
Door of no secret

The wall has become an accomplice of both bad and good deeds, blocking all views from the happenings behind it, keeping the secrets and mysteries away from the world and the door becoming the key that locks it away. But also the only key to unlock it.        The cloud was dark and unsettled. Heavy rain pours down on thousands of skulls. The deafening screams, painful tears, and horror of the people filled the air as the vampires attacked every single hospital in the country. A powerful man has prophecied that the chosen babies who shall end the tyranny and the existence of vampires shall be born on that particular day which results in the killing of newborn babies, the pregnant women being murdered brutally, sounds and explosion of cars involved in an accident provides more victims. The mothers ran with the determination of saving the lives of their babies. Suddenly, the cries of the babies echoed, shaking the earth, the venomous fangs of Lord, the leaders of the vampires stared into the eyes of the babies with a dangerous smirk, then the rain stopped and the prophecy man disappeared.

Dammy_Dimples · Fantasy
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21 Chs

Chapter Thirty two

Every couple would love to go on such a bright day. The forecast was right about it not raining. Paul has also gone out, he scheduled lots of events for that day and he has to inform Vanessa that he'll be back really late. Vanessa would also love to hang out in such nice weather, she put on yellow shorts and a blue top with a black clog. She went to the drawer beside her bed before calling Collins to ask if they could hang out together but on opening the drawer, she found the pairing key she took from her dad's keys.

"I think today will be a great day to find out whatever dad is keeping from me", she said and went out of the room. She went to the door and ignited the key but hesitated before opening it. She opened the door to see a very dark room.

"Seriously is there no ray of light?", she asked no one as she entered. She closed the door behind her and immediately she shut it, the light went on.

"wow", that jolted her. The room was so bright and the Air conditioning is functioning well. She looked around and Chuckled lightly,

"This looks exactly like an office, does this man thinks I'm a kid that'll come into his office and tamper with some files? is this why he has been keeping away from this room?", she said feeling ridiculous. The room was painted white, and she checked the room out, starting from the dispenser, workstation, calendar, stationary tray, and the conference room that was only filled with a table and five chairs that surround it. It wasn't exactly an office construction, there was a refrigerator she didn't bother to take a look at, rather something on the desk caught her attention. She moved closer to it and saw a brown substance inside a transparent bottle and beside it is a chocolate jam and a briefcase. She adjusted the swivel chair and take a proper look at it, she find it suspicious and smell the content. They both smell the same way like the substance was being mixed with the jam.

"Someone should please tell me it's not what am thinking", she said eyeing the jam and smelling it carefully again. Her instinct was right, "dad has been feeding me with this?", she exclaimed feeling so annoyed. The substance scent was horrible like it has been mixed with lots of things. She was still fuming when she heard some faint sounds coming from the conference room. She walked slowly towards the room but no one was there.

"what's going on?", she whispered to herself confused. She was about to leave when she saw another door, she walked slowly to it, curious about what was behind it. She opened the door and again, it was so dark. She closed the door behind her to see if the light will get switched on automatically but it wasn't like that. She used her hand to search through the wall for the switch and switched it on immediately after she found it. Immediately she turned around, she was shocked to the marrow at what she saw. She couldn't bring herself to close her mouth as she trembled. It felt like a dream, her eyes scan the room, from the empty plates on the floor, to the wet floor and back to the two men, tied to the chair, looking wet with the shower head above them, their mouths tied and looking all weary, pale and weak. The two men looked at her and their eyes got filled with hope again, their hair was so long like it's been a long time since they had a cut. Their beards look so thick and untidy. They ain't looking so clean and healthy, one of the men has a blood stain on his cheek.

"w..who are you guys..... what is going on here?", she asked shivering. But they only mumbled due to their taped mouth. She removed the tape for them to talk.

"Now can someone tell me what's going on here and who abducted you if my guess is here and since when have you been here<>can someone say something?", she rushed, panicking, scared she'll be damned with the truth, afraid they'll confirm her guess that her dad, Paul, is a kidnapper.

"Are you Paul's daughter?",


"Vanessa!", the man looking younger than the second man called, though Vanessa found the voice familiar but she could not recognize him due to the hair.

"how ..did you know my name?",

"you need to get out of here, leave this house right now", he said,

"I think she should know the truth, there's no time again", the second man said,

"what are you guys talking about?", she shouted. The first man is too weak to argue with the other man, so he allowed him.

"just do as I say and you have to be fast, I'm sure you saw a briefcase on the desk when you came in",

She nodded reluctantly,

"Okay fine, you go back to that briefcase and open it, you'll find a calculator but it's not a calculator", he exhales and continue"you can't calculate on it, it will say math error because it is made by the lord, programmed for another thing, you'll go back to the conference room, there's another door painted in white and very unnoticeable",

"And.... what's behind that door?", she asked looking lost and shocked,

"press this code on that calculator, 2114, and then =(equal to)and the door will automatically open. There is a secret behind that door and you have to do whatever you have to do very fast. There's no time. Now go", he said hurriedly,


"just goo", he shouted with the little strength in him. She quickly taped back their mouth and ran out, not before switching back the light. She walked briskly to the desk and opened the briefcase, she saw lots of injections with green and brown substances and gasped. She closed it back not sure if she should keep this up. There's too much for her to digest, she is confused and scared. She inhale and exhale, then opened it again.

She took the calculator and did just as the unknown man said and as he said, the door opened. She was so shocked, no one would ever suggest that there was another door in the room. "all this in a room?",

"Why did you let her go?", the first man said as his mouth wasn't taped properly, the same as the second man who chew in the tape.

"I finally get to set my eyes on her and you? you just send her to her death", he cried weakly,

"I didn't",

"you did, you ain't sure if she has gained control over her power",

"I'm sure she has, I can feel it, I can smell it", he looked at him, "so you don't have to be worried",

The first man sighed wearily." I hope you are right".