
Doomsday: I choose to be a villain

[The Doomsday City system successfully binds the host!] Option 1: City of Glory, save the survivors in the end of the world, and become a glorious and kind savior.] Option 2: Sin City, human beings who enter the Sin City can only become your slavery. And you will be the demon who dominates the end of the world. Sorry, I'm not the Virgin Mary. I choose Sin City! From today on, I will be a villain! This book is relatively dark. There is no heroine. All the female characters are collected. The protagonist is decisive, cold and selfish. Please take a detour!

Chaos_incarnate · Sci-fi
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64 Chs

Chapter Sixty

Du Zhiming rushed to the iron gate of the warehouse like crazy.

"Du Zhiming! Are you crazy?! As soon as you open the door, everyone will die!!" The two boys closest to Du Zhiming in the warehouse stood up in horror and hugged Du Zhiming like crazy.

Xiao Yi's face turned cold. He took out the knife of evil and cut off the two people's arms. Several people nearby who splashed with blood were all over their faces. The strong smell of blood and heartbreaking howling strongly stimulated the zombies outside the door, and the sound of zombies slapping the iron gate of the warehouse became louder and louder.

Xiao Yi held the knife of sin in his hand, and his face suddenly appeared in the dark shadow: "Pick up your brooms and sticks, and fight like I was kicked out by you! In this way, there may be a chance to survive.

Xiao Yi's words sound like kind advice, but only Xiao Yi knows that this is ironic for them.

With the courage of these people alone, they should have died long ago in such an end of the world.

"Wow!!" With a loud noise, Du Zhiming finally opened the iron door.

Large groups of zombies were attracted by the smell of blood just now and rushed into the warehouse like crazy.

Du Zhiming was the first to take the strant. After making a heartbreaking scream, he was instantly overwhelmed by the zombies.

"Don't be afraid! As long as we have the courage to unite, Xiao Yi can fight against zombies alone, and so many of us can definitely..."

A boy didn't know where the courage came from. He stood up and shouted, waving the broom in his hand to call on everyone to rise up and get out of the siege, but before he finished speaking, he was bitten off by the zombies that suddenly came out.

The rest of them didn't even have the courage to stand up and fight. They only knew that they were held their heads and around, and were swallowed up by the zombies in an instant.

Only in an area next to Xiao Yi, no zombies dared to approach.

Xiao Yi took a look at Ling Xueya, who collapsed and trembled with fear, and said with a sneer and said, "Aren't you very proud? Don't you despise us poor losers the most? Didn't you say that it's better to die with a loser like us? Come on, stand up! A proud death may be more meaningful than living secretly. Show the arrogance of your goddess! Come on!"

"No! No! No! Master! I don't want to be eaten by zombies! I'm willing to do anything!! Please help me!" Ling Xueya climbed to Xiao Yi's feet and kowtowed desperately.

Xiao Yi pulled the chain and sneered, "Then stand up and follow me." If you want to live well, just put yourself in your own place!"

"Before the end of the world, many rich people liked to keep dogs. Those dogs live more comfortably than most poor people. As long as you behave well, you can do too."


Returning to the City of Sin and tying Ling Xueya to the room of the dark castle, Xiao Yi came to the prison again. At this time, Ma Beili had woken up. The mental torture made her keep moaning weakly, and her whole body kept twisting.

The moment she saw Xiao Yi, Ma Beili bit her teeth and stared at Xiao Yi like a little wolf, her eyes full of hatred.

This little girl looks quite stubborn.

"The bones are quite hard." Xiao Yi picked up the whip and smiled, "Is the boy I killed before your boyfriend?"

This seemed to ask about Marberry's pain, and Marberry, who had always been very strong, suddenly burst into tears.

"Your true feelings moved me very much! I admire a woman like you now! In such an end of the world, people like you can be called heroines. If you hadn't met me unlucky, you two might have been able to live happily and lovingly.

After saying that, Xiao Yi was quite moved and picked up the leather whip again and slapped Ma Beili fiercely: "I'm really moved. I want to beat you a few times."

After leaving Ma Beili, Xiao Yi went out of Ma Chenbin's cage and asked, "Where are the drawings?"

Ma Chenbin handed the drawn drawings to Xiao Yi: "I only remember so much. There are people in other areas, and I haven't been there."

Xiao Yi picked up the drawings and looked at them. Ma Chenbin was indeed a nobleman. Although he did not do his job all day long, his family background was still there and he had received a very good education since he was a child.

Therefore, Ma Chenbin's paintings are well organized, and the handwriting is also very beautiful, which is not like what a boss of the underworld can draw.

Xiao Yi took a look at the drawings and was quite satisfied with Ma Chenbin's performance.

"You did a good job. I'm also a well-rewarded and punished person." Xiao Yi said with a smile, "So I won't kill you for the time being."

Ma Chenbin took a long breath and said excitedly, "Boss! Boss! I am willing to rely on you! I would like to be your little brother! I can also recruit my group of princes to join you! Make a dog leg for you, and we will fight wherever you point!"