
The Ancestral Chronicles of Marshall, Carter, and Darke

Author: Wandering Merchant

Date: [Redacted]

Foreword: This manuscript is an excerpt from my ongoing research into the history and lineage of the enigmatic organization known as Marshall, Carter, and Darke (MC&D). Delving into their roots reveals a tapestry of arcane lore, untold secrets, and a dynasty that stretches back millennia. It is with trepidation that I present this fragment of their ancestral chronicles.

Introduction: The origins of MC&D are shrouded in myth and obscurity, with the earliest written records dating back over 3000 years. Unfortunately, many of these records have been lost to time or purposefully obscured by the organization itself. What follows is a compilation of fragmented lore, gleaned from whispers in the archives of the Wanderer's Library and cryptic scrolls that have miraculously survived the ravages of history.

Chapter I: The Arrival of the Devas

Over 101,500 years ago, an event of cosmic proportions unfolded near the North Pole—a phenomenon that transcended mortal comprehension. An inscrutable dimensional rift materialized in the heavens, unnoticed by most, yet sensed by those attuned to the arcane. Out of this rift descended beings of ethereal beauty and power—the Devas.

The Devas, resembling mortals yet far more potent, were entrusted with an array of supernatural abilities. They brought with them the gift of language, knowledge of agriculture, and unparalleled wisdom. Humanity marveled at their celestial patrons, for the Devas could predict celestial events, control the elements, and even mend mortal wounds with a touch. Their presence altered the course of human civilization forever.

Chapter II: Divine Unions and Divine Kings

Amid this era of enlightenment, the Devas formed unions with mortals, most notably those who were recognized as the paragons of beauty and virtue. These divine-human couplings gave birth to offspring of celestial descent, known as the Divine Heirs. They were blessed with incredible vitality and physical prowess, poised to lead humanity into a new era of prosperity and enlightenment.

These Divine Heirs became the world's first rulers and leaders, ushering in an age of enlightenment. Through their guidance, humanity flourished and forged a path towards the ineffable.

Chapter III: The Decline and the Eclipsed War

As centuries turned into millennia, the luster of the Devas began to fade. A low birth rate among the Divine Heirs and some Devas willingly embracing mortality led to a gradual decline in their numbers. A rift grew between the Divine Heirs and the human rulers, fueled by envy and greed.

The Devas, beings more powerful than mortals, often formed unions with humans. However, the birth rate was exceedingly low, leading to a culture of polygamy among the Divine Heirs. The most beautiful human maidens were often chosen as wives, and they bore children who possessed remarkable vitality and physical prowess.

Yet, these offspring could be divided into two distinct groups. One group, comprising 99 out of 100 Divine Heir descendants, did not inherit the powers and abilities of the Devas. They became the first kings and rulers, wielding their physical prowess as a symbol of their lineage.

The other group, the fortunate 1 in 100, inherited the divine powers of the Devas and became the Devas of the next generation. Their abilities ranged from predicting eclipses and controlling the elements to miraculous healing.

Around 11,000 years ago, this smoldering animosity of those who did not inherit the powers ignited into a war of cataclysmic proportions. Descendants of the Divine Heirs who had not inherited the Devas' powers and the mortal rulers, envious of the Deva-kings' abilities, clashed in a conflict known as the Eclipsed War. This brutal and devastating struggle led to the near-extinction of the Devas and a significant reduction in the human population.

Remarkably, some Devas, such as the enigmatic Dyutrav family, chose not to engage in this brutal war. Instead, they astutely capitalized on the chaos, accumulating an unprecedented fortune. By the war's end, they possessed an astonishing collection of souls, precious materials, and anomalous artifacts.

Chapter IV: The Dyutrav Family

The Dyutrav family stands as a testament to the resilience and versatility of the Devas. Unlike their brethren, the Dyutravs do not inherit fixed powers through generations; their abilities are unpredictable and multifaceted, defying conventional logic.

While other Devas secluded themselves from human society, the Dyutravs fully integrated, leveraging their unparalleled wealth and power. They are revered as the richest and most influential family in human history.

Their name, "Dyutrav," conveys an intriguing—meaning "devouring light," it symbolizes both their insatiable appetite for wealth, knowledge and power and their enigmatic ability to adapt, persist, and transcend.

The Dyutravs then partnered up with two other deva families with whom they shared trust and marriage alliances: the Maitray family and the Kairav family. Together, the Maitrays, Kairavs, and Dyutravs formed the original M C and D. However, it wasn't until the 19th century that they changed the name to Marshall Carter and Darke. This decision stemmed from each family's respective alias: the Maitrays adopted the alias Marshall, the Kairavs chose Carter, and the Dyutravs settled on Darke.

This transformation marked the beginning of a new era for the enigmatic organization known as Marshall, Carter, and Darke.