
Doomsday: I choose to be a villain

[The Doomsday City system successfully binds the host!] Option 1: City of Glory, save the survivors in the end of the world, and become a glorious and kind savior.] Option 2: Sin City, human beings who enter the Sin City can only become your slavery. And you will be the demon who dominates the end of the world. Sorry, I'm not the Virgin Mary. I choose Sin City! From today on, I will be a villain! This book is relatively dark. There is no heroine. All the female characters are collected. The protagonist is decisive, cold and selfish. Please take a detour!

Chaos_incarnate · Sci-fi
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64 Chs

Chapter Fifty Nine

"Damn it! Those pastoral female dogs are all deceptive!" Ling Xueya cursed secretly in her heart. This time she finally learned to be obedient and knelt on the ground and obediently obeyed Xiao Yi's orders.

Xiao Yi pulled the chain, sat on the chair, easily opened his legs, and gave Ling Xueya a look.

Ling Xueya climbed over with tears...

"I'm coming here today. Naturally, I'll bring you food. But before we give you food, we have to play a game first!"

Xiao Yi raised the corners of his mouth slightly, with a cold smile: "In order to make everyone survive better, you can't always rely on me to go out to find food and water, can you? If I also died outside, wouldn't everyone starve to death? So everyone has to find a way to choose another person!"

"I suggest that everyone choose another person to go to the zombies outside like me and bring back some food and water to everyone."

Everyone in the warehouse looked at each other in constone. They were not stupid. On the contrary, these people were all smart.

Except for Xiao Yi, any of them will go out to die!

The reason why Xiao Yi did this was to get revenge on them!

Yes, the purpose of Xiao Yi doing this is to let the people here feel his feelings at the beginning.

"Oin! Now everyone comes to me to get a pen and paper, write down what you think is the most suitable candidate, and then I will count it! The person who got the most votes was the warrior who went on this expedition.

Xiao Yi said slowly with a demonic smile.

"How can you ask your benefactor to count it yourself! Let me give you the statistics! As everyone's teaching director, I will not participate in this election!" Du Zhiming was full of fake smiles on his face and climbed to Xiao Yi's side to flatter him.

Xiao Yi pulled away Ling Xueya, who was working hard, and suddenly got up and kicked Du Zhiming's face door: "When will you interrupt me? Did I say I want to ask for your opinion?

Du Zhiming endured the severe pain, spit out blood foam and a few teeth from his mouth, rolled and cried, "I know it's wrong! The benefactor is angry! I won't dare to do it again next time!"

Xiao Yi came forward and kicked Du Zhiming a few times again, and then waved his hand and said, "Let's start now!"

The note and pen were divided one by one, and everyone looked at each other in consternation and questioned the meaning of the people around them with their eyes.

Everyone knows that being selected is to die. As long as you are selected, it is no different from death.

No one wants to die! Everyone hopes that the person selected is someone else, not himself!

Soon, the notes were put in front of Xiao Yi one by one.

From the eyes of these people just now, Xiao Yi has roughly guessed the end.

Looking at Du Zhiming, who lost half of his teeth and was full of blood, Xiao Yi waved to him with a smile and said, "Lao Du! Come here! It's up to you to read the ticket.

A trace of ecstasy flashed in Du Zhiming's eyes. He hurriedly climbed to Xiao Yi's side and opened a note to read it aloud.

But as soon as I saw the name above, I was stunned.

Xiao Yi slapped Du Zhiming on the face fiercely: "Read it out!"

"Du...Du Zhiming...one vote..." Du Zhiming finished reading one with a sad face, opened the one again and said, "Du...Du...Du Zhiming two..."

Seven or eight consecutive tickets are all Du Zhiming...

Du Zhiming completely collapsed to the ground and couldn't help trembling in despair.

And everyone else breathed a sigh of relief.

Xiao Yi stood up with a sneer.

Looking at the people kneeling on the ground, he said to Du Zhiming, "I'll give you two choices."

"First, get out of here and die!"

"Second, open the door of the warehouse and let the zombies kill all the people here. You may have a way to live."

After Xiao Yi's words, everyone kneeling on the ground looked up at Du Zhiming in horror, and their eyes were full of prayer.

"Director Du! It's better to die than to die!"

"Director Du! As a director, you should sacrifice yourself to complete everyone!"

"Mr. Du! We have always listened to you and always respected you! You can't hurt us!!"

"Mr. Du, haven't you always said that we should have the courage to sacrifice and know how to sacrifice? Take care of the whole situation by giving up one person! We have always believed that you must be such a great person!"

"Mr. Du! Every time you let others sacrifice, this time you should sacrifice, right?

Everyone made a noise and excitedly advised Du Zhiming.

Listening to the hypocritical admonishes of everyone, Du Zhiming's face became more and more ferocious and terrible, and finally reached the peak of the outbreak: "Then why should I sacrifice? Why didn't you sacrifice?! Am I a teacher just because of sacrifice?! You all want to die! Death!!!"

Du Zhiming roared crazily and said with a ferocious smile, "I chose to open the door of the warehouse and let all these bitches die!!!"

"Go to hell!!"

"Go to hell!!!"