Ximeng to the classroom. In Hongshan College, the number of ordinary students in the first grade is as high as thousands, but there are only 16 students in the soul master class. The classroom also appears Extraordinarily empty.

In Douluo Continent, children with accompanying spirit power when the spirit awakens are absolutely rare. This is especially true in a small city like Aolai City where there is no spirit master family. Sixteen students have been the most in five years. In some years, there were even single-digit students in the soul master class.

In junior colleges, ordinary classes can only carry out normal cultural education, but for the soul master class, they only spend less than one-third of the time in cultural classes, and they spend more time teaching meditation and soul. Power control and the knowledge of the soul master world prepare these students with soul power to enter the middle school.

"Children, good morning everyone, I am your head teacher, Lin Ximeng. In the next three years, I will teach you the basics of soul masters. Now, everyone will introduce their martial soul and innate soul power. , Yao Xuan, start with you."

Looking at the children in front of him, Lin Ximeng showed a kind smile on her face, then said.

"Hello everyone, my name is Yao Xuan, my spirit is a lizard dragon, and my innate spirit power is level 5."

Taking a step forward, Yao Xuan also confidently introduced to the students that the lizard dragon was the martial soul that the spiritualist finally registered for Yao Xuan on the official information, so Yao Xuan also adopted it naturally.

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"Wow, lizard dragon, if there is a dragon, this martial soul should be very powerful, right?"

"Yeah, I heard that as long as the word dragon is in the martial arts, they are all very powerful martial arts!"

"Yes, it should be a very powerful Martial Spirit."


Listening to Yao Xuan's self-introduction, the eyes of the surrounding children flashed with envy, and they started talking, and the classroom suddenly became lively.

"Come on, Yao Xuan, since everyone thinks your martial spirit is powerful, let's show you your martial spirit."

Listening to the children's discussion, Lin Ximeng also said with a smile.

"Okay, Teacher Lin."

In order to avoid affecting other children, Lin Ximeng also specifically instructed Yao Xuan to call her Teacher Lin in the school. Yao Xuan was also happy to say so. While agreeing, he stretched out his right hand and thought.

Along with Yao Xuan's thoughts, a faint nine-color light gathered in front of Yao Xuan, and the Ancestral Dragon Martial Spirit also appeared in his palm.

Looking at Yao Xuan's martial arts, most of the children's excitement faded a lot. From the outside, Yao Xuan's ancestral dragon martial arts was indeed not as mighty and domineering as the children thought.

"What kind of spirit is this? Oops, that strange feeling has appeared again!"

However, at this moment, among the children, a young boy with short black hair, **** and white eyes, and a rather outstanding appearance was shocked.

Needless to say, this little boy is Tang Wulin. After seeing Yao Xuan's martial spirit, Tang Wulin only felt that the blood flow rate suddenly increased, his skin was slightly red, his brain was slightly dizzy, and his body surface was faint. Golden light.

"Okay, very good demonstration, Yao Xuan, you can take back your martial spirit! Come on, next one, this student, it's your turn."

Hearing Lin Ximeng's words, Yao Xuan also obediently put away his martial soul and stood back. Tang Wulin's physical abnormality also disappeared. Then, a famous classmate also came on stage one after another, acting as himself. Introduction.

Everything went well, but when the other children heard Tang Wulin's introduction, they all burst into laughter, and Tang Wulin's small face was flushed, and his heart felt like a fire.

"Don't laugh at classmate Wulin. Although Lan Yincao is ordinary, don't forget that the martial spirit of the legendary Sea God 20,000 years ago was also Lan Yincao. What's more, Wulin will be our classmate for the next three years. Even if his spirit is not as good as everyone's, everyone should not laugh at him, but should help him more."

Looking at the laughing classmates around him, Yao Xuan didn't laugh, but offered advice.

"Thank you!"

After listening to Yao Xuan's words, Tang Wulin's heart couldn't help but warm, and his eyes looked at Yao Xuan with a touch of gratitude.

[Ding! Get the gratitude of Tang Wulin, the son of destiny, and get the golden evolution point x1! ]

At this moment, in Yao Xuan's ear, the system's slightly cold reminder sounded again.

"Very well, although there is only 1 point of golden evolution point, I just said a word for Tang Wulin. The Son of Destiny is worthy of being a big fat sheep, and he can easily harvest the golden evolution point. It's great, I must Make good use of it! Well, then, I will try to accept Tang Wulin as a younger brother, yes, that's it!"

Hearing the system's prompt tone, Yao Xuan's eyes also showed a hint of joy. Although the 1 point of golden evolution point does not seem to be much, it will take more than three months to obtain it through practice. For the current Yao Xuan It's not a small number anymore.

What's more, Yao Xuan just helped Tang Wulin say a word, and got such benefits. With the wisdom of Yao Xuan's traversers, it is definitely not a difficult thing to harvest golden evolution points from Tang Wulin. And Yao Xuan quickly made a decision-to accept Tang Wulin as his younger brother.

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