
Door of no secret

The wall has become an accomplice of both bad and good deeds, blocking all views from the happenings behind it, keeping the secrets and mysteries away from the world and the door becoming the key that locks it away. But also the only key to unlock it.        The cloud was dark and unsettled. Heavy rain pours down on thousands of skulls. The deafening screams, painful tears, and horror of the people filled the air as the vampires attacked every single hospital in the country. A powerful man has prophecied that the chosen babies who shall end the tyranny and the existence of vampires shall be born on that particular day which results in the killing of newborn babies, the pregnant women being murdered brutally, sounds and explosion of cars involved in an accident provides more victims. The mothers ran with the determination of saving the lives of their babies. Suddenly, the cries of the babies echoed, shaking the earth, the venomous fangs of Lord, the leaders of the vampires stared into the eyes of the babies with a dangerous smirk, then the rain stopped and the prophecy man disappeared.

Dammy_Dimples · Fantasy
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21 Chs

Chapter Twenty seven

~if only a man should enter this forest, he'll die,

if it's only a woman should enter this forest, she'll die,

if two men enter this forest, one of them will die,

if two women enter this forest, one of them will die,

if a man and a woman enter this forest, none of them will be able to leave unless they have a genuine love for each other~

And then, the mirror disappeared. They both looked at each other at how ridiculous the rules is.

" I think that explains why the journey at first was difficult and full of illusions", Collins thought,

" maybe that's the reason we ....fell in love with each other",

"not, mine didn't grow overnight",

"Really", she blushed," when did you start liking me?",

"not before you tell me first",

"c'mon I asked first",

"Okay.....I started liking you before we got here",


"hm hm", he affirmed," the moment I said I didn't find you attractive I guess, I don't know how it started",

Vanessa wouldn't stop blushing, ' that has 🐝 a while '.

"so now tell me",

"I'm sorry am not telling you that", she said and made to walk away,

"seriously that's cheating, I just told you mine",

She stopped and looked at him, "say please",


She proceeded in walking away,

"Okay please",

She chuckled," hmm, maybe when you almost kissed me in the class", she said avoiding his gaze as she said that.

Collins grinned," seems that act got you, I made your heart beat for me ", he said jokingly with a grinning face.

" and so you have to be responsible for it", she said staring into his eyes. He moved closer to her,

"that I'll gladly do", he said in a low tone. His gaze fell on her lips. He cupped her cheeks and made to kiss her but then a bright light from nowhere interrupted the moment.

"what's that?",

The brightness blinded their views and before they knew it, they got swallowed.

It was just two days before the sleepover came to an end. Alice decided to do some shopping for Lyndia and so she took her out. But unknown to her, Alice gat her friends to follow their cause for her mum's safety. The team didn't take their minivan but boarded a taxi so as not to alarm Alice. They went to the mall, and beach, then to the open markets. She did everything to make Lyndia happy as she spent quality time with her.

' nothing can surpass mother's cars ', Lyndia thought to herself. Lyndia wished the moment should never end but Alice promised to take her out some other time. They chatted, played, laughed, and tease each other especially when Alice brought up the topic of how Lyndia stared at Max like she was into him but she denied the allegation. Though Alice was expecting that she knew Max and Lyndia shared chemistry. Alice is a bob-haired woman, she is of average height and is endowed.

After enjoying the outing to their satisfaction, they headed back home. Lyndia referred to the outing as makeup OUTING, but she didn't tell Alice that.

"I wished this outing would never end", Lyndia pouted. Alice chuckled, her face was full of smiles,

"you don't have to worry about that, after your sleepover, how about we go for another outing, with your friends?",

"Really?", she beamed,


"wow, that will be so great, yes", she rejoiced, "but mum, promise",

Alice laughed, "I cross my heart", she said and smiled at her.

She was still driving when she noticed a car has been following them. She checked again through the side view. She speed up and the car sped also and when she slow down, it did.


"what's it, mum?",

"I think we are being followed",

Lyndia turned to see the vehicle. This isn't Lissa's car. Lyndia's mind began to race faster as Lissa's car wasn't even in sight. The vehicle suddenly speed past them and obstructed their way. Alice was scared. Some black people alighted from it, one of them was putting on sunglass. She recognized him.

"Zamel?", she called not believing her eyes as she was him amidst vampires.

"did you know them, mum?",

"just him and trust me not as a vampire", she said. They became so scared to even get out of the car. They then saw some people surrounding the car with different weapons except the gun. They were not vampires. Alice recognized them as her daughter's friends.

"Lyndia your friends?", she said as she turned to her but she was already out of the car. Alice became more scared and confused at the same time. She watched helplessly as her daughter fights the vampires with her friends. She was worried they would get hurt but Zamel and a girl ran away after every other member was killed. Alice came out of the car after the vampires were gone.

"mum are you alright?", Lyndia rushed to her with the others,

"Are you guys alright", she asked checking them all out,

"We are fine ma'am"

"Are you guys fighters?", she asked looking confused but they all kept quiet, knowing what that means, she burst into tears.


"ma'am Alice",

"It's all my fault, if only I had protected you, you wouldn't have decided to be a fighter",

"mum can we talk about this at home",

"home?, Lyndia you just fight the vampires <>do you know how dangerous they are, did you guys know what you are into?",

"mum please understand, this is my destiny, this is who I am, I prophesied mum",

"What? w..what did you mean by that?", she didn't want to believe what she just heard,

"I see visions mum, I had the vision that the vampires were trying to adopt you and that's why I put my friends to this, I already see it coming",

Alice was speechless and shocked but at the same time, she regretted leaving her as she feels how much Lyndia cares about her. She felt sorry.

"so you are a seer",

"yes, mum",

"but you guys can't fight without the saviors, they are the only ones....",

"those saviors are our friends", Max said not letting her complete her word,


"they went on a mission and would be back very soon", Veronica lied,

"Please mum, let me do this, it's who I am",

Alice looks scared and worried, she was scared to grant her the request but she knew she owe her and she was in no position to be dominant about her life,

"if you promise me to be safe",

"I promise", she said and hugged her,

"you all promise to be safe",

"yes ma'am", they chorus.

"I wish....you all the best of safety", she smiled and embraced them all.

"c'mon let's go ", she said, "where's your car",

"We took a taxi so as not to scare you or give you notice", Max replied. Alice shook her head,

'these kids are incredible '.