
Dou Po: Start from Signing in to Different Fire

Traveling through the sky, Xiao Yu, who wanted to spend his life as a salty fish, accidentally activated the sign-in training system! "Ding! The Dou Break Sky training system is starting, the host has successfully signed in, and the reward: Bone Spirit Leng Huo!" ... Thus, Xiao Yu embarked on a journey of cultivation in Dou Qi Continent! With the help of the system, Xiao Yu began to get various rewards! There are medicine books for life and death, flesh and bones: Dandian! There is a powerful technique for cultivating all attributes: Chaos Source Cultivation Method! There is an overbearing and powerful physique: Prison-Suppressing Divine Physique! There is a fire that burns the sky and destroys the earth: Chaos Fire! He also possesses unpredictable alchemy skills, holding life and death in his hands, and controlling everything! --------------IMPORTANT---------------------------------- note: This novel does not belong to me, it is in Chinese and I am translating it, sorry in advance if some sentences are not well understood PD:CHAPTERS WILL BE UPLOADED EVERY DAY, DON'T WORRY [MY LANGUAGE IS NOT ENGLISH, I MADE THIS WITH THE HELP OF GOOGLE TRANSLATE]

Pepetimbo_32412323 · Book&Literature
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Meeting the Fairy Doctor Again

Xiao Yu looked at the appearance of Little Purple Crystal Winged Lion with satisfaction, "Golden hair should be golden, as long as it doesn't attract attention!"

  Xiao Yu didn't care about Xiao Zi's dissatisfied eyes, of course, it's useless to be dissatisfied, now It was Xiao Yu who had the final say. After packing up his things, Xiao Yu took Xiaobai and Xiaozi out of the cave, and was about to leave the Warcraft Mountains and go to Desert Iron City!

  As soon as he walked to a forest, Xiao Yu heard the sound of fighting, his brows were slightly wrinkled, he moved his feet, and he came to the top of a big tree in a short time.

  Xiao Bai and Xiao Zi followed closely behind, Xiao Yu turned slightly sideways to make room for the two little guys, then looked up the hillside in front, and suddenly narrowed his eyes.

  "It's her!" Xiao Yu didn't expect to meet Little Doctor Fairy here again.

  But the little fairy doctor seems to be in a predicament now, standing in front of her is a skinny man surrounded by a dozen big men, a scar also appeared on the little fairy doctor, and the original white gauze on her face has long since disappeared. Floating down, revealing a beautiful face, even in the face of such a critical situation at this moment, he is not timid, looking at the thin man in front of him calmly.

  I saw the skinny man looked up and down at the little doctor and said with a lewd smile: "Little doctor, isn't it a bit lonely to look for medicinal materials here alone, uncles have a lot of time to accompany you, this man If the little fairy doctor that everyone admires is having fun under us, I don't know what kind of scene it will be, hehehe..."

  The big men around him also laughed shamelessly, looking at the little fairy doctor in the center The obscenity of the face.

  The little fairy doctor said indifferently: "Oh? Didn't Mu Li, the young leader of your wolf-headed mercenary group, say that he wants to take me back intact?"

  Who knew that the skinny man really laughed and said, "Young leader? I'm still a wolf-headed mercenary!" What about the second regiment commander of the Corps, as long as you are brought back alive, is it that important to him or me?"

  Xiao Yu, who was not far away, naturally heard the thin man's words, and couldn't help but whisper He muttered: "The second head of the wolf head mercenary regiment? I remember his name is Gan Mu, right? A nine-star fighter, a dozen or so five-star fighters, this dish is not enough for me to clean up in two minutes!"

  "Little lady, this watery face, let me make you comfortable!" Gan Mu said, and then he stretched out his hand to touch the pretty face of the little doctor. At this time, the little doctor has no ability to resist the injury. He could only watch Gan Mu's hand getting closer and closer to him, and closed his eyes in despair!


Hey, in broad daylight, it's not good to tease little girls like this!" The little fairy doctor who was originally ashamed heard a gentle laughter in his ears, and seemed to feel that the voice was familiar, so he quickly opened his eyes, What caught her eyes was Xiao Yu's slender and tall figure. The memory of two or three months ago suddenly flooded her mind. She still remembered this young man!

  Before Gan Mu could react, he found that his hand had been grabbed by the young man in front of him, and immediately scolded with a sullen expression: "You bastard who came out of nowhere, get the hell out of here, let go of your hand! "

  Xiao Yu still had a gentle smile on his face when he heard Gan Mu's words, but a chill flashed in his eyes, and he began to slowly exert strength while grabbing Gan Mu's right hand!

  Gan Mu originally wanted to break free from Xiao Yu's hand, but found that he couldn't break free no matter how hard he tried, and angrily cursed: "Let go of me, you little bastard!" As

  soon as the words fell, Gan Mu screamed A cry: "Ah! It hurts me to death! You guys, give it to me!"

  Seeing that the situation was wrong, the big men around immediately surrounded him and raised their hands at Xiao Yu. Xiao Yu chuckled lightly and said, "Why bother?" Send it up to seek death?"

  While talking, he pulled out the ink scales on his back, waved it casually, and a sword energy pierced the air and swept towards those people.

  Pooh! Pooh!

  Following a few streams of blood splattered, there was the horrified screams of the big men around them. Their hands were neatly separated from the wrists, and the blood flowed continuously. The scene looked extremely bloody. His face turned pale when he saw this scene, but when he thought of what these people did to him, he lost the sympathy in his heart!

  Those people didn't dare to stay here any longer, and hurriedly ran out of the mountains. Xiao Yu didn't stop them. If you want to die, then go ahead. Anyway, the wolf head mercenary group is also a cancer in this area, and it can be solved. good!

  Seeing that his subordinates were easily dealt with by Xiao Yu, Gan Mu was naturally not a fool, knowing that he had kicked the iron plate today, he hurriedly begged for mercy: "Young man, boss, please let me go, I know wrong."

  Then Gan Mu endured the pain in his hand and glanced at the little fairy doctor and said, "Boss, have you taken a fancy to the little doctor? I'll give her to you. Such a watery girl will definitely make the boss happy. Be kind, let me go!" The

  little doctor's face turned red when he heard Gan Mu's words, and angrily reprimanded him: "You are shameless!"

  Xiao Yu said with a faint smile: "If you don't forgive me, she It's all mine now, why do you need to give it away? Besides, seeing your lecherous look, I know that you must have harmed many girls, a scum like you, it is very difficult for me to let you go!"

Gan Mu saw that the woman was not good enough, so he used money to seduce him: "Don't, don't, I still have money, as long as you let me go, I will give you all my money these years, how about it?"

  "I have money too, not much. But enough!" Xiao Yu said with a smile.

  Seeing that it was too weak, Gan Mu said with stern eyes and a ferocious face: "I am the second regiment leader of the wolf head mercenary group in the Warcraft Mountain Range. If you kill me, our regiment leader will not let you go!"

  Xiao Yu said indifferently: "Oh? Why won't they let me go?" After finishing speaking, Xiao Yu showed his strength as a six-star fighter indifferently, and the violent aura made Gan Mu's face turn pale immediately.

  He said tremblingly: "You, you are a Dou Shi?" You know, Mu She, the head of the Langtou mercenary regiment, is also a Dou Shi, but he has never seen such a young Dou Shi!

  Moreover, he could feel that the violent Doushi aura on Xiao Yu's body was definitely more fierce than the strength of his own team leader, otherwise he wouldn't have a feeling of not daring to resist from the bottom of his heart, even under the command of the team leader Mu She. I've never been so scared before!

  The little fairy doctor also looked at the young man in front of him in surprise, he had grown from a fighter to a fighter in just a few months, such a terrifying talent, the little doctor was very surprised!

  "Okay, I won't tease you anymore, I blame you for coming to the door, I see you are very upset, and you scolded me, so, you go to hell!" Xiao Yu's palm was suddenly enveloped by a white flame, The flame turned into a fiery snake and entangled Gan Mu directly. In just a moment, it turned into a pile of white powder and piled on the ground. When a breeze blew, it disappeared without a trace!

  Gan Mu was burned to death by Xiao Yu without even screaming. The little doctor's eyes also shrank, but Xiao Yu didn't care at all, as if that was not a human life just now!

  Xiao Yu had killed quite a few monsters in the Warcraft Mountains for a few months, and such bloody methods were already commonplace.

  Xiao Yu turned around and saw the sluggish eyes of the little doctor, and smiled gently: "Are you scared?" The

  little doctor came back to his senses, shook his head slightly and said, "He deserves to die!"