
Double Trouble In Dc

A couple died in an 'accident', met a powerful being who gave them powers and sent them to DC. Will they cause chaos? Definitely. Are they evil? Kinda. P.S Read the aux chapters because i wrote some important details and heads ups about what to expect from my works.

Kurama24 · Anime & Comics
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10 Chs

Pets and Plans

(A/N: Hi guys/girls quick question, I'm trying to place a cover for my fics but I'm getting no reaction. I'm using the correct size and type of image, even customer support couldn't solve it. Is it bcz I'm using the mobile app? Can someone send me samples to try as covers similar to the images I'll post now. It's for the 3 fics and thanks)


(2 days after the 4 heroes' defeat)

(Spain, Barcelona)

A fancy hotel with a big "Quantisimo's Hotel" sign can be seen. Inside the hotel a handsome red haired man and a beautiful purple haired woman can be seen relaxing in the indoor pool. While their looks would turn heads, the peculiar thing would be the orange tabby cat and 3 headed puppy swimming in said pool.

"So let me get this straight, 2 months passed since we saw John Wick and in that time he found a homeless cerberus and a stray flerken so he thought it was a good idea to send them to us to take care of them?" Asked Luna.

"Yep that basically sums it up, I ain't against the idea to be honest. I mean come on look at them, they are soo fluffy. Just look at this floof. Now the main thing we need to do is give them names, the cat will obviously be Goose it's just too iconic. As for the puppies, how about Spyke, Tyke, and Nasus?" Recommended Lucas.

(The cerberus's names and looks aren't yet confirmed so if there's any suggestions place them in the comments.)

"Hmm, I'm not quite sure yet but soo far let's keep it like that. Anyway what are our plans for the future?"

"1st we are going to rob some banks, get ourselves a home and obviously build a base of operations. We can then tour the world to sight see while sampling different foods and from time to time we can go mess with the heroes and villains. So we have to make a bucket list of things we wanna do like smack Luther's bald head, troll batman, give superman an external wedgy..."

(If u guys have ideas they're also welcomed)

"Oo I wanna have a tea party with Ivy, Harley, and the other women. We can wear pretty dresses and pretend to be noble jade beauties." Giggled Luna.


(Meanwhile on the Justic League Space Station)

Inside the meeting room a bunch of people each clad in an array of different costumes and colors. At the center of the table sat Superman while behind him stood Batman infront of a projected screen. On the left and right side of the table sat John Constantine, Giovanni Zatara, Aquaman, Flash, Wonderwoman, Martian Manhunter, and John Stewart the Green lantern. A few more seats were left empty for the rest of the Justice League members that were currently unavailable.

"Good, now that everyone is here I'll explain why I called for this meeting on such short notice." (Batman)

"No problem, it's good to see each other every now and then plus it helps us stay updated for any new rising issues" (Superman)

(A/N: Would u guys prefer if i just wrote who is speaking like this or keep it the way it was?)

"2 days ago, a team consisting of Superboy, Nightwing, Beastboy, and Zatanna were dispatched to track and subdue a group of cultists. According to the report, they were cultists that worship Trigon and were trying to summon him into our world. The team was able to defeat them and stop the summoning ritual somewhat." (Batman)

"Somewhat?" (Constantine)

"The ritual became unstable and went out of control but it somehow still did a summoning and summoned them" (Batman).

The projector then showed images of Lucas and Luna in there Jojo pose.

"So Cool" (Flash)

"These are Lucas and Luna Lumos, apparently they're husband and wife. They claim they were pushed by someone into a portal and ended up here. They were able to defeat the team easily so not much information was gathered about their abilities. Soo far Lucas has enhanced strength, speed, reflexes and durability greater than superboy but Zatara said he most likely has demonic powers which he hasn't used yet except when his hand turned black. Luna on the other hand avoided close range fighting and instead used chantless magic to control elements such as fire and earth as for what else she's capable of we don't know. When Nightwing questioned their purpose the said they wish to cause chaos". (Batman)

Batman clicks a button that starts playing the introsong they did.

"As we can see, they're most likely non official agents of chaos and their threat level is at least city level since not much of their true strength has been shown. I recommend a subdue and detain on sight approach after that we can question them in more details. Any objections?". (Batman)

As Batman surveyed everyone, Superman raised his hand directly followed by Flash and John Constantine.

" I'd like to recommend we give them another chance but this time with a less detaining interrogating option. Especially since they didn't do anything villainous soo far so it could be pausible to peacefully deal with them." (Superman)

"Yeah I'm with Superman on this one, they don't look and act like villains. Maybe a friendly approach from me can confirm it? Plus don't forget they didn't cause lethal or brutal harm to the squad even though they could've killed them right then and there so they might not be really villains." (Flash)

Several members started discussing and nodding between each other before all agreeing that they should give them another shot.

"Alright that's it for this topic. The next time anyone meets one of these 2, approach them in a civil manner. Now onto the next topic,...." (Batman)

(A/N: That's that for this chap, the next chapters might start becoming smaller I'm not sure yet but I'll try to keep it around 1k per chapter. Anyways if you're enjoying this ff just comment/interact with the paragraphs. And Ramadan Kareem :D)