
Doom Rex

Unsatisfied with how stories are moved forward, a man is reincarnated as Dr. Doom. He chooses to be the greatest doom there is.

Xaster_Zeal · Anime & Comics
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2 Chs

God King Doom

A man reincarnates into the body of a baby Victor Werner Von Doom by the TOAA. Unsatisfied with where story lines have gone he decides to be the greatest version of Doom there is, will the life Doom lived and his inhearent pride drag him down to the depths of Hell.

Character Guide:

Doom will master all the points in what it means to be human;

Mind: His Inteleligent, strategic and understanding mind is his greatest asset. Through his mind he has sought out to master all the secrets in the universe.

(His Tech)

Spirit: The magic spark that he has cultivated ever since he found his mother's artefacts, for no other reason than to master the secrets of the unseen world that has been introduced to him.

(Mastery in the Dark Arts)

Body & Soul: With his studying of the power cosmic after capturing the invisible woman and leading the rest on a goose chase in the past. He recognizes the power cosmic as a power from the TOAA. So when he believes he's ready to be the king of earth, he lets himself absorb the cosmic rays

(The Power Cosmic)

I don't know how romantically invested these women will be but there will be 3 main women in Doom's life:

Lucia Von Bardas: Black Knight

Zora Vukovic: Victorious

Ororo Munroe: Storm