
doulou dalu:ten thousand worlds anime system

A young fan of novels and anime was reborn on the Doulo continent. Full of excitement for coming to his favorite novel, feng liang couldn't help but imagine his bright future, but reality gave him a bucket of cold water, drase realizes that not everything was so easy. Desperate as it was a year before the plot began, his long-awaited golden finger finally arrived and from that moment his life began to improve, coming to fulfill many of his dreams. [do not lick tang san, do not worship the teacher] Chapters will be uploaded every 4 or 3 days, in total 2 times per week. -----------IMPORTANT-------------------------------- This is my first novel, besides, English is not my native language. But I hope you like it and apologize beforehand if there are problems with the writing. In this story, I'm putting together several things that I would like, it won't be a perfect story.

Pepetimbo_32412323 · Book&Literature
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108 Chs

going to notting city

Today is the day I will take little Yin to hunt for her first soul ring, we were to meet in the morning at the entrance of the village. When I saw her, I couldn't help but my heart skipped a beat because she looked so cute, today she was wearing a green and simple dress, but it looked great on her.

"Good morning, brother feng."

Hearing her talking, I quickly woke up and returned her greeting.

"Good morning, little Yin, I see you're wearing too much stuff."

I couldn't help but glance at the large backpack behind her, seeing that it was going to be a problem carrying so much stuff, I thought about what I could do. Not having any ideas, I could only ask Ciel.

"Ciel, is there anything that can be done to not carry so much stuff?"

[Answering the host, the best solution at the moment is to buy a low-grade storage ring that has 10 cubic meters of space]

"is there a ring that has more space?"

[Yes, but the host cannot access those rings yet, as they need to visit a higher plane to keep unlocking more stuff for them. For example, if the host goes to the doupo plane, the host will be able to buy in the store a different fire or certain high-grade pills, pharmacist inheritance, etc.... He will be able to buy all kinds of things that are related to the world he visits].

"Thank you system, buy me three low grade storage rings".

If you are wondering why 3 rings, it is because I found the person I was looking for and he is now in notting city waiting for us.

[Congratulations, host for getting 3 space rings, you get 6000 points deducted from the system].

"Little Yin, pass me your hand."

After receiving the space ring, I took little Yin's hand and put the ring on her ring finger, don't ask me the reason, it's just coincidence.

"what is this ring?" Yin Lan asked me hesitantly.

"This is called a space ring, if you use your soul power you will notice that inside it there is a space of about 10 cubic meters, there you can put all your things, no need to carry them on your back."

When using the space ring for the first time, little Yin's eyes sparkled, since it was the first time she saw something so magical.

"Thank you brother feng, I will take good care of it."

"Don't worry, the important thing is that you like it."

The moment we finished putting our things away in the space rings, we headed straight to notting city. Although the road is not too long, it still took us a while, since it was little Yin's first time out of town, she was very excited and curious about everything. Finally, at about noon we arrived at the entrance of Notting City, when we entered the city, we went directly to a restaurant.

When we entered we went to a table where there was a boy of about 8 years old looking at the menu, this little boy had white hair, hazel eyes and was always smiling. This person is none other than the one I have been looking for for more than half a month, when I found him, I brought him to notting city because I wanted to recruit him for my future organization, since, being a worthy traveler, I will obviously have an organization.

As you can imagine, this eight year old boy is Oscar, known to the world as the sausage monopoly and one of the members of "Shrek Seven Devils". You may be wondering why I was looking for him, well there are 2 main reasons:

1) It's because I feel that his character was not well used in the novel and also he is one of the few male characters that I like, one of the highlights he has is his charismatic personality and his great loyalty. In the novel I always felt sorry for him, because even if he becomes a god, Ning Rongrong never really loved him, to the point that he never let him touch her or get anything else, even I would not be surprised that even becoming a god is a virgin, not to mention that he has had one of the hardest childhood of his group, since he is an orphan and the first that could resemble a family that you could say he had was when Flender decided to take him to sherk because of his talent.

2) And the second important point, is that he is the only person with a food martial spirit who was born innately full of soul power (level 10), also it is said that his talent could be equal or superior to Tang san, although he has already lost almost 2 years of cultivation, if I teach him how to fight and give him resources, I am sure he can go further than in the original novel.

3) Another important point is that, although a person can have several wives, it is necessary to have at least one friend, as there are things that can only be talked about between men.

For these reasons and others, I went looking for him, since I firmly believe that he is worth helping.

If you're interested in how I met him and got him to follow me, you'd have to go back a month.


Today I decided to start looking for Oscar, so I sent about 10 clones to search all possible orphanages. The first few days there was no luck, I didn't find any child with the characteristics I'm looking for, so I started to worry, since Oscar supposedly shouldn't have been found by Flender yet.

After almost 15 days, I finally got the news I wanted, it turns out that in a town near the city soto, I found a boy walking down the street trying to find something to eat, it must be said that although orphanages give food, it is not enough for the children and not to mention all kinds of bullies that can be in those places, so it is understandable that he is in that situation.

I followed him quietly without him noticing my existence, until I saw him steal some fruits from a street stall, without the vendor noticing, he grabbed two fruits and left quietly. After that, he went to a sector where there were almost no people to eat, I was thinking on the way how to get his attention.

When 10 minutes passed, Oscar had already finished eating the fruits and was about to leave, at that moment I realized that I was thinking stupid things, he is just an eight year old kid, show him something that impresses him and that's it, realizing that I was complicating myself for nothing, I could not help but want to slap myself.

So I wasted no more time and went to a nearby place, so Oscar can hear what I'm going to do and go look out of curiosity.