
Dog = Cat

dog go moo

Pop_CornDig · Others
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115 Chs

Chapter 14

While we are searching for Tsunade I'll train you Naruto. You may have the Jutsus but improving your Chakra Control, even more, will make them even deadlier. So from now on, I will give you one of the hardest Chakra Control exercises that I know of. Even Tsunade had problems with them," explained Jiraiya. Naruto of course wanted to improve his Chakra Control even more but right now he had more important stuff to do.

"Yosh! Bring it on," said Naruto as he wanted to sound excited.

"Alright, first we'll take a break in this town. I'll gather information while we are here and you can go and explore the town," said Jiraiya as Naruto agreed.

'Perfect,' thought Naruto as they parted ways. First, he went somewhere quiet where he could lie down. After he found a quiet place Naruto lied down and released his Clone. The Clone was mastering a Jutsu or rather two. After the Clone was released, Naruto lied down quietly as all the memories came back. It was painful but Naruto endured it.

'Very well this Jutsu is all but done. I can't believe the Creator and even Orochimaru had trouble with this. I seem to have a knack for it. Now I have to find the mask and I'll be one step closer,' thought Naruto as he again made another Perfect Clone to stay with Jiraiya while he himself started the search.

About a month passed as Jiraiya started gaining information about Tsunade while Naruto's clone trained on Chakra Control. The real Naruto had also found the whereabouts of the mask he had been looking for and decided to take it when he came back from the missions.

Naruto released the Clone again as the Clone's memories came back. Naruto smiled. 'So he can be nice too huh hehe,'

Tsunade was last seen in Tanzakugai and Jiraiya and Naruto had just arrived there. Naruto expanded his Sensing Abilities to sense the highest Chakra Signatures. He found Tsunade in a restaurant so he told Jiraiya where she was.

They head inside to see her and another lady with black her beside her. Naruto didn't recognize her but guessed that she was a good friend of Tsunade. "Tsunade! Finally, we have found you," said Jiraiya.

"Jiraiya?" asked Tsunade surprised to see her old comrade.

'So this is Tsunade in the flesh huh? Let's hope she makes this easy,' thought Naruto as they went to sit where Tsunade was.

"What do you want Jiraiya?" asked Tsunade.

"The village has issued a request for you to become the 5th Hokage," explained Jiraiya going straight to the point.

"What? What about Sensei?" asked Tsunade shocked to hear that.

"The Third is... dead. It was Orochimaru," said Jiraiya.

Naruto just stood there quiet and observed. 'She doesn't seem that shook to hear the news,' thought Naruto.

"I decline," replied Tsunade as both Naruto and Jiraiya were shocked.

Naruto couldn't stay quiet anymore. "What?! The Third, your Sensei, gave up his life to protect the Leaf yet why would you refuse to take his seat? I was right about you, you are a shitty traitor and a failure of a Leaf Shinobi," said Naruto gaining their attention.

"Huh? And who is this kid Jiraiya?" asked Tsunade.

"That's Naruto Namikaze. As you probably guessed, he is the son of Minato, the Fourth," said Jiraiya as he saw the shocked look on Tsunade's face.

"Anyways to answer your question, brat. I'm not like the fools you call Hokage. I don't risk my life and anyone who does is a fool. The First Hokage, my grandfather, died for the village and so did every other Hokage. They died like the fools they are focusing too much on peace and all that bullshit," said Tsunade as she was also pissed about what Naruto called her.

"I hate being so childish but you fucking deserve it," said Naruto as he punched her straight in her face with speeds that were way above what a Genin would be capable of.

Tsunade was sent flying away but stood right back up. "You fucking brat. Let's take this outside... I'll get you back," dared Tsunade as they both went outside.

"When I win you will come back to the village and become Hokage. If I were to lose then I'll do anything you wish," said Naruto as Tsunade agreed.

'Hehe,' thought Naruto as he smiled. He then was coated in a yellow Chakra Cloak as the chakra took on the appearance of flickering flames and his eyes became bright orange with no visible change on his pupils. The Chakra Cloak seemed to be turning on and off which Naruto guessed was because the seal wasn't fully opened yet.

Jiraiya, Tsunade, and Shizune, who was Tsunade's attendant, were shocked at the changes Naruto just went through.

'Is that the Kyuubi' thought Tsunade.

'Since when can Naruto do that and what even is that?!' thought Jiraiya although he had kinda guessed what it might be.

"This is the result of me and Kurama becoming partners. I still can't use Kurama's full power but this is as far as I can go," explained Naruto as he chuckled.

Flashback to after the second test

Naruto was thinking about how to become stronger after he was got played by Orochimaru. Naruto was desperate as he just couldn't get strong enough. He hated the feeling of being weak.

"Naruto... Why do you want to become strong?" asked Kurama and even though he knew what Naruto's answer would be, he wanted to hear it himself.

"Because I am a Leaf Shinobi. I must get stronger to protect the Leaf. I can't let myself get played by the others and let them get it their way," answered Naruto as he looked up to Kurama.

Kurama smiled and it was then when he decided to help Naruto. Kurama could feel what Naruto felt and he knew that Naruto had no ill feelings. He was different from the others. He just wanted to protect those in the village even after what they had done to him. Kurama respected that. "Alright, there are several steps to the plan I formulated. First, master using my Chakra. I can't give you much Chakra so you must research somehow on how to loosen the Seal but you should still be able to use a good amount. And next..."

End of the flashback

"Now then let's get on with this," said Naruto as within an orange flash Naruto appears before Tsunade kicking her but she had managed to block on the last second. The power behind it was still so immense that even though she blocked it, she flew back a couple of meters away.

Naruto then teleports to Tsunade as she was caught off-guard and got punched in the face but now with more power than before as she flew away again. It was a repeated action. Naruto teleported to her, punched her and she flew away. As soon as she stood up, Naruto teleported to her again. Naruto held back a little as he didn't want to kill her but he was still glad that she was drunk so she couldn't use her full abilities.

Still, both Jiraiya and Shizune were impressed with Naruto to push Tsunade so far.

A bloodied Tsunade stands up once more. Trembling at the sight of blood due to her phobia." Why? Why would you want to become a Hokage? Your father was one and because of that, he had to die earlier leaving you alone. Yet you still..." said Tsunade as she found it a little hard to talk.

"You don't get it, do you? They all lived to protect the village. It was their dream. That too is my dream. Being a Hokage is an opportunity I would never pass on but still as a Leaf Shinobi, I too will die protecting the village. Unlike you who decided to just run away," said Naruto as he stood there observing Tsunade's next move.

Tsunade then finally sat down admitting defeat. "Fine, I'll come to the village. You brat convinced me," she said as she looked down. Naruto reminded her of them. Maybe she'll give him one more chance.

Naruto smiled as he turned off the mode and fell down as he gave Jiraiya a thumbs up. The mode took way more than he thought it would due to his body being so small. Tsunade stood up and walked up to him overcoming her fears. 'I'll trust you with this one last time. I hope you won't fail, Naruto. You might just be the one to become Hokage,' thought Tsunade as she gave him her necklace. The First Hokage's necklace.

"Tsunade-sama..." said Shizune with a low voice.

"Very well then. Since you have decided to come back we'll wait on a hotel until Naruto wakes up and we'll head back home," said Jiraiya as he turned away. He didn't like Naruto having such a power hidden but he was still damn proud of his student.

They had finally arrived at the village. Naruto went on to his home to do his own stuff. He needed to give her some time to heal Kakashi and the others before he tries to convince her. After Tsunade settles in, Naruto planned on asking Jiraiya to take him on a training trip and have Tsunade help him. His plan was going well for now.

The next day he was summoned to her office. He didn't know what she wanted but guessed that he was about to find out.

On his way, he met Shikamaru. "Yo, Shika. What's up,"

"Naruto? Guessing you also got summoned," said Shikamaru with a sigh. It seemed like everything was troublesome for this guy.

"Yup. Since we both got summoned together then I'm guessing we are getting promoted," said Naruto as Shikamaru let out another sigh.

They finally arrived and were standing before Tsunade.

"I called you two here, as you might've guessed already, to give you a promotion. The exams might've been interrupted... but the judges have decided that you two were good Chuunin material. Especially you Naruto. Because of you, the Leaf had barely suffered any casualties during the invasion," explained Tsunade as she noticed the annoyed looks on both of them. Now she guessed that Shikamaru wouldn't be that happy but Naruto was a surprise. "Do you have anything to add, Naruto?"

Naruto just stared at her thinking if it was a good idea to say it but decided to just do it. "Well, I actually thought that I'd be promoted to Jounin. Considering the damage I did on the forest and destroying those gigantic snakes with just one Rasengan plus evacuating every single civilian alone," said Naruto as he saw that she wasn't convinced. "Plus the beating I gave you..." mumbled Naruto. Thankfully only Tsunade and Shikamaru had understood what he said. Shikamaru was confused and Tsunade was pissed.

She coughed and then said, "Your feats have been proven to be above than that of a Chuunin but I decided to give you some time and gain some more experience,"

Naruto sighed and let it go. There was no reason to rush. "Now, here are two flak jackets. You may choose not to wear them," explained Tsunade.

Shikamaru had decided to take one but Naruto decided against it.

"Very well. If that's all, you are dismissed," said Tsunade.

"Since I'm already here... I'd like to ask you something. This is personal though so I'd like to ask everyone to leave," said Naruto.

Shikamaru said nothing and decided to just leave. He just wanted to get some sleep right now. Everyone else in the room also left.

"What is it, Naruto?" asked Tsunade.

"Well... I want you to teach me about the human body or rather medical Ninjutsu. I've read a lot of books so I do have basic knowledge but I'd like to learn from you more thoroughly," replied Naruto hoping for a good answer.

Tsunade thought about it. "I would help you but since I am now a Hokage I don't really have much time,"

"Don't worry about that. I have created a Jutsu or rather improved one that only someone like me and you could use it. Due to our Chakra Control," said Naruto as he saw that he caught her full attention.

"What Jutsu, Naruto?" she asked.

"The Shadow Clone Jutsu. I call it the Perfect Shadow Clone. Now I created this Jutsu to help me train faster. When a normal Shadow Clone poofs then the memories go back to the original but you can't use that for training because the Clones can't actually train. They can't take in new information as well as the original can. This is where my Jutsu comes in. When a Perfect Clone poofs then everything comes back to the original. And I mean everything. It's literally a perfect clone of the user but since even the pain that it feels goes back to the original, it can't be used in a fight. Or rather I wouldn't recommend it," explained Naruto as Tsunade had listened carefully.

"I understand... but why do you want to learn about the medical Ninjutsu?" asked Tsunade.

Naruto had hoped that she wouldn't ask this question as he didn't like to lie to her but this time he had to. "I want to become a medical specialist. Possibly become even better than you," said Naruto as he smiled. Technically he didn't lie. He just didn't say the whole truth...

"Hmm, very well. We'll start tomorrow then," said Tsunade as she sighed. She also had to study because of Lee.

"Thank you, Tsunade-baachan. Also, I wanted to ask Jiraiya to take me on a training trip. Right now if possible." asked Naruto.

She sighed again and then agreed. "You are the best, Tsunade-baachan," said Naruto as he hugged her and teleported away. She didn't like how he called her but also kinda did. She found it cute.

Naruto teleported to Jiraiya and found him peeping on some poor girls. Naruto sighed as he grabbed him and teleported himself and him to a training ground.

"Naruto? What's your problem?! I was about to hit a breakthrough!" yelled Jiraiya.

"Yea yea. We are going on a training trip. Tsunade-baachan allowed it," said Naruto.

"Hmm. I was already planning on taking you but seems like you sped up the process. Alright, pack up, Naruto!" announced Jiraiya. Naruto excitedly teleported away to quickly pack his things away.

Everything was going to plan. There was one step, however, where Naruto was relying on luck. If luck wasn't on his side then he was going to act on his own. Risky but something he had to do.

After only ten minutes Naruto was ready. Jiraiya and Naruto were already heading. Naruto was upset he didn't get to say goodbye to everyone but this was more important right now.

"Yosh! The three-year training trip begins now!" announced Naruto.

Sasuke had woken up and he was pissed. He was looking for a fight with Naruto. He was furious that his brother, Itachi, was going after Naruto and that Itachi had easily dealt with him. He felt like he wasn't making any progress and right now he just had to fight Naruto and prove that he is better.

Kakashi could see the hatred in his eyes. Since Naruto had also gotten away, Kakashi decided to talk with Sasuke and possibly lead him on the right path.

Meanwhile with Orochimaru

"Orochimaru-sama. When are we going to retrieve, Sasuke," asked Kabuto.

"In due time... There is no need to rush. Since I've failed to give him the Curse Mark he will probably decide to stay in the village like a loyal dog. That doesn't matter though since he'll come to... one way or another his body WILL be mine,"

Kabuto smiled hearing that. He also knew that his master was going to succeed.