

Young Yao Xuan, traveled through the Douluo Continent, awakened the Super God System, signed to the Ancestral Dragon Martial Soul at the beginning, and embarked on the road of legend: Encounter Na’er by chance, capture the heart of Gu Yue, in the spirit tower, apprentice Tianfeng; Studying in Shrek, going to Star Luo Continent, Soul Master Competition, bravely competing for the first place; Dragon Valley seizes good fortune, the Sea God Fate Convention, and the sentient people will eventually become family members; Repeatedly town the abyss, break the conspiracy of the Holy Spirit, the sage of the abyss, the ashes disappear; Untie Gu Yuena’s heart knot, hold a grand marriage, break the shackles of the gods, reestablish a new order, and create an invincible myth! p.s. Don’t enter the Tang Sect, don’t lick Tang San, no tragedy, Dzogchen plot

FallenDevilLucifer · Urban
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Brother Xuan covers you and enhances the Ancestral Dragon bloodline

"Well, Yao Xuan is right! In the next three years, everyone will be classmates. Even though Classmate Wulin's martial soul may need to work harder in cultivation, everyone should not laugh at him and ask for each other. Help each other and move forward."

Hearing what Yao Xuan said, Lin Ximeng on the side also nodded, looking at Yao Xuan with approval, and then solemnly said. When describing Tang Wulin's martial soul, she also deliberately avoided the title of "abolished martial soul", instead using very euphemistic rhetoric.

The episode ended soon. After Tang Wulin, the other students also introduced themselves one by one. In this sixteen-person soul master class, there are 2 students with innate soul power of level 5. There are 7 students with level 4, 6 students with level 3 innate soul power, and the last classmate has only level 2 innate soul power.

Because of the high innate soul power, under Lin Ximeng's designation, Yao Xuan naturally became the squad leader of this soul master class. As for the deputy squad leader, Wan Yun was another innate soul power of level 5. Classmate, the body is fat, Wuhun is a short knife.

"Today is the first day of class. In the morning, the teacher will introduce you to the basic knowledge of the spirit master world, such as the classification of martial arts, the classification of soul masters, and the basic knowledge of the soul master world. In the afternoon, we will teach and help you with preliminary meditation."

"For you, meditation is the only way to exercise your spiritual power and enhance your soul power. Therefore, if you want to become a true soul master, you must practice seriously, and you must not just because you have a soul master talent. I am complacent and neglect my practice."

"You know, if you will graduate in three years, if you do not reach the tenth level before graduation, unless you pay for it, you cannot continue to study at the Intermediate Soul Master Academy. You can only continue to study at the ordinary Intermediate Academy. No relationship with the soul master world."

"In our Hongshan Junior College, only 30% to 40% of the students who can enter the Intermediate Soul Master Academy each year are generally only about 30% to 40%. Therefore, everyone must have a sense of urgency in their hearts and hurry up. Remember, if you want to get More must pay more."

After completing the self-introduction and deciding on the class committee, Lin Ximeng also came to the podium again, and then spoke with a serious face and spoke slowly.

After hearing Lin Ximeng's words, most of the children's eyes were still confused, but some children's expressions became firm, including Tang Wulin.

[Reading red envelopes] Follow the public.. public accounts [Book Friends Base Camp], reading up to 888 cash red envelopes!

"Okay, then first of all, let me introduce the classification of martial souls. In Douluo Continent, martial souls are divided into two types: beast martial souls and weapon martial souls..."

After completing the warning to the students, Lin Ximeng finally entered the topic and began to introduce the knowledge about the spirit master world: the classification of martial arts, the classification of soul masters, soul beasts and souls, soul skills and soul rings, soul guidance technology History and development...

Listening to Lin Ximeng's explanation, the children listened attentively, with a look of desire in their eyes, which was the yearning and yearning for the most magnificent and mysterious world of the soul master.

Like other children, Yao Xuan listened carefully to Lin Ximeng's explanation. As a traveler, he lacked all kinds of knowledge in the spirit master world, and was also thirst for knowledge.

"Dingling Dingling!"

The brisk get out of class bell rang, unknowingly, forty-five minutes passed, and the first get out of class was over.

"Well, classmates, get out of class is over, let's take a break first."

Hearing the end of get out of class bell, Lin Ximeng also announced the end of get out of class, and then left the classroom.

"Hi, Tang Wulin, hello, this is Yao Xuan, I am glad to meet you!"

Seeing Lin Ximeng leaving the classroom, Yao Xuan also stood up, came to Tang Wulin's side, and stretched out his right hand.

"Hello class leader! Thank you for class today!"

Looking at Yao Xuan's eyes, Tang Wulin's heart toward Yao Xuan was even stronger, and he immediately stretched out his right hand and held Yao Xuan tightly.

"By the way, Wulin, when I see you, I feel very kind! So, I will be your elder brother in the future. If someone bullies you in the future, just tell me that Brother Xuan will cover you."

Looking at Tang Wulin, Yao Xuan also said again.

"Well, it's not good to form a clique in school, right?"

After listening to Yao Xuan's words, Tang Wulin's eyes showed a hint of hesitation, and he asked.

"How can this be gang formation? This is Teacher Lin's mutual help and mutual assistance. My strength is stronger than you, so I naturally want to help you a lot. If you don't dislike it, call me Brother Xuan."

Looking at Tang Wulin, Yao Xuan also explained with a smile.

"Then, good Brother Xuan! Thank you for helping me, Brother Xuan!"

After listening to Yao Xuan's words, Tang Wulin couldn't help but warm up, holding Yao Xuan's hand tightly and saying.

[Ding! Get the recognition and gratitude of Tang Wulin, Son of Destiny, and get golden evolution point x5! ]

Along with Tang Wulin's words, the system prompt sounded again in Yao Xuan's ears.

"Five golden evolution points! It's really good, just half a day, I got six golden evolution points, enough to increase my Ancestral Dragon bloodline by 0.6%, this Tang Wulin is really a big fat sheep!"

Along with the sound of the system prompt, Yao Xuan couldn't help showing a smile on his face, and there was a little more scorching color in his eyes looking at Tang Wulin.

"Brother Xuan, how come my eyes are so enthusiastic, I'm fainted!"

Perceiving Yao Xuan's fiery gaze, Tang Wulin's eyes also showed a trace of confusion, and then asked.

"It's nothing, I just made friends with you and I feel so happy."

Hearing Tang Wulin's words, Yao Xuan also quickly narrowed his gaze, then began to explain, and chatted with Tang Wulin.

[Golden Evolution Point: 6]

Soon, the class bell rang again, and Lin Ximeng also stepped onto the stage again and began to explain the knowledge of the soul master world to the students. At this time, Yao Xuan also sank his mind into the system and swept towards the golden evolution point one. Column, after Yao Xuan's efforts, the number there has risen from 0 to 6 points.

"System, spend all the golden evolution points to improve my Ancestral Dragon bloodline!"

Looking at the balance of golden evolution points, Yao Xuan's eyes also showed a hint of determination, and then issued an order.

As the core of the super **** system, the golden evolution point can naturally not only enhance the Ancestral Dragon bloodline, but also enhance Yao Xuan's spiritual power, soul power, skills and other abilities, which is an almighty existence.

However, Yao Xuan also knows that the power of the Ancestral Dragon Martial Spirit is determined by the Ancestral Dragon bloodline. Only by continuously improving the Ancestral Dragon bloodline can the Ancestral Dragon Martial Spirit have the ability to look at everything. Therefore, Yao Xuan finally decided to take all The golden evolution point is invested in the promotion of the Ancestral Dragon bloodline.

[Expend 6 golden evolution points to increase the Ancestral Dragon Bloodline by 0.6%. After the increase, the Ancestral Dragon Bloodline will reach 0.6%. Will it increase? ]

Following Yao Xuan's thoughts, the system prompt sounded again.


After gritting his teeth, Yao Xuan nodded again to confirm.