
Doulou Dalu — Apocalypse Heart

An unusual tale of a mortal's ascension to godhood. He who is known by different names. He who is not known that bears the flames of rage. He who possess a heart that's not his. He who is a devil that brings despair and hope. He who is a hero to his ally that kills without leaving a blood. He who is a villain to his enemy that brings fear and terror. He who is the maker who forge with death and madness. He who is the bearer of the world's unfortunate beings. He who is a subject that knows nothing but pain. He who is a king that is the most perfect being. Just... who is he? He who is the carrier of flames that seeks for a resolution. Salvation or Destruction. In this world full of countless desires, which path will his heart strives for? (AN: No Harem, but still undecided love interest. Support me on my kofi.com/ishyawrites) .... Note: The cover is not mine if it's yours, you can kindly tell me to remove it. DD3

Ishya_Chan · Anime & Comics
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51 Chs

One Year Later (1) 18+

A/N: Contains sensitive and angering informations.


Chapter 9 — One Year Later (1)

After undergoing Poison Body Refinement and obtaining Purple Blood, I saw the next few days being spent as usual.

In the early morning, I started the day by working out my body and training my boxing skills since my movements were still in the rudimentary stage.

It was then followed by honing my forging and tailoring skills at the shops I worked. Apart from those, I've also begun reading books in the public library to expand my knowledge and wisdom.

The public library didn't contain much knowledge about spirit masters, focusing more on mundane subjects such as science, soul-guide technology, philosophy, mathematics, liberal arts, languages, business economics, major professions, etc.

At first I didn't feel much joy and interest from reading, but I've gradually come to like it as my brain efficiently absorbs and processes knowledge like a computer machine. I realized that my brain was very adaptive and was able to learn and process information much faster than before.

As a result of reading a lot of books, it expanded and enriched my mind, eventually fully unlocking its 'perception' over my internal state and my surrounding environments.

It felt weird and strange to see my surroundings through my mind. No, instead of seeing, it felt more like my mind was sensing the outside world in a detailed manner.

This strange mind power made it easier for me to thoroughly understand the metal when forging at the smithy, causing the quality of metals I've refined to experience rapid improvement.

Not only in forging, I could apply this special perception in every part of my daily life.

All in all, I strived to become stronger and smarter everyday. I am also working hard to earn lots of money.

I've started to experiment with my biological weapon. Its effects were relatively simple since it just filled my body with stamina and virility which made it much easier to workout and forge. My resistance to poisons received a major boost to the point of making it impossible for normal poisons to harm my body. My blood also has the ability to absorb the accumulated poisons and toxins within my body to further strengthen its potency and lethality.

My greatest weapon out of all my current arsenals is now my Purple Blood. This biological weapon perfectly complemented my immune system since it absorbed all poisonous and medicinal substances that invaded my body to strengthen itself. In another sense, it meant I wouldn't become sick from any illnesses anymore. However, to use Purple Blood as a weapon, I needed to shed blood every time I wanted to use it. And to further improve it, I need to consume more hundred-year-old Spirit Fruits.

Although I experimented a lot with my new blood, I still haven't got the chance to use it against other people.

I mean, for a certain time, there wasn't really a situation where I was required to use it.

But one day, a time where I required to use my biological weapon suddenly appeared—

A medium-level group from the Scorpion Gang came to knock on the door. Alas, they didn't realize I was the culprit behind the recent slaughter for one of their low-level groups.

I now knew a lot of things about the Scorpion Gang after forcefully beating up the beggars that sold me out. Therefore, I've also managed to obtain some information about the Scorpion Gang from them.

Surprisingly, the beggars I severely beat up were the group of beggars that attacked me at the very beginning.

The Scorpion Gang was a major force that held a dominant power as they held various connections with the town's corrupted authority. They either were blackmailing them or trading their smuggled 'goods' with the corrupt officials who enjoyed using them.

In simple words, the Scorpion Gang was a wicked group that loved to smuggle illegal drugs, spirit weapons, and steal money from people. Perhaps, there might be even more darkness behind them.

Most of the medium-level members were exhorting people that ran shops for money and entertainment, claiming people's money under the pretense of 'Protection Fees', when they really just want to steal money from the people.

As for the high-level members, they were responsible for secretly smuggling goods to trade with the corrupted officials to satisfy their interest and consolidate their position in the town.

At day, Sunset Town was just a peaceful town, but at night, it would descend into darkness and cruelty.

At night, every week, the medium-level gangs would roam the streets to claim their expensive protection fees. If you failed to pay them, they would severely damage your properties and even injure you to some extent. In some cases, your fate might become unknown.

This rule even applied to Hu Yu's Blacksmith Shop.


The bell rang softly.

Many loud footsteps resounded, the inside of the shop soon turning chaotic.

"Oy! Old fart, time to hand in your protection fees!" A pretty woman uttered demandingly.

"If you don't hand it in, you know what will happen, right?" Suddenly, three men popped from behind the woman, each of them popping their knuckles.

Their ugly, bastardly faces showed clear threatening expressions.

"Here's your money…"

To not cause unwanted troubles, Hu Yu gave them a thick envelope that contained the money. As an old woman, she had no way to fight this unfairness.

The pretty woman opened the envelope and began to count them.

Soon, she narrowed her eyes.


Her voice resounded sharply.

"Isn't this too little? Shouldn't you provide us more for protecting your shops from people who cause trouble?" She waved her hand to demand more money.

"This is the amount of money you guys set…"

"Huh!? If I say it's not enough, then it's not enough, old fart!"


Abruptly, the woman harshly slapped Hu Yu's cheeks.

I looked at her swollen cheeks, seeing blood slowly dripping after it got cut from the woman's sharp nails.

Instantly, I could feel rage spreading throughout my body.

"Don't, Nai An."

As if sensing my rage, Hu Yu instantly looked at me to stop.

As I heaved heavily, I clenched my fists tightly before slowly nodding my head.

"Nai An, grab more money."

As I clenched my teeth intensely, I went to the register to take out additional money before handing it to them with trembling arms.

"This is more like it." The woman grabbed the money with greed apparent within her eyes.

Meanwhile, the three men chuckled upon seeing my trembling arms, clearly thinking I was afraid of them.

In fact, it was the complete opposite. My arms were trembling because of the seething rage that was close to erupt.

The gangster soon left the shop, causing Hu Yu to sigh with relief before continuing her forging work.

This unfairness was already part of her life so she wasn't bothered that much.

However, it was different for me.

I was extremely furious at the gangsters that stole money like bandits. After they claimed their money and laughed mockingly as they left, I quietly stalked them from the dark.

I've watched them patiently in the darkness like a hunter preparing to hunt down his prey.

After memorizing their activities for several days, I soon saw the perfect opportunity to kill all of them.

It was time.

The cooled rage began to seeth furiously once again.







Iron Pig Bar.

An entertainment shop owned by Scorpion Gang.

Inside this shop, there was a large gathering of the Scorpion Gang. There were about fifty gang members inside. It also had some corrupt officials who sneakily came to enjoy pleasure.

The inside of the bar was full of hazy white smokes made from high concentrations of illegal drugs like aphrodisiac, viagra, and other high-inducing drugs.

Inside a room, the four people that stole money from Hu Yu could be seen.

"Haha! A successful steal!"

"Those shop owners are really dumb to hand their money so obediently to us like a group of meek sheeps!"

"I know right? What protection fees? It's just a nonsense concept the gang made to legally steal money from the weak!"

"Hahahaha! This life is fucking easy and great!"

The pretty woman looked absentmindedly while laughing madly. She was completely naked, revealing her fair and voluptuous body.

Alongside her, the three men were also completely naked. All of them were having an intense orgy party.

As they got drowned with pleasure from the drugs, they started to have a hot and addicting orgy.

"Mhmm… Your dick is so big and delicious…"

The pretty woman was swallowing and licking one of the men's throbbing dick with her tongue.

At the same time, two guys were ravaging her body from behind—one pounding his dick inside her smelly asshole, and the other pounding his dick inside her wet pussy.

"Ahhh..! Ahh! AHH! It fucking feels good to have two dicks penetrating me!"

"More…! More…!"

"Make me feel good!"

The pretty woman moaned loudly in delight as intense pleasure overwhelmed her body.

"AHH~! Ahh~!! Move faster! I'm gonna cum…!"

She bit her lips as her eyes started to roll back from the pleasure. With every pound of the two men, she could feel an intense jolt of pleasure ravaging her body!

The pretty woman began to move her hips back and forth against their dicks, causing her to wet the bed.

The two men also did the same, repeatedly moving their dicks inside and out repeatedly until they all exploded together.

Meanwhile, the woman also enjoyed licking the dick of the first man who've also reached his limit.

"Ahh…! I'm cumminggg!"

"It feels so good…!!"

"I can't stop squirting…!"

Her body shivered violently as she spread her legs widely, causing her juices to splatter everywhere in the room. From her three wide holes, a thick amount of smelly whitish liquids poured out heavily.

"It tastes like shit…"

The woman tasted the white liquids inside her mouth before swallowing them down her throat.

She then noticed the dicks of the three men still hard and erected fully from the effects of viagra.

"You three, do it amongst yourselves." She commanded while breathing heavily as she spread her legs and started rubbing her pussy with her hands.


The three men expressed their refusal at those words.

"Do it!! Or else, you wanna die!?" The woman said annoyedly.

The three men trembled afraidly upon her threat. They knew it was real based on their experience serving them.

And so, the three men began doing it together.

"Ahhh~! This is so good and different from before…" Her hands started to move faster and faster as sticky fluids drenched her fingers and the bed from watching the three men having their intense sword fight.

At this moment, outside of their room, at the shop's hallway—

"Who are you, brat?" A naked man openly having his fun with six other naked women in the hallway, quickly noticed an inconspicuous kid walking across the foggy hallway.

"A corrupted official…" The kid mumbled grimly with narrowed eyes.

"The guards here are worthless to allow a kid to trespass here." The naked man then chuckled upon noticing that the kid looked quite good. "Wanna join the fun with this brother? I promise it won't hurt…" He slowly reaches out with his hands lecherously before suddenly noticing something amiss.

"Why is there blood…?"

He saw blood slowly dripping from the sleeves of the kid's clothes.

Suddenly, a sharp metallic light flew—

And with a dagger coated with blood, I slashed his throat apart.


I felt blood violently spewing against my body.

The man fell to the ground while painfully grasping his sliced throat. No sounds could escape his mouth.

As his life slowly slipped, his body silently fell on the floor.

The cold force coursed inside my body to absorb the lifeforce.

I then silently reached out to my waist, a pouch strapped to it, slowly taking out iron needles that I made myself.

Its tips were already coated with blood that shone with a purple hue. The fusion of my forging skills and biological weapon. It was the same for my dagger.

I went to the girls laying nakedly on the ground with their flesh and mountain peaks clearly exposed. On their thighs, I could see whitish liquids slowly spilling on the ground. Their eyes were hazy and completely blank from drugs.


One by one, I swiftly slashed my dagger into their hearts, killing them instantly without pain.

I don't know about the girls. However, I could see pain within their eyes. It seemed like they were forced to work inside this place.

The more reasons I needed to destroy it.

The corpses of the girls let out life forces that got absorbed into my body.

To enter this building, I have killed the guards outside and hid their dry corpses. I did the same to the reception room that was just behind me. It was night, so it should take some time for someone to see them.

I scanned the hallway that was pretty long with seven rooms. At the end, there was a stairway that headed upstairs.

This was a three story building. And I needed to kill the scums that were staying in this place.

First, I went to the first room on the right and saw the inside completely empty. I quickly knew who used this room.

After that, I entered the second room on the left. I saw the room completely filled with dense smoky drugs that assaulted my nostrils. There were a bunch of unconscious old women inside with a man raping all of them. He was so busy and high that he didn't notice me entering the room.

With a flick of my wrist, I threw a needle that pierced the back chest of the man, causing him to fall and convulse on the ground painfully.

I then examined the euphoric old women and saw scorpion tattoos etched on their saggy breasts.

Without a hesitation, I killed all of them instantly. The man had the most painful death as he slowly died from my lethal poison.

Their life forces entered my body and nourished me from the inside out.

After that, I continued to do the same act of slaughtering for the remaining rooms and floors.

I saw many things that made me question humanity. It was simply too heinous and nauseous. Not only just the Scorpion Gang, I saw rich merchants and corrupted officials inside the rooms.

In one the room, I saw a man raping the three dead bodies of young girls of my age. I didn't know how they died. Maybe due to physical abuse or the lethality of the drugs in the air.

So, I killed the man with my poison to grant them a peaceful rest.

For the rest, I just saw prostitutes doing all kinds of fetishes to satisfy their customers. As for the fetishes, just Imagine the worst fetishes you know. That would save you from trouble.

I finished clearing the 1st and 2nd floors using my daggers and needles. I killed various people that ranged from guards, corrupted officials, merchants, rich peoples, and gangsters.

As for the third floor, I was almost done with only one remaining room left.

"This should be the room they are staying in."

As soon as I entered, various nasty scents assaulted my nostrils. It caused me to frown harshly. It further deepened upon seeing the sight before me.

In front of me, I saw three men having their dicks pushing in and out of their assholes while moaning heavily.

A naked pretty woman was watching them while rubbing her clit intensely.

I know them. They were my targets. The woman was the person that slapped Hu Yu on the face.

With a snap of my wrist, three needles appeared between my fingers. It soon flew out and pierced the chests of the three men who were on the verge of climax. All of them fell on the ground while convulsing horribly with their body expanding and distorting disgustingly.

I knew people wouldn't die quickly from my poisons. If I desire, I could grant them a painful torment equivalent to the sins they've committed.


The pretty woman was quickly horrified upon seeing the strange disfiguration of the three men. And with her legs still spread widely, her pussy twitched violently as it let out yellowish liquids that splashed on my face.

She let out for a while before she finally stopped squirting her juices. However, instead of pleasure, only pure fearfulness overwhelmed her body and mind.

My complexion went extremely dark as I felt my face turning wet and damp. It felt very sticky and was dripping down with her disgusting urine.

"It smells worse than shit." I glared down on her hairy pussy before piercing it with my poisonless dagger.

"Ughhh!" The woman's body arched horribly as my dagger penetrated her insides painfully.

From her widely spread legs, I could see blood profusely dripping down to her twitching asshole and buttocks. It drenched my dagger that was still inside her pussy.

"You like getting penetrated, right?" I took out another poisonless dagger before violently shoving it inside her asshole.

"Aghhh! You bastard!" The woman screamed at the top of her lungs once again.

Her insides felt extremely painful as it constantly got sliced every time her insides throbbed painfully.

She then dazedly remembered who I was after seeing my face.

"The bastard from that smithy…!"

"Where's the money?" I questioned with a low voice. Seeing her not replying, I pounded my fist into her face.

I then got on top of her body, raising my fist high above before smashing it on her head again.


I saw her teeth and blood flying out.

"Where is It? The money Hu Yu worked hard to earn!"

She remained silent.

"Still not replying?"

I once again drove my fist harshly on her face.




And again.

The woman's pretty face was already disfigured beyond ugliness.

She was silent and trembling from pure fear despite the effects of drugs.

"Where is it!?"

After no response, I drove my fist once again.

After that, I slashed my left palm and pried her mouth open with the other. I fed my blood to poison her.

"Scream the pain of your sins."

Immediately, I heard an ear-piercing distorted sound exploding out from her mouth.

The sound of a woman screaming until her vocal cords were pushed beyond their limits from the excruciating pain. It eventually sounded like scarring screams to the ears.

"Iht hwurts!!!!!" The woman cried out incoherently with her entire body convulsing violently.

"...underground.. storage…" She weakly muttered with her eyes dripping with tears of blood.

"You should've said so earlier."

For one last time, I punched her with all my might on the face.


"That's for slapping granny."

The woman's skull caved terrifyingly with her eyeballs being crushed along with her brain juices leaking out..

After I killed the three men and the woman, the cold force emerged as usual to greedily absorb the life forces. At the same time, I felt my blood absorbing the dense toxic substances like aphrodisiac and viagra that filled the room to strengthen itself and have the ability to make countermeasures against similar substances in the future.

My body was nourished and bathed under a dense amount of life forces. However, I just felt sick about it.

Yet it was impossible for me to control the cold forces that automatically absorbed the life forces of people I've killed.

And due to the abundant quantity, I could detailedly feel my bodily functions improving significantly using my mind perception.

My cells were not only changed to be of higher quality, but it was also made to become very adaptive, making it gradually strengthen my natural healing factor, as well as the learning capacity of the brain and other muscles (muscle memory).

After having absorbed so many life forces, the percentage of my pink muscles further increased to replace my other types of muscles.

And I realized where the transformation was first happening.

It was my Heart.

Once it was completely built out of pink muscles, it should provide more powerful and extremely efficient performances that would greatly improve the capabilities of my entire body.

I walked across the entire building to absorb the remaining smoky drugs that filled the entirety. After absorbing everything, I felt my blood strengthening considerably in terms of its poisonous property.

I then went to search for the underground storage room. With my perception, I soon managed to spot the secret mechanism that opened the pathway toward the underground room.

The secret mechanism was on the first floor.

I gazed at the painting on the wall that depicted the image of a vicious scorpion inside a jar that stood over various dead poisonous insects.

After tilting the painting to the side, the wall next to it began to open up. Upon fully opening, I saw a stairway that leads to the underground level.

I walked down the stairway before arriving inside a room full of stolen products and a large vault filled with money. There were also many drug incense and unknown drug substances.

After looking around, I saw the money envelope Hu Yu handed. It was still left unused.

I decided to hand it back.

As for the rest of the stolen money, I decided to keep them for now since I didn't know where it was stolen from.

To transport such a large amount of money, I saw a large steel cart that was used to transport the goods inside this secret storage.

I then curiously searched around the stolen objects.

"Hmm? What's with this weird item?" I picked up a blue necklace with a clam shell that faintly glowed in blue light.

It felt special and mystical as it released a special aura.

Upon deliberating, I decided to wear the necklace. It immediately caused my mind to become as clear and calm as the ocean. The bloodlust I accumulated and released after killing so many people started to recede back.

"This is really a mystical object."

After loading all the money and drug items into the steel cart, I decided to leave the place.

As for the stolen objects, I have no way of taking them away since I have no place to hide it.

And to entirely remove this building that runs an illegal business, I decided to burn the building along with the corpses into smithereens.

I collected a large amount of oil from the building's kitchen before spreading it all over the building.

After spreading oil everywhere, I released gasses and the drug smoke to fill the inside.

All that was left was lit a fire somewhere.

And that's what I did.


The building suddenly erupted with blazing heat as it got swallowed by flames. It even started exploding loudly.

As it descended into pits of flames, I sneakily left while carrying a large cart full of money.








A few days later, I secretly returned the money to Hu Yu since I know where she stored all of her money.

And after that second encounter with the Scorpion Gang, I now know what to do before departing from Sunset Town.

And that was to eliminate scums.

However, to not place Hu Yu in danger and avoid being caught, I need a combat costume to act as a vigilante.

With that in mind, I began tailoring to create my combat costume.

Until eventually—

A war between one boy and many gangsters suddenly erupted.

Once the sun sets down and night descends, a black crimson meadow roams the streets to search and slaughter scorpions.

In the end, the only thing left would be blood stains and corpses that were sucked dry.


Please donate on my kofi.com/ishyawrites! I really need money for my coffee boost to write! !