
Dou Po: Start from Signing in to Different Fire

Traveling through the sky, Xiao Yu, who wanted to spend his life as a salty fish, accidentally activated the sign-in training system! "Ding! The Dou Break Sky training system is starting, the host has successfully signed in, and the reward: Bone Spirit Leng Huo!" ... Thus, Xiao Yu embarked on a journey of cultivation in Dou Qi Continent! With the help of the system, Xiao Yu began to get various rewards! There are medicine books for life and death, flesh and bones: Dandian! There is a powerful technique for cultivating all attributes: Chaos Source Cultivation Method! There is an overbearing and powerful physique: Prison-Suppressing Divine Physique! There is a fire that burns the sky and destroys the earth: Chaos Fire! He also possesses unpredictable alchemy skills, holding life and death in his hands, and controlling everything! --------------IMPORTANT---------------------------------- note: This novel does not belong to me, it is in Chinese and I am translating it, sorry in advance if some sentences are not well understood PD:CHAPTERS WILL BE UPLOADED EVERY DAY, DON'T WORRY [MY LANGUAGE IS NOT ENGLISH, I MADE THIS WITH THE HELP OF GOOGLE TRANSLATE]

Pepetimbo_32412323 · Book&Literature
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273 Chs

Small Valley

Xiao Yu looked at the scars on the little fairy doctor's body, and took out a few bottles of healing medicine from the ring and handed them to her, "This is the elixir I made by myself. It has a good healing effect, you should use it first!"

  The little fairy doctor looked at Xiao Yu with some horror and said: "Are you still a pharmacist?"

  Xiao Yu smiled and said, "Is it strange that I am a pharmacist?" The

  little doctor choked suddenly, but couldn't find anything The reason for the rebuttal is that Xiao Yu's strength is so high, and he is also a pharmacist, what kind of evildoer can do this?

  But thinking of Xiao Yu's strange flame just now, and his identity as a pharmacist, the little doctor didn't think it was very strange.

  Xiao Yu didn't care about the little fairy doctor's stupefaction, and after waving towards the big tree, Xiao Bai and Xiao Zi turned into two streamers and appeared beside Xiao Yu.

  The little fairy doctor glanced at Xiaobai and Xiaozi, with a look of love in his eyes, and asked Xiao Yu: "These two little guys are so cute! Are they your pets?"

  Xiao Yu scanned He glanced at Xiaobai and Xiaozi, then nodded and said: "That's right, one is called Xiaobai and the other is called Xiaozi!"

  Unexpectedly, the little doctor immediately burst out laughing when he heard Xiao Yu's words, "That's how you give this Did the two little guys get their names?"

  Xiao Yu lost his mind for a moment looking at the little doctor's beautiful smile, but he quickly came to his senses, shrugged his shoulders and said: "As the old saying goes, a cheap name is easy to support! "

  At this moment, Xiaobai and Xiaozi both looked at Xiao Yu with dissatisfaction in their eyes, Xiaobai stretched out his arms to hug Xiaobai, Xiaobai did not resist, but showed a comfortable expression, It looks very underwhelming. Xiong Dou reads the book

  The little fairy doctor looked at Xiaobai lying in his arms and said with a smile: "It seems that Xiaobai likes me very much!"

  Xiaobai found a comfortable position in the arms of the little doctor and narrowed his eyes. , looking like an old man, Xiao Yu watched Xiao Bai swaying back and forth in the arms of the little doctor fairy, and could

  n't help but secretly slandered: "This little guy is not a man, is he?" Leave it alone, but asked the little fairy doctor: "How did you get targeted by the wolf head mercenary group?"

  While stroking Xiaobai's soft hair, the little fairy doctor said: "I got a treasure map of a cave before, and the location of the cave was marked on it. As a result, Mu Li, the young leader of the wolf head mercenary regiment, got it from my assistant. After hearing the news, I followed me all the way to the cave, there were originally three stone boxes in the cave, but someone should have gotten there first, I just got part of the treasures!"

"Mu Li thought that I got all the treasures and asked me to hand them over. Although I escaped by chance, Mu Li still did not give up, so he ordered to chase me down."

  Hearing the words of the little doctor, Xiao A flash of embarrassment flashed in Yu's eyes, he was the one who took all the things in the cave, but this also became the reason why she was hunted down by the wolf head mercenary group, which made Xiao Yu feel a little apologetic!

  The little fairy doctor glanced at Xiao Yu, and asked a little strangely: "What's wrong with you?" Xiao Yu calmed down and said, "Oh, it's   nothing

  , I just thought of something."

Treating her badly, at least the Seven-Colored Poison Sutra was left behind, but when thinking of the Seven-Color Poison Sutra, Xiao Yu remembered one thing, that is the Enan Poison Body!

  The little fairy doctor glanced at Xiao Yu and didn't ask any further questions. He nodded and said, "I still have a secret stronghold in the Warcraft Mountains. The group of people who ran out just now must have reported the news. Why don't we go there first!"

  Xiao Yu He smiled lightly and said: "It's just that we can solve all of them here, but since you said it, let's go to your secret stronghold and take a look!"

  As for the matter of the Enandu body, Xiao Yu decided to ask Xiao Yu later. Immortal doctor, after all, this is not up to Xiao Yu to decide!

  The little fairy doctor smiled lightly, then took out a bamboo flute and put it into her small mouth, the strange sound waves echoed in the mountains and forests, Xiao Yu knew that this was the little fairy doctor calling her little friend, it seemed to be A first-order monster blue eagle.


  As the strange sound wave spread out, a sharp cry resounded through the air.

  Xiao Yu looked up, and saw a giant blue eagle flying from the sky, and was rushing towards Xiao Yu and the others. In just a moment, the giant eagle was already hovering above their heads.

  The little fairy doctor waved, and the giant eagle gradually fell, and then lay down in front of the little fairy doctor.

  The little fairy doctor gently touched the giant eagle's head and introduced: "This is my little friend, named Xiaolan!"

  Xiao Yu smiled and said: "What's the difference between this and the name I gave?"

  Hearing Xiao Yu's words, the little fairy doctor wrinkled her lovely nose and said, "Huh, of course it's different, Xiaolan's haze is the mountain's haze!"

  "Okay." Xiao Yu didn't say much, the little doctor fairy Hugging Xiaobai first, he jumped onto Xiaolan's back, followed by Xiao Yu and Xiaozi.

  "Let's go, Xiaolan, let's go home!" said the little fairy doctor.

  Xiaolan immediately uttered a cry, and then her huge wings fluttered, and a gust of wind blew, Xiaolan led the two of them directly into the sky!

Xiao Lan's broad back was soft, and Xiao Yu felt very comfortable lying on it, and the little doctor said quite easily: "This time I really thank you!"

  Xiao Yu said lightly: "You're welcome, It's just a little effort!" The

  little fairy doctor didn't say much after hearing the words, but quietly rubbed Xiaobai's hair, Xiaolan's speed was very fast, and soon Xiao Yu saw a basin below where medicinal herbs were growing, but there was no Staying here, but directly swept into the depths of the basin!

  Slowly descending in the depths of the basin, this is a small valley, filled with rich energy and the smell of medicinal herbs, it is a good place for cultivation, and the medicinal materials here are rich, just right for refining Use the elixir to go to the desert!

  "How is it? Are you satisfied with the environment here? This valley is completely isolated from the outside world, and the sky is covered by thick fog, which is extremely hidden. It was Xiaolan who brought me in accidentally, otherwise even I would have found out No way!" The little fairy doctor smiled proudly.

  Xiao Yu also admired and said: "This place is really good. You brought me here, are you not afraid that I will take this place for myself?" The

  little doctor looked at Xiao Yu with a smile and said: "I think people still have abilities, more What's more, if you hadn't saved me, I would have died at the hands of those people, it's not an exaggeration to say that you are my savior, so what if this place is just for you?"

  Xiao Yu said to the little doctor These words gave me a thumbs up and said: "I like to hear this, but I can stay here for a while, if I really give it to me, I won't come here often, but as your savior, give Is it not too much for me to cook a meal?" The

  little fairy doctor gave Xiao Yu a blank look and said: "Virtue, wait!" Then he went into a small forest, and after a while, there were more in the hands of the little doctor fairy Two fat hares came out.

  As night fell, Xiao Yixian and Xiao Yu were sitting in front of a bonfire, roasting two fat and oily rabbits. Xiao Bai and Xiao Zi were lying on the side waiting to eat the rabbits, almost drooling, and Xiao Lan was also standing Behind the little fairy doctor, it can be seen that the relationship between Xiao Lan and the little doctor is very good!

  "Okay, it's ready to eat, how about a taste!" Xiao Yuxian handed a baked rabbit to Xiao Yu, and then distributed the other rabbit to Xiao Bai, Xiao Zi and Xiao Lan .

  "Well, it's really good!" Xiao Yu praised, the little fairy doctor smiled and said nothing, and the two of them and the three beasts began to eat like this.