
Doombaron The God of Destruction

A grand mistake made by the greek gods pays them a visit after many years. It is up to their children to save the world but the question arises where are they?

waniya_jahanzeb · Fantasy
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12 Chs

Chapter 1:

In the heavens and even earth lived the greek gods, the protectors of the universe most important of them all, the elements.

The elements and the nature we see all around us are just a small part of their creation. They have the power to create things and even bring doom upon on earth.

Well if we think why would on earth they would bring doom on a place they themselves created in the first place?

To bring balance and control of the chaos that was all over the world. People having world wars with weapons of destruction to destroy their own land and people.

To maintain that, the greek gods decided to bring a new power which was called as doombaron known as the king of the doom.

All the greek gods joined their powers together to form this new power who would have the ability to destroy everything.

But after they realized that it was too powerful to be used, they tried to take back their powers but the doombaron got angry and vicious, feeling weak infront of the greek gods and tried to stop them from taking away his power but when he knew they were to strong for him, he ran away from there where no one could find him.

No body knew where he was uptil now, was he hiding or had he died? This question still ongoes on the Olympics where the gods have a briefing with eachother.

Its a new day but not a bright one. Suddenly a dark shadow covers the sun with its darkness and tries to absorb the sun's energy into itself.

The light was getting dim and everyone on earth were in a chaotic mess thinking what had suddenly happen to the sun? Was it doomsday? Are they all going to die?

Several questions were now taken over their minds and their mouths. Everyone was just thinking about what was wrong.

But at the sun kingdom in the Olympics everything was a mess. The sun god had suddenly become weakened and fell to the palace ground in the balcony.

"Help! Please the god is not well!", the goddess of the sun, his wife yelled out to the palace guards. His golden yellow bright hair were becoming dull and his breath was more shallow.

"S.....send a de...delegation to Z..Zeus! T..tell him he's back!", he said before fainting. "Hurry please take him to the sun room! Give him every sun energy you can get.", the goddess ordered.

Worry was everywhere on her face as she had alot of things to worry about. The health of his husband as well as the people of the sun Kingdom.

She looked at the gloomy trees and plants which were dying, tears escaped her eyes which became a sun beam.

"I miss you my dear son...", she whispered closing her eyes and going inside the palace.

At the olympian kingdom, a conference already had taken place with zeus the god of electricity, with the gods of water, poison, wind, metal and weapons and heal and the goddesses of earth, fire, music, beauty, moon.

Alongside were the messenger of time and space.

"I knew it he would be back.", zeus said silencing the entire committee of the gods who were in a deep discussion.

"Why dont we just end him like we tried few years before?", the god of water asked.

"We tried but we couldn't. I'm afraid he has come back even stronger ane we alone can't defeat him.", zeus said looking back at some expressionless and some anger faces in the group.

"What do you mean we can't defeat him!? We have more power than he does! We created him in the first place!", the god of metals said in anger, his metal armour turning red.

"Then why do you think the god of sun is in this state now? Do you have any reason to provide that can show that we are stronger than him?", zeus said in a defensive voice making him silent.

"We are old, he is a mortal who never ages! How do you expect us to defeat him? He is fast and cunning", the goddess of earth said.

"Thanks to goddess of beauty", the goddess of fire rolled her eyes in annoyance. "You think its my fault that he is against us now?", she spat at the fire goddess.

"Ok silence please!", the water god said. "There must be some other way!", the god of wind said but suddenly the long wooden doors of the palace opened with a strong evil and dark force wind which made a impact on the wind god, sending him against the wall.

He hissed in pain and tried to get up with his weak body but stopped when the room echoed with evil laughters of the doombaron.

"You will never defeat me! Ive grown more strong and now i will destroy everything once i take all the powers of the elements!", he threatened and suddenly the room cleared.

The sun also had came back to its original colour. "He only gave us a warning.", the goddess of the moon said looking at the sun.

"We cant just do nothing about it!", someone said. They all turned behind to see the sun god coming with a little hint of weakness but his colour had been restored.

"Brother!", the goddess of moon went running to him and hugged him tightly.

"Im alright sister there is no need to be afraid of.", he reassured her and took his place on the chair.

"I have discussed everything with the monk to which he only gave me one solution.", zeus said.

"And that is?", the god of heal asked. "We can't fight because we are old. But our children can.", zeus said making everyone quiet in the room.

Everyone looked at each other and were too stunned to speak after hearing his solution.

"That will be dangerous!", the moon goddess said and the entire ground went to chaos everyone in their own discussions.

"Silence!", zeus said angrily and suddenly dark clouds came over the palace roaring with strong thunder and lightning.

"Zeus calm down.", the goddess of beauty consoled the great god in which she succeeded because now was the time to think fast not rational.

"I have talked to him, he will do everything on his own. He has assured us not to worry he has looked into the future, our kids will definitely succeed.", zeus said.

"I think we should think about putting our kids into danger first.", the god of water said. "What about our daughters zeus?", the goddess of moon asked worried for her daughter.

"She's young out of everyone! How will she fight that evil source?", she said but zeus kept a protective hand on her.

"You scared to make your daughter stronger? My daughter is strong and powerful she wont need anyone of yours kids for help.", the goddess of fire boasted.

"Now is not the time. He has every power of the elements. Do you want her to fight with just one element when he has 13?", the god of poison said who was quiet all the time.

The goddess of fire went quiet and pissed off sat in her seat folding her arms.

"Im sure your daughter will be the bravest out of all maya. And for that ill make sure my son will be there to protect your daughter.", zeus assured and with such a offer, the goddess of moon can only nod and get back to her place.

"I'm sure whatever the monk has seen will be a very wise decision.", the goddess of earth said and everyone agreed.