
Domination of the Evil DragonLord

A young man named Helix Cloud died by heart attack and transmigrated by an omnipotent being into a different world which is on verge of destruction. Zenith, a land ruled by Abyss. Fearing disaster brought about by Abyssal energy, the people lived protected by “Lords” those with the power of “Crests,” used to suppress the Abyss. However, the Lords decided to abandon the concept of protecting the people and turn against each other secretly in war, stealing each other’s Crests to gain dominion over one another. Watch as how Helix will eradicate Abyss and dominate this entire world as an evil dragon lord. Update - 1chapter per day. Words - minimum 1000 per main chapter.

HAUNTED_FIRE_101 · Fantasy
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37 Chs

Chapter 33- Suprise Attack (3)

[Warning : This chapter includes bloodshed and violence.]

A dark aura surrounded the man and he arrogantly moved to punch Kevin.

Both of the front knights ran to help Kevin but knight captain spoke.

"Knights come back!" 

The captain stopped the knights from participating in this battle.

"Why captain? This time Kevin alone can't handle his opponent. So let's help him." A knight still tried to convince captain but captain didn't allow it.

They still thought of moving alone but knowing the captain's old age experience, the knights respected his decision and didn't moved.

"What is this frightening aura am i feeling?" The captain thought while looking at now transformed man and stayed away not to disturb Kevin.

Kevin evaded his attack as the crest had already physically enchanted his body and tried to defend himself with his sword. 

The transformed man became enraged watching the failure of his attack.