
Don’t Bully Deku Miss Nagatoro!

After defeating All for One, Izuku Midoriya is reborn into the peaceful past of Japan. At least, he think's it's peaceful. How bad can pre-quirk era be? There is this girl that keeps on bullying him though...... -----AN-------- I don't own anything pertaining to either animes or the cover picture. The idea popped into my mind when I realized the voice actor for both Izuku and Naoto are the same person! Take look if you want. I'm just doing this to play out how it would've happened if Deku was in Senpai's shoes.

VenerableFox · Anime & Comics
Not enough ratings
35 Chs

Hero Reborn

Might include other crossovers from other franchises as well later on. Poggers.

Also starting about when Nagatoro starts in the anime as well.


"...99, 100." After finishing that rep of burpees, he then proceeded to go take a shower.

Fifteen years ago, he, Izuku Midoriya, died and went back in time. Well, at least he thought he went back in time. That was the theory that fit the present scenario anyways.

It wasn't until he was five that everything came back to him as well. And it was not a fun experience for either him or the teacher who took him to the restroom when his body started spasming on the ground with his mouth foaming. Sorry Sasaki-sensei! He was later taken to the hospital to be examined and his parents were notified immediately. But he even got his kaa-san (#2), who was usually busy as a sales manager, to make him pork cutlet (:D).

But the strangest thing to him was that even though he was reborn, he still had One for All.

So as soon as he was ten, he began his modified version of All Might's 'Aim to Pass! American Dream Plan.' While he didn't have a beach to clean, he substituted some exercises with weights. Today, he just finished his warmup and would finish his main workout afterschool.

After his shower, he put on his clothes and walked downstairs with his bag. In the dining room, his dad was reading something on the tablet while his mother was already eating.

He greeted his parents "Good morning tou-san, kaa-san," before giving his mother a kiss and sitting down to eat his already prepared breakfast.

At first, it was a bit strange to him to refer to these strangers as his parents, but as time past, he came to love them as much as his original kaa-san (mama inko).

Glancing up from his tablet, Tou-san said, "Naoto, are you sure you don't want to join any sports? I noticed you exercise a lot." He paused before continuing with a knowing grin, "And you would be a hit among the ladies."

"Stop it, you," Mama-Hachioji interrupted, "My boy can do whatever he wants, besides he's already so busy with the art club, making him go to their daily meetings at night. My I sometimes worry about him going so late into the late."

"Don't worry too much about it, Naoto is a responsible boy, just look at his report cards and sometimes people stop me on the street to tell me how great our son is. And apparently there's a some type of superhero in town from what I heard."

"Superhero, dear, now I know you're just lying at this point..." The couple continued to talk while he finished up his meal. Waving them both goodbye, he gathered his bag and left the house.

Walking into a nearby alleyway, he made sure no one else was nearby before putting a hoodie and sweatpants over his uniform quickly. Then looking around again, he then activated One for All. The familiar green sparks that arced around him reappeared. And with that he jumped on top of a nearby building and then proceeded to to travel by roof hopping.

He learned that although One for All remained, the other quirks - Smokescreen, Float, Danger Sense, etc- disappeared, just like their users. The only thing that remained was the super strength that All Might was known for.

All right. He had about forty minutes of hero time before school started. And with a couple of kicks of his legs he broke the sound barrier and traveled across the sky in search of trouble.


Brown eyes stared back into his eyes.

After handling some disasters and crimes, he hurried back to school. It wasn't until someone pointed out that he had something on face that he realized some soot from the fire got on him.

So here he was, looking at the mirror to see if he missed anything. He was surprised at first when he realized that aside from his light brown hair and eyes, his appearance was almost identical from before. From the curly hair to the freckles or the overall plainness of his face (Occhako >:C), it was all the same.

After cleaning his face, he walked out of the restroom and overheard the nearby gossips of the passing students.

"Did you hear about that building-"

"-there was an explosion. Even the camera was blinded-"

"-boy with freckles is pretty cute"

"-Over hundred people in the building-"

"One minute! How does anything human do that-!"

"-wanna come over and play moe-moe chan sim-"

There was his homeroom. He entered the door on the left and waited for class to begin.


"-class dismissed. Hiroyaki-san and Gitanchi-san are responsible for cleanup today."

Putting away his notebooks and the hand grip strengthener he was using, he got up to go to the library.

While he knew that it was unhealthy to not try and make new friends, he really couldn't find a way to connect with his peers. At UA, everyone in class 1A and 1B were striving to be the best hero possible. Even Kacchan, who he had a rough history with, was aiming to be a hero. And anyone, in his belief, that was aiming to be a hero couldn't be bad. And with his hero schedule, art club, and school work, there wasn't alot of time left aside for friends.

Walking upstairs, he stopped at the third floor and headed to the library. The library had just got a new shipment of American comic books, and just like his mentor, he enjoyed American novelties.

Usually, beside the librarian or their TAs, the library was empty afterschool with the rare exception of himself. But to his surprise there were a group of girls sitting at one the tables eating snacks and talking loudly inside. If Iida was here, he would've reprimanded them for their clear violation of library hospitality rules all while chopping his hand and breaking said rules himself.

The group of girls stopped to look at him for a bit before returning to their previous conversation. He walked up to the receptionist desk and greeted the TA on duty, Hori-san.

"Hello Hori-san, how are you today?" He asked.

"Oh, hello Hachioji-kun. Thanks for helping me bring in the new books yesterday."

"No problem, it was my pleasure. I was really looking forward to reading those comic books."

"Let me go get them, they're still in the back room. By the way, my brother wants to play with you again. So make sure to drop by sometime later, ok?"

"Sure I'll look forward to it." About a month ago, while he was jogging after school, he noticed boy that seemed lost. Apparently he fell asleep on the subway and accidentally got off on the wrong one. So he offered to escort the boy home. Of course, no one believed the boy when he said that the big brother that took him home could fly.

While waiting for Hori-san to take out the comic he went to sit at the tables nearby and wait.