
doulou dalu:ten thousand worlds anime system

A young fan of novels and anime was reborn on the Doulo continent. Full of excitement for coming to his favorite novel, feng liang couldn't help but imagine his bright future, but reality gave him a bucket of cold water, drase realizes that not everything was so easy. Desperate as it was a year before the plot began, his long-awaited golden finger finally arrived and from that moment his life began to improve, coming to fulfill many of his dreams. [do not lick tang san, do not worship the teacher] Chapters will be uploaded every 4 or 3 days, in total 2 times per week. -----------IMPORTANT-------------------------------- This is my first novel, besides, English is not my native language. But I hope you like it and apologize beforehand if there are problems with the writing. In this story, I'm putting together several things that I would like, it won't be a perfect story.

Pepetimbo_32412323 · Book&Literature
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108 Chs

seeing little Yin again

Somewhere on the continent, a young and beautiful woman, with a slender body, long straight hair, falling down to her waist. She was sitting in her room, while holding a small letter in her hands, as she read it, you could see that a small smile had formed on her delicate lips.

"Little Feng, I finally found you."


After running for 6 full days, I could finally see a very familiar small town in the distance. Seeing that I was already close to home, I picked up my speed a little more, I can't deny that even though it was for a short time, I missed this place a lot.

Finally, when I arrived home I was happy to see my grandfather, so without thinking too much, I went inside.

The moment I opened the door, instead of a warm welcome, my grandfather's very displeased voice was heard:

"Little Brat, how come you're going out all by yourself to look for a soul ring and only leave a letter to warn me. You don't know how worried this old man was, right now I'll teach you to respect this old man."

When my grandfather Jack finished speaking, he grabbed me by the shoulder, so that I could not escape and hit me with the bamboo stick that he had kept. When he passed a stick of incense, he let me free, without reminding me again that if I did the same thing again, I would be worse off.

After receiving the blows from my grandfather Jack, I went to wash with a pain in my ass. I had little tears in my eyes, but I held back, someone strong like me couldn't cry over a few swats on my butt.

When I finished bathing, I still felt the pain, so I used my first soul skill, to heal myself. When I no longer felt any pain, I went back to my grandfather to show him my new soul ring, obviously I used the camouflage ability I got when I absorbed it, so that instead of a purple ring, I saw a yellow one that represented 400 years.

(remember that each ring color has a different age).

The moment I showed my spiritual ring to my grandfather and told him the story of how I got it (skipping several things obviously), he got over most of the anger and I could see a small feeling of pride in his eyes, so I took the opportunity to tell him that I would also accompany little Yin to look for her spiritual ring.

When he heard me talking about little Yin's ring, he flatly refused, we were arguing until late, since it is not easy to convince this stubborn old man. Until after a back and forth I was able to convince him to let me go.

"Finally, I didn't think I would manage to convince him!"

I thought relieved, because I didn't want to break the promise I made to Yin Lan.

The next day, in the morning, I got up in high spirits, as I would be able to see little Yin, I had breakfast and went to her house to look for her.

When I knocked on her door, a woman about 28 years old came out to greet me, when I saw that she was Yin Lan's mom(my future mother-in-law, she just doesn't know it yet) I greeted her:

"Hello auntie, I come to pick up little Yin, I don't know if I could call her."

Seeing that it was me coming to pick up her daughter, she couldn't help but laugh a little.

"fufu, I didn't expect you to come looking for her now, since I haven't seen her out these days, I thought you had fought and had forgotten about my little Yin"

The moment she finished speaking, I couldn't help but get a little embarrassed, and I don't know why, I just felt guilty.

Seeing me embarrassed, little Yin's mom didn't continue to bother me and called her daughter. When she heard that I was looking for her, she ran out to see me because we hadn't seen each other in over half a month.

"Brother Feng, you finally came back."

From one moment to the next, I saw little Yin jump up to hug me, to which I could only catch her so that she wouldn't fall. After that, only Yin Lan's mom's laughter could be heard.

"Fu~fu~, I didn't expect my little Yin Lan to be so bold."

Hearing her mother, little Yin realized what she had done and quickly separated from me in embarrassment, her face very red and unable to look at me.

After that little moment, with little Yin we went to the place where we usually practice, besides, I want to take the opportunity to see how she was doing in her training and if she took the pill I had left her before I left.

After we arrived, we sat on the grass and I started asking her:

"Little Yin, how have you been these days, did you take the pill I gave you?"

"Brother feng, these days I have noticed that I am no longer advancing in cultivation and also I have already mastered the kung-fu practice you gave me a few months ago, regarding the pill you gave me, with it my physical strength has increased a lot and not only is it, it is also becoming much easier for me to cultivate energy"

"congratulations, you have done very well these months".

When I heard about little Yin's results, I felt very happy because I know how much effort she makes every day to try to keep up with me, so I couldn't help but congratulate her.

When little Yin heard me congratulate her, a big smile appeared on her face, which I couldn't help but be amazed with.

"Ciel buy me a sword skill that best suits little Yin."

I had already foreseen that she might have completed her Kung-fu, so I took the opportunity to buy some technique for her to start practicing again.

[yes host]

[congratulations host for getting Flying Swallow]

"little Yin, close your eyes I will pass you 2 techniques to practice now."

Little Yin closed her eyes directly, as it had not been the first time he had given her a technique to practice in this way, so after a while, two new practice methods came to her.

After passing her the shunpo skill and the newly purchased Flying Swallow, I let her finish capturing all the information I gave her, so I didn't bother her and went to practice the sword movements, especially the new inheritance I had from when I killed the bandits.

After a few hours it was already getting dark so we both finished practicing and I took advantage of the moment to talk to her about the first spiritual ring we were going to look for:

"little Yin, in the next few days you must make sure you get used to the movement and sword technique you learned today, because when there is only one month left to enter school, we will go to look for your spirit ring, so you must tell your mom and tell her not to worry that I will protect you at all times, besides maybe we will not be the only ones who will go to look for a spirit ring".

"brother feng, who is the person who will accompany us?" asked the little Yin full of doubts.

"I can only tell you that he is the person with the best auxiliary martial spirit or, among the best on the continent and he should be two years older than us. Maybe he will come with us to get a martial soul or maybe not, it depends if I find him."

Not understanding what his brother feng was saying, he decided to wait to see who this person was.


Sorry for the delay, today I wanted to upload more chapters.

In the end, the character that is going to be invoked should be chosen between today and tomorrow, to start creating the story with them. Two invocations will be made, one chosen by me and the other by you, the readers.