
Door of no secret

The wall has become an accomplice of both bad and good deeds, blocking all views from the happenings behind it, keeping the secrets and mysteries away from the world and the door becoming the key that locks it away. But also the only key to unlock it.        The cloud was dark and unsettled. Heavy rain pours down on thousands of skulls. The deafening screams, painful tears, and horror of the people filled the air as the vampires attacked every single hospital in the country. A powerful man has prophecied that the chosen babies who shall end the tyranny and the existence of vampires shall be born on that particular day which results in the killing of newborn babies, the pregnant women being murdered brutally, sounds and explosion of cars involved in an accident provides more victims. The mothers ran with the determination of saving the lives of their babies. Suddenly, the cries of the babies echoed, shaking the earth, the venomous fangs of Lord, the leaders of the vampires stared into the eyes of the babies with a dangerous smirk, then the rain stopped and the prophecy man disappeared.

Dammy_Dimples · Fantasy
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21 Chs

Chapter Thirty three

Vanessa entered through the door, she was welcomed by an underground. An excavated ground, too far for the eyes to measure, but it was supported with stairs. She checked around but it was only the ground that was behind the door. She jumped down, using her flying ability, and takes about 2 minutes to land firmly on the ground. She looked up and shook his head,

"the person that built this? is a psycho", she said and turned around. Here, she met another shock of her life. She gaze around and walked in, into the middle of hanging banks of blood.

"this can't be done by my dad", she said finding it hard to believe what was happening. There were over 306 bags of blood. She was terrified, shocked, and disappointed as she walked past, and then again she arrived at another door.

"not again", she cried," I haven't even overcome the shock of finding out the secret behind these goddamn doors, and now? I don't think I can take all these in at once, seriously what the hell, which secret is behind this door again for goodness sake", she squatted, couldn't stop the tears from finding their way out of her eyes. She reluctantly and with hesitation, she opened the door.

"If I'm not being strong right now, I'm gonna faint", she said as she looked lost at the bluish environment. It reeks of technology, it was a curve building but right now, that wasn't what shocked her.

"Is this really in my house?", she shouted, "a rail?", she covered her wide open mouth with her palm. She now becomes more curious to find out where the rail leads to. She flashed through it a great speed. Five minutes later, she arrived at a train, there was a path beside it that leads to another door.

"Now the sight of doors frightened me ", she walked closer ." it's like someone does transport here? but why create an underground, like what is happening", she couldn't stop asking herself as she headed towards the door. She opened the door slowly and sneaked in. Every wall was painted black and even though there was enough light, the place still looks dull. The aura from the environment screams danger and the foul smell sends a red signal to her. She sneaked through the corridor, tiptoeing. She hide when she saw two vampires approaching,

"the lord wants to see everyone",

she heard them discussing,

"Did they probably know the reason?",

"nope... but I hope it's about the announcement of shaking the earth", the other vampire sounds excited as she speaks, then both of them flashed away.

"This is a vampire resident?", Vanessa was surprised. She came out of her hiding and mistakenly bumped into a vampire who immediately transformed to kill her. In a twinkle, he was dead. She immediately proceed to kill the other vampire who also attacked. She punched him hard in his stomach and gave him a walloping kick, sending him into the air and landing hard on the floor. He broke his rib and died immediately. She looked around and continue her way through the corridor.

lord was speaking to the vampires when he sensed something wrong in his den. He stopped his speech and scan through the vampires. At that point, Vanessa has killed ten vampires.

"where are other vampires", he asked Coly who bowed before he replied,

"I announced that no vampires should go out as everyone is expected to be here, and I'm sure no one did",

He looked around again," something is going on, check out",

Coly immediately flashed away. lord stepped down from his throne,

"Follow me Beth", he instructed her and took the same path with Coly.

Coly sighted a female along the corridor, killing the vampires, she seems very skillful and quick. He immediately transformed as he shows his fangs, ready to attack. He flashed to her just as she killed the vampire but she stopped him midway with her eyes magic.

"I didn't prepare for this", she flashed to him instead and stared into his fuming eyes.

"I shall be back, I promise", she said and held his wrist, "you never see me", she said and deepened her golden eyes. She erased his memory till when he almost got to the corridor. She smiled and left. Coly fell with his eyes closed.

lord looked at the vampire's ashes on the ground as he walked through the corridor. He saw Coly lying on the floor.

"Coly", he called. Beth woke him up.

"what happened", she asked when he opened his eyes but he was speechless and confused at how he ended up on the floor.

"What happened here?", the lord asked,

"I don't know", he said and quickly stood up, bowing in front of the lord.

The vampire's red hall door got broken with Coly, breaking through and tumbling down the stairs. Other vampires were alarmed and confused about what was going on. lord flew in and threw Coly away with his red eyes. He hit his back on the hard floor and groaned in pain.

"stop laying and tell me what you saw", he yelled angrily and magnet him to his hand, lifting him by his neck.

"Believe me my lord", he coughed and choked.

Mirabel could not take it, seeing Coly in pain, she knew the lord could kill him but was confused at why he was beating him this much.

"Believe me....my lord....I....d.. didn't see... anything", he struggled, "the....last...thing....I...r.. remember...is leaving here",

"What?", he dropped him down. Coly fell on his knee, holding his neck, sweating and panting.

"you don't remember how you get there?", he asked, finally satisfying his curiosity,

"no my lord",

He looked into his brain and scoffed. He laughed hysterically and then again fumed. His blood becomes hot, his fangs threatening anyone staring at it.

"I'm right", he said,

"What happened my lord",

"I don't know how what he encountered, who he encounter that went to the extent of erasing his memory",

"What?", Mirabel exclaimed,

"that creature is so daring", he said and licked his lips," guess it's time to feed my fangs and throat life meal", he said, smirking evilly.