

Festus_Darko_1226 · Sci-fi
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35 Chs


Mia went to the class designated for students with special domains. Although she wanted to look around for her brother she knew he would come to class eventually so all she had to do was wait. When she got to where the classroom was she stood outside for a few seconds as she was a little hesitant but eventually she opened the door. The classroom wasn't anything spectacular, just your average classroom that contains 50 desks even though there were only 30 of them in it. When she entered the classroom all eyes were on her as almost everyone was here even Cora whom she was talking to a few moments ago.

In the classroom right now there were a total of 22 students as she became the 23rd student to enter the classroom. Slowly other students entered until only 3 students were left. One of the final 3 students entered the classroom. He entered the classroom giving of loner vibes as he quietly walker to the back and say down. Then the door to the classroom opened once more. This time it opened itself to a scene no one expected to see. John who didn't have any friends had entered the classroom with the playboy of the school. This guy was somehow very famous among the ladies and they didn't even know his real name. No one actually knew his real name apart from his parents as even the principal didn't know and he had information on every student in the school.

The one most mysterious person in the school was also the one that had so many things going for him it was ridiculous. He had so much luck it was said that he had never been injured his entire life. He had so much money he could buy the school if he was allowed to. He was so handsome it was an understatement. He such a playboy that he got the girls wrapped around his fingers. This guy could make anyone jealous just from breathing. He was tall, rich, handsome, lucky, a playboy, famous, and probably anything else you can think of. He was also a professional gamer in case the boys weren't jealous already. This same person had the most mystery in the school. The things that were unknown about him were ridiculous. In fact the only thing that the school could say they knew with confidence was his age.

This person was also kind of hot headed and did things quickly. If he told you that he was doing a task chances are he just started because you would never catch him in the middle of a task. He was so fast he couldn't walk slowly unless he walked with someone who forcefully made him walk slowly which in this case was John. He did things so fast it became his name as no one actually knew his name. He was a guy by many names but they all boiled down to speedy, speedo, speedster or speed king but people usually prefer using speedy so you rarely heard the others.

When they walked into the room they were met with either surprised or shocked gases. Some even had both. They ignored it and went to sit down by Mia who looked at her brother even more intensely as she knew her brother really didn't care enough to pick up on school gossip or news therefore she knew there was a 90% Chance her brother didn't know who this person was. She made it a personal promise to make her brother give speedy the respect he deserved. In her mind speedy deserved to be treated as a king not a common friend.

She was about to say something when the door opened for the last time. Their professor who was going to teach them for the next 2 years had walked into the classroom. He was a 30 yeah old man who was chosen to teach this class for the specific reason that he had the (Domain of Time) and new the ups and downs of having a unique domain. Due to the fact that he also had a special domain he was chosen to teach this specific class. His name was professor Winsel.

He wasn't just chosen to teach this class because he had a unique domain he was specifically chosen due to his time ability as he has shown the ability to be able to make a foresight about the future. This ability as well as his unique control over time makes him perfectly suitable to teach this specific class as this class has shown the highest number of unknown and unique domains. Especially when it came to speedy. Professor Winsel was chosen because he could see into the future. He further he saw the more energy it took and it takes a lot more energy to look up the future of a specific person.

Professor Winsel was chosen just so he could keep searching into speedy's future until he got any useful information about him. The whole reason he's there is to spy on the students with abstract domains as they are the rarest and this class has shown the highest number coming out at 7. Speedy didn't take the domain test in school as he just bought the testing crystal and did the test at home so no one knew his domain element and the professor who did the test for John and Mia had had an unexpected and unfortunate accident during which he somehow inexplicable lost his memories on the domains of only John and Mia. The misfortune didn't end there as every student in this class was brought here because no one knew their domains.

The government went through all this trouble just to increase their knowledge on domains and this was for a specific reason not know to the public. Apart from speedy every student here was lied to and brought here to make them feel special. The government going through all this trouble and formulating this entire thing for one mysterious reason. Even though students like Cora weren't trying to hide their domain somehow everyone she told other than Mia forgot.

Everything seemed so elaborate. The government thinking they found a gold mine of legendary domains not realizing that they have fallen into the trap of a singular being. All these students were given special domains and the government couldn't find these domains yet they didn't find it suspicious. This singular action showing how much humanity has relaxed. This type of relaxation will lead humanity to suffer a great loss in the singular catastrophic event that is about to occur.