
Chapter 4: Arrogant Young Master?

Kelvin read a lot of manga and he knows what the encounter means. The Legendary Arrogant Young Master.

Seeing the raging young man storming towards him. The first one to move wins Kelvin will still be offending him no matter what he does anyways. Stepping one foot at the side Kelvin lifted his hand above his head and smack it towards the young man face.


"Why did you hit me for?!?" Brought down to his butt, both leg at the side, the young man held his cheek where Kelvin hit him with his left hand, eyes almost bursting to tears. He shouted running out of the room while crying "MEN! TREATING ME LIKE THIS! I WANT TO BE A WOMAN WHY DON'T YOU MEN TREAT ME LIKE ONE!"

"What...I...I" Standing stiffly the dumbstruck Kelvin takes a full minute just to process what just happened. 'Did I just hit a?'

"Brother that's a bit…. Too much, Mi Sunio was just asking you to move aside…"

"Yeah you are so big, why don't you consider how it bothers people walking side by side with you"

"And yeah! That's too much, Xia Guado it's your fault anyways why she storms out towards the big guy"

"Well… all I did is saying I like girls"

"To his confession for love towards you? Yeah right, that won't hurt"

Turning his head mechanically towards the voices. There are two people in the room, the man cultivation reaching 3rd Qi Condensation Stage and while the woman is in 2nd Qi Condensation.

"So we have a new guy. What's your name?, ma name is Gua Liali" The woman who was bickering with Xia Guado turned her heads towards him. Her face was exquisite like jade with sharp brows and red hair wearing a tight red robe complimenting her hair.

"The one over here. The one and only who broke a maiden heart and our mighty leader, Xia Guado!" Xia Guado looks like someone who's working in k-pop ban in his past life. Messy hair in front and sharp eyes while wearing an extricate robe.

"Hello…"Smiling wryly Xia Guado can only smile at the insult.

"While the last member just runs out because of someone, two of them in fact" Grinning at the two back and forth.

"...Name's Kelvin" replied after taking a deep breath, Kelvin made a mental note reminding himself not to act rashly next time and assess the event first before smashing things. I should apologize to him later...

"Kelvin? Weird name. Your room is upstairs, take rest as we have a job to do tomorrow. Oh yeah~ before I forgot, open the fabric bag tonight and use what's inside. It will help you tomorrow" Gua Liali was about to go somewhere when she forgot to add another thing "ohhhh! Almost forgot!"

Turning around she nudges Xi Guado with her elbow giving him, the leader instruction with her eye. Helpless he can only stand up and stand by stand facing Kelvin with a smile, "Welcome aboard to Spirit Beasts Hunter!"

Kelvin smiled at their antics and the warm welcome he received. Cupping his fists and nodding he walked up the stairs and entered his assigned room. It ain't bad, this place is…perfect for me. Fight and comrades to fight with. Comrades to talk about the best way to destroy the enemy with. Comrades to talk about their battle scars with each representing as a trophy the enemy they defeated. Comrades to…

Entering the room he sat down on the bed. Kelvin looked at the window, moonlight shining the room and candle provided more while flickering. Kelvin did not move for a while, Taking in the chilly air as he deeply breathe. He recalls all the experience life, love, chance, joy, death he experienced in one day.

"I'm still fine mom still kicking the bucket even with my luck…Heh"

Kelvin looks at the fabric bag he had been carrying that the pock-marked woman had given them earlier.

"Seems like I have to be stronger if I don't want to die. The system won't help much as it needs points. When I killed the tiger it only gave me 3pts. That means I have to kill 334 1st Qi Condensation just to buy a Minor Phantasm…hmm seems like I have to rely on myself and develop my phantasm while building up my own set of skills for a while" After making out his choices he decided to buy an ability first before opening the fabric bag.

"Buy…[Phantasm of Minor Vitality]"Deliberating for a while, Kelvin made a choice and bought Minor Vitality. He can't buy Phantasm with a Dao at the moment as he doesn't have many points. I don't need strength as Arhats naturally have a minor boost in physique and there's still cultivation which gives cultivators appropriate strength according to the stage. Agility useless if I don't enjoy the fight, dodging is for scaredy cats. Endurance useless I can heal my tired muscles. Intelligence? Useless I'll just smash the enemy plan who cares about that?... maybe in the future.

"With this, I will enjoy the fight longer" Happy with his choice Kelvin grabbed the fabric bag and opened it.

Inside the bag is a wooden sword, one blue pill, a bamboo scroll, an incense along with the uniform and badge of the Odd-jobs department. Taking the bamboo scroll Kelvin look at the small letter written on the blue cover.

'Qi Condensation Manual: Purple Qi Cauldron Manipulation Technique'

Very original all right, Kelvin said while looking at the name. Opening the manual Kelvin saw three pictures in the bamboo scroll. According to the explanation written below, the foundation of this Purple Qi Cauldron was separated into two parts – Qi Condensation and Foundation Establishment. The scroll contains the ten levels corresponding to the ten degrees of Qi Condensation.

When a cultivator rises to the first level, they would be able to manipulate small external objects with their Qi. When they reach the third level, they would be able to control objects less than half the weight of a cauldron, and when they reach the sixth level they can lift more than half of a cauldron

When they reached the ninth level of cultivation, they could control external objects with the full weight of a cauldron. Finally, when they came full circle and achieved the peak level of cultivation, they could easily manipulate objects that as heavy as two entire cauldrons.

But this bamboo scroll only displayed the way to achieve the first three levels.

Trying the method in the first picture, taking a deep breath while imagining Qi flowing through his veins. Feeling the stream of energy flowing in him Kelvin can't help but feel excited while ignoring the feeling of soreness in his body. The book says that for the first timer, they will feel the feeling of soreness after trying this method…While the pain sucks, it's worth it as I can do this nonstop, but it's kinda slow...

"Should I remove the safety measure? Recklessly absorbing the Qi? I'll regenerate from the backslash anyways" Commencing the idea Kelvin remove the safety measure and tried cultivating again. Suddenly a rush of Qi flows inside of him destroying everything they pass.

"Ughh I did not think this through…aarghhh" Storm cloud gathered inside Kelvin mind as he jerked. It could be the pain of cultivating or the thunder streaking inside his mind. After a while, the Qi completed a full cycle and the sweat glands oozed black substance. Unbeknown to Kelvin a little bit of Qi entered the Insects

What's that? you expected that young master? well good for you.

Author just keep gritting his teeth, ignore the crazy lunatic.

floWcreators' thoughts