
Double-Edged Curse

Avery Campbell, an intelligent and promising young woman suddenly finds herself in a tricky situation. Her twin brother falls seriously ill on the day of his important interview with one of the largest gaming companies in the city. Faced with family expenses to pay, and a sick brother in need of medical care, she decides to step in and take her brother’s place. To make things even more challenging, she has to disguise herself as a man to pull off the switch, as the CEO of the company has a bias against hiring women. It's a hilarious and suspenseful adventure, as she and the supposed CEO started off on a bad note (He was reason why she lost her previous job). She successfully navigates the interview process and secures a job for herself, but along the long run finds herself in a sticky situation.

Diamond_sunshine · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
16 Chs


8am at the Campbell's house.

As the morning sun streamed through the windows, Avery woke up feeling refreshed, and energized. She stretched her arms, and lets out a contented yawn, savoring the rare feeling of a restful night's sleep that had eluded her for the past few days. With a smile on her face, she jumped out of bed, and glanced at the clock, realizing that it was already 8am.

"Why do I feel like I'm forgetting something?" Avery asked herself, while she scratched her disheveled hair.

"Avery! Get down here already. Your brother will soon be leaving for his interview!" She heard her mom yell from the living room.

Panic immediately set in as she remembered that her twin brother, Owen, was supposed to be leaving for his important interview at GameHive. She rushed into the bathroom, brushed her teeth, and splashed her face with water to wake herself up fully.

With her hair neatly styled, and a little touch of makeup to enhance her natural beauty, Avery raced downstairs to join the rest of the family for breakfast. The aroma of freshly brewed coffee, and warm toast fills the air as she entered the kitchen. Her mom, and grandma were already at the table, eagerly awaiting her arrival. "Good morning everyone." She greeted them with a cheerful smile, which they all replied to with a matching energy.

Owen, dressed impeccably in a sharp suit, was already seated at the head of the table. His jet black hair was perfectly styled, and his amber eyes glowed with a mix of excitement and nervousness. Avery couldn't help but feel a surge of pride for her brother as she took her seat next to him. "Looking handsome Mr. Campbell." She teased him, as she playfully jabbed against his shoulder.

Owen smiled, managing to ease a little bit of the tension he was feeling. "Thank you, little sis." He teased back.

"Don't crumple your brother's suit. You have no idea how long it took me to make it look so perfect." Mrs. Campbell lightly tapped Avery on the head, while laying her complaint.

Avery pouted as she defended herself, "It was only a slight jab, no harm done."

After breakfast, Owen then prepared to leave. The whole family gathered around him, showering him with words of encouragement and well wishes.

Avery gave him a tight hug, and whispered words of confidence in his ear. "You've got this bro! Just be yourself when you get there, and showcase your skills. I'm sure GameHive would be lucky to have you."

With a grateful smile, Owen said, "Thank you very much, Avery. I really needed that." He then grabbed his portfolio, and took a deep breath, before heading towards the front door.

But then, Owen suddenly paused. His face slowly grew pale, as he felt a tightness in his chest, and started struggling to catch his breath.

"What's wrong, honey?" Mrs Campbell asked as she rushed to his side, noticing his distress. Avery, and grandma Pamela also rushed to him, with their faces filled with concern.

Owen's legs suddenly lost their strength, and he collapsed onto his mother, while still gasping for air.

Panic shot through Mrs Campbell as she watched her son struggle. "What's going on with you?" She asked in a shaky voice, but Owen couldn't say a word as he grew weaker as time went.

"Quick Avery, call 911!" Grandma Pamela frantically yelled to Avery, and Avery quickly scurried to get her phone. Her hands were shaking slightly as she dialed the number, and her eyes stung with tears as she watched her twin looking so helpless for the first time in her life.

Hope Haven Hospital.

In the waiting area, Mrs. Campbell couldn't stop her tears from flowing, while she was being comforted by her mother, who was just trying to be strong for her daughter.

Avery on the other hand, just kept pacing back and forth in the waiting area, seemingly restless.

They had been in the hospital for more than an hour. The medical team had taken several steps to determine the cause of Owen's condition. They started by conducting a physical examination, checking his vital signs, and they asked questions about his medical history.

They had also performed some diagnostic tests such as blood tests, and an electrocardiogram in order to gather more information.

"Avery!" Madeline called out as she entered the waiting area, and engaged Avery in a tight hug. "Are you okay?" Madeline asked, and it was as if Madeline's question opened the tap which Avery had been trying hard to keep shut.

"No I'm not, Madeline. I'm scared!" Avery's tears started to flow like a stream as she nestled into the embrace of her best friend. "I don't want to be negative, but I can't help it. This was exactly what happened to dad before he eventually passed away. I don't want to lose my brother."

"Shhh." Madeline gently patted Avery on the back. "No one is losing anyone, okay? Your brother will be fine, I promise." Madeline reassured her.

"Mrs. Campbell!" Their attention was immediately gotten by the doctor, and nurse who had joined them in the waiting area.

Mrs. Campbell ran to the doctor immediately, drilling him, "What's wrong with my son? Please tell me he is alright."

The doctor sighed and said, "He is currently stable, and out of danger now, ma'am."

"What exactly happened to him?" Avery asked.

"With the series of tests carried out, it has been confirmed that he has a condition called… Leukemia."

Mrs. Campbell fumbled backwards as the doctors words hit her with a mighty blow. Avery, and Madeline had to quickly go to her and held her.

"No no no. Not again! That was what killed my husband." Mrs Campbell trembled as she was remembered of the memories of the painful past of the time she had been left alone by her beloved husband.

"There's nothing to worry about, his condition hasn't gotten to the serious stage yet. He is still in the acute stage, and we can quickly carry out a stem cell transplant." The doctor explained.

"H-how much is the transplant?" Avery stammered out her question.

"It's going to cost 50,000 dollars." The doctor replied, resulting to their moths opening in shock. 50,000 dollars? Where were they expected to get such money from?

Seeing the helpless looks on their faces, the doctor then said, "But if you can't afford the transplant now, you can settle for chemotherapy. A session only costs a thousand dollars."

"How many sessions per week?" Mrs. Campbell asked.

"Up to three times a week." The doctor replied, and when the nurse whispered something into his ear, he then said, "You will have to excuse me. I have an urgent operation to attend to. You will be able to see him soon." And with that, he left together with the nurse.

Mrs. Campbell's heart sank as she allowed the words of the doctor to settle in. How was she supposed to come up with the money for Owen's treatment? She owned a grocery store which she and her husband used to manage together when he was still alive, and while she was able to get enough money for food and rent from it, Owen's medical bills was something she knew she wouldn't be able to afford.

As for Avery, she could only stand there, feeling all useless. She had lost the only job she had managed to get, and now she had nothing to support her mother with her brother's treatment.

Even Madeline's comforting words, and petting didn't do anything to cheer Avery up. She suddenly felt like a huge responsibility had been put on her shoulders. She had to do everything and anything possible to make sure her brother gets the best treatment. No matter what it would cost her!

The upcoming chapters will be intense and thrilling (in a good way though) STAY TUNED!!!

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