

Festus_Darko_1226 · Sci-fi
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35 Chs


John stayed unconscious for the rest of the day and woke up early the next day. When he woke up he realized his sister had fallen asleep in his room next to his bed. He was planning on quietly getting out of the room but it seems his sister felt it when he woke up because he didn't even finish thinking when his sister woke up. "Finally you are awake, you gave me a heart attack" She said. "Well you knocked me out why were you worried?" He asked. "Well why the heck were you smiling if you knew you couldn't handle the attack?" She asked. "I thought I had activated a skill of mine" He answered. "The domain system is very straightforward how did you not know you didn't have a skill activated?" She asked. "All you need to know is it didn't work" He answered and the conversation continued with Mia trying to figure out why his skill didn't work. Later though she found out he didn't have energy and severely reprimanded him to never try that again.

John then went over to the yard and activated his spiritual world skill and begun cultivating for the rest of the day and continued till the week was over and he got out of his Spiritual World to get to sleep on the Sunday evening. Before he went to sleep though he checked his system which wasn't really that different from before.



[Domain Element:(Space)]

[Title:(Little cultivator)]

[Skills:(Spiritual World)(Cultivation-2)(Gateway)(Spacial Shield)(Shambles)]

[Space energy points:(7000)]

[Domain mastery:(0%)]



On Monday John and his sister left for school early in the morning. Although they went to the same school they were in different classes. When they reached the school all eyes were on the two siblings as they were part of the 30 students to receive what was categorized as 'Special domains'. These domains were powerful domains that dealt with unique or outright abstract elements. These students were to be put into one class and have a professional domain expert as their professor who will teach them everything about domains to a deeper degree that normal classes can't go and will help the students grow their domain.

One thing to note about people with special domains is that their Cultivation speed is higher than normal people as with the one week Cultivation most students only amassed 3000 energy points but the special domain holders had 5000 energy points with the exception of John and Mia who had 7000 and 8000 energy points respectively.

Now with Mia she was quite popular so it was kinda normal for students to look at her but when it came to her brother, students usually can't even see him due to his quiet nature so it was quite out of place for students to be paying attention to him. The fact that people were paying attention to John quickly alerted the siblings that something was up. Mia went to her best friend Cora to as what was going on and she informed her about the special domain thing and that she herself was a special domain holder with the (Light domain) and 6000 energy points to play with.

She then went on to explain what she learned about her domain and other special domains as others put them.

Apparently Special domains had a unique skill that the user can get during the first week of Cultivation. These unique skills allowed the user to create sub-skills that the system can never officially name as real skills and these skills acted as absolute skills that spoke loudly about a person's domain. This information made Mia recall the 'battle' she had with her brother and how during that fight he had used a skill that he used to switch places with her as well as control the debris created from her energy bombs as well as her own unique skill called (Absolute energy control) which allowed her to do exactly that.

Cora continued talking about special domains but now that the general information was given she could only talk about her own domain. Mia realized through Cora's explanation that the Light domain was similar to her energy domain and the only difference being that the light domain can't do environmental damage as it only targets it's enemies soul and nothing physical. This made Mia wonder whether Cora can learn any of her current skills. She decided she would test it out when she got the time. Right now she had to relay this information to her brother. Mia was happy not just because her domain was considered Special but also because she would be in the same class as her brother.