
Domination of the Evil DragonLord

A young man named Helix Cloud died by heart attack and transmigrated by an omnipotent being into a different world which is on verge of destruction. Zenith, a land ruled by Abyss. Fearing disaster brought about by Abyssal energy, the people lived protected by “Lords” those with the power of “Crests,” used to suppress the Abyss. However, the Lords decided to abandon the concept of protecting the people and turn against each other secretly in war, stealing each other’s Crests to gain dominion over one another. Watch as how Helix will eradicate Abyss and dominate this entire world as an evil dragon lord. Update - 1chapter per day. Words - minimum 1000 per main chapter.

HAUNTED_FIRE_101 · Fantasy
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37 Chs

Chapter 32- Surprise Attack (2)

Captain! Something is not right. I have a very bad feeling about this and Kevin is taking a lot of time so why don't you go and check around." Helix commanded him.

"As you wish my lord." Knight captain get off from his horse and spoke to the two knights who were in the back position.

"Knights protect our lord until my return."

"Yes! Captain.." The knights followed his orders and came close to the carriage.

After giving his orders for protecting the carriage, the captain immidiately walked towards the couple.

"Ahh.. youu–" The knight captain was just moving that Kevin's cries reached his ears.

The knight captain dashed forward in worry and found Kevin facing against the man with knife and the old woman who just blewed the whistle.

"Kevin!!! The captain sheathed in rage upon watching Kevin's heart wrenching


"Knights! Attack them." Knight captain