
Profile: Damian Kaine

Author: [Redacted]

Entry #: SCP-????

Date: [Redacted]

Entity Name: Damian Kaine

Also Known As (AKA):

-->Heart-throb Angel

-->Prince Enigma

-->The Trolling Devil

Species: Appears Human(?)

Age: 28 (Appears to be in his late teens)

Occupation: Proprietor of ArKaine Bar (sometimes seen bartending).


-->Yves Heinschwann (Bartender and logistics manager of ArKaine Bar for over 3 centuries)

-->ArKaine Bar (Owner: Damian Kaine)

-->Nobody (Alias)

-->Marshall, Carter & Darke, Ltd. (Vendor-client relation)

-->Ambrose Restaurants (Business partners; business-to-business relation)

-->SCP Foundation (Collaborative agreement regarding Dhrengeh island)

-->Fairhaven Chocolate Factory (Vendor-client relation)

Family Members:

-->Irene Kaine (Mother, Status: Deceased; passed away following Damian's birth)

-->Anselm Sigrid (Father, Status: Deceased; passed away a year after Damian's graduation)

-->SCP-2747 Anafabula (Ancestor; creator of the pocket watch)

-->Yelena Dyutrav (Wife, Status: Alive; Further investigations yet to be done)

Net Worth: Analysis and investigations suggest that Damian's net worth, including properties and anomalous(?) items, is over 100 million GBP (Great British Pounds). However, Damian has given ambiguous responses regarding this figure, notably stating, "Why don't you ask MC&D."

Psychological Disorders: Does not appear to suffer from any discernible psychological disorders.

Character Traits:


-->Friendly and Approachable, but is inclined to trolling others.

-->Terrifyingly Intelligent and Knowledgeable



-->Dark Empath(?)

Goals/Motives: None discerned so far.

Anomalous Items in Possession:

-->The Pocket Watch

-->Antique Radio

-->Antonio Russo's Painting (SCP-3314)

-->Three Dancing Colored Wooden Dolls

-->Kaine Archives


Radiant milky white skin. Tall, lithe, toned, and well-defined stunning body. Beauty is divine celestial-like, and captivating, evoking purity, clarity, and serenity rather than arousal.

-->Height: Observed to be at 6 feet 3 inches.

-->Weight: Observed to be 220 pounds.

-->Eye Color: Lotus petal-like eyes with large pitch-black pupils and speckled silver irises arranged in a unique pattern resembling dark obsidian.

-->Hair Color: Divine and ethereal like jet black hair.

Anomalous Abilities/Skills (solely of the individual without the help of any other anomalous objects):

-->Master Mixologist: Damian crafts exceptional cocktails, combining flavors and spirits like an artist. His drinks hold subtle anomalous surprises, making every sip special, and keep patrons returning to ArKaine Bar for more.

-->Immortality: Invulnerable and immune to death itself. This immortality is inherent to his nature and not linked to the pocket watch's effects.

-->Ineffable Beauty: Possesses beauty that can put SCP-056 to shame.

-->Optical Obscurity: Mirrors and reflective surfaces fail to capture Damian's true image, instead reflecting a foggy silhouette. Cameras and videos similarly depict this obscured form, constituting an enigmatic optical anomaly.

-->Terrifying Physical attributes: Possesses superhuman physical attributes, transcending conventional limitations. His agility, durability, and strength are unparalleled, exceeding the comprehension of even godly or interdimensional entities.

-->Immunity: Impervious to all forms of harm and manipulation. Damian is immune to brainwashing, heat, cold, diseases, poisons, acids, hypnosis, illusions, and any other means of control or harm. His immunity extends to ageing as well as pain, rendering him completely impervious to physical and mental suffering.

-->Soul-Peering Gaze: His casual gaze feels like he is looking into the very depths of one's consciousness. If he wants to, he can induce pure terror, dread, and primal fear in anyone or anything with some degree of sentience with his gaze.

-->God-like intellect: He is extremely intelligent, with eidetic memory and the ability to comprehend and form concepts regarding anything instantaneously.


-->Damian is consistently seen wearing a Vacheron Constantin Celestia 3600 watch on his left hand.

-->When outdoors, he sports antique silver-colored Gold & Wood CALYPSO SUN sunglasses.

-->He inherited Dhrengeh Island, a 37 sq mile territory in the South Atlantic, which falls outside any government's jurisdiction. This island is primarily used for spirit and beverage production operations for generations.

-->One of his recent significant transactions involved the purchase of a Rolls Royce Droptail through backdoor contacts. (Assumed to involve Marshall, Carter, and Darke)

-->He has a penchant for dark chocolates and is often spotted carrying a Fairhaven Chocolate Factory's Darkhaven Edition chocolate bar.

-->He is an avid lover of Gundam, with a large collection of Master and Perfect Grade Gundam models that he assembled himself.

-->He graduated from Deer College.