
Door of no secret

The wall has become an accomplice of both bad and good deeds, blocking all views from the happenings behind it, keeping the secrets and mysteries away from the world and the door becoming the key that locks it away. But also the only key to unlock it.        The cloud was dark and unsettled. Heavy rain pours down on thousands of skulls. The deafening screams, painful tears, and horror of the people filled the air as the vampires attacked every single hospital in the country. A powerful man has prophecied that the chosen babies who shall end the tyranny and the existence of vampires shall be born on that particular day which results in the killing of newborn babies, the pregnant women being murdered brutally, sounds and explosion of cars involved in an accident provides more victims. The mothers ran with the determination of saving the lives of their babies. Suddenly, the cries of the babies echoed, shaking the earth, the venomous fangs of Lord, the leaders of the vampires stared into the eyes of the babies with a dangerous smirk, then the rain stopped and the prophecy man disappeared.

Dammy_Dimples · Fantasy
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21 Chs

Chapter Twenty six

They bent down beside the river and drank some water till they are filled before continuing their way to no destination, in particular, they just hoped to find the way out. They walked hand in hand, smiling at each other as they walked through the footbridge. A stranger could feel the spark between them, it is clear enough that the two are into each other. They arrived at a cave.

"Should we check if there can be a pathway?", Collins asked,

"There might be, we've been wandering around for some days but there's not even a sign there's any way leading out of this forest, it makes no difference so let's just go in", she said and went inside first. The moment they entered the cave, the dead candles came back to life immediately. They jolted,

"hmm, I hope this won't be a bad idea", Vanessa said not understanding why there was no light in the candle when no one light it. A mirror suddenly appeared in front of them, Collins's eyes changed to gold immediately, ready to attack whatever is coming, but it was a mirror. He didn't let his guide down as he still has no idea what the mirror was for.

"I think we should get out of here", Vanessa said but before they could leave, the mirror started showing off some things and people like it was television. It started with ~About you~. They were first to watch what it was going to show next.

It reveals some people in which Vanessa recognized one of them as her mum.

"This is my mum", she said," but who's this man?",

"I think we should just watch, I don't also understand what's going on",

~Vera and a man were together, they both looks so cute and beautiful together, she was a pretty lady with a man looking so handsome. They were playing lovey-dovey, chasing after each other, and laughing like they have nothing to fear in the world. The man suddenly caught her by the waist and they both laughed. She looks so healthy and was heavy as she was pregnant at the moment. They kissed each other,

"I love you, Vera",

"my love for you is unmeasurable Wilson",

He played his lips on her big stomach and pecked it causing her to chuckle

Another couple was in the mall~

"That's my parent", Collins said,

"yeah and I think we should keep watching", she said and this time their full concentration was on it.

~The man chuckled as he bought lots of expensive things for his wife including accessories. His wife was also heavily pregnant and she's going to be due any time soon. They laughed and giggled along as they check out other things in the section. It was clear enough that the two families were happy.~

The mirror went off and then on again.

~One of the pregnant women, Mrs. Gaius was in the hospital, in labor and she finds it hard to give birth on her own. Her husband got a call informing him of the confirmation at which his wife is in, he quickly ordered his secretary to do some files finishing and quickly headed to the hospital but the traffic wasn't helping matters.

The other woman, Vera, went to visit her hometown to visit her people as she always does, once a year. She was about to leave when she felt her water got broken and also went into labor. She called her husband who promised to meet her in the hospital as he immediately left the office but Vera couldn't drive at all. She called the people for help and they took her to one of the huts to help her deliver her baby. It has begun to rain heavily. Vampires started flashing out from almost every direction and corner of the city, causing chaos. They attacked every single hospital, killing every baby that was delivered that day, including their mothers. It was a bloody day and the most sorrowful day for some couples who barely makes it out. The people on the street were not left out, they attacked the car, causing lots of car accidents and explosions. The villagers soon get to know about what was going on in the city, the rate at which cars were exploding was being broadcasted. Vera was in the labor room when she saw a car exactly like her husband's including the paint she drew beside it somersaulting and then exploding. Her heart felt the worst pain it has ever felt.

"noooooo", she cried. Everyone in the labor room soon ran out as the vampire's attack hit the village, they all ran for their dear lives, leaving Vera on her own. She wept bitterly and tried delivering on her own.

Seeing how the vampires are killing both mothers, babies, and pregnant women, she tried all her effort to deliver the baby on her own. As fate would have it, they both gave birth at the same time.

Without delay, Mrs. Gaius carried her baby, the same as Vera who also didn't waste time In carrying her baby and running for their lives. Vera conceived a baby girl while Mrs. Gaius gave birth to a boy. They were both weak but the fear of watching their babies being killed vanished every single pain as they struggled out. Immediately Mrs. Gaius ran out of the ward, she saw the cold way everyone was being murdered, and she ran with her baby, narrowly, with blood all over her and the bloody naked baby. She escaped through the elevator, and while inside, she tried cleaning off the blood on her baby. She was very weak and exhausted but came out immediately after the elevator opened. She ran through the stairs but her feet slipped causing her to fall and hit her stomach hard on the stairs and tumbled, trying to make sure the baby doesn't get hurt, but she sustained lots of injuries instead. She groaned and winced in pain as blood streamed out between her legs. The baby started crying, she crawled away so as not to attract the vampires and began to pet him. She was weak and was feeling dizzy after losing quite an amount of blood. She cuddled her baby and whispered, ' I love you ', and then fainted.

Vera was so scared and exhausted as she ran through the town with blood all over her, but she managed to get a cloth or cover up her baby. She doesn't know where to go exactly, the houses were been set a blast. She was running through the back side of a building when some vampires obstructed her way. Just as they were about to attack, the baby's eyes changed to gold and drained all of their souls with the twinkle of an eye. Vera was shocked, she looked at her baby and saw how the golden eyes changed back to normal. She smiled seeing she just gave birth to a powerful child. She tried her best to get away but the chance of safety started getting tinier until a man suddenly came out of nowhere and offered to help which she didn't decline. The man was Paul.

After that tragic day, many homes were ruined, knowing the babies wouldn't be so easy to kill just like that. lord then has a change of plans, he always has plan B, though the mirror doesn't show this. After rescuing Vera, it showed this next.

Paul began to take care of Vera and the baby and after a year and there was still no sign of Wilson, she decided to marry Paul as he was a good man. Mrs. Gaius was later found and rescued, her husband was so happy she made it alive with the baby, he was the happiest man at the moment but later on, the doctor gave an update on the condition of his wife that she has lost too much of blood and the injury she sustained caused her her womb, meaning, she won't be able to conceive again.~

Collins and Vanessa were both devastated, down, and surprised. They consoled each other, Collins couldn't stop his tears even though he was a man. Seeing how difficult it is to conceive, all they went through so they could just survive was so heartbroken. He felt so grateful to his mom and sorry at the same time.

Vanessa couldn't believe Paul wasn't even her biological father, the love of her mum and the fact she didn't even get to see her anymore breaks her heart more. They hugged each other and find comfort in each other's arms.

The mirror then lightened up again, gaining back their attention. This time it says " the rules".