
DO-OVER: Reborn As A Rookie

Captain Morgan was a powerhouse. An Awakened Captain with eight Mana cores at the mere age of twenty five, she vowed to decimate all the Unfriendlies. However, she and her squad fell in battle at the hand of an Unfriendly of the Devil rank. But then, she wakes up as a friggin sixteen year old, seventy years into the future! Now, she has to find her squad, suffer through the Awakened Academy once again, become an Awakened Sovereign and finally finish off all the Unfriendlies. But in this life, she only has one core, her former friends are now dreadful foes, and someone out there is a traitor working with the Unfriendlies after her life.

GTHarris08 · Fantasy
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8 Chs

The A.F.A.

Megan had had a hearty breakfast.

This was one of the few things which she really appreciated.

She did not usually get to eat good food since she spent all her time either training or killing The Unfriendly.

Just like all soldiers of her time.

Soon, she, her older sister who she had known to be called Jade, her mum and her dad had dropped her off at the AFA.

"Good luck little sis..." Jade stated

"...You'll really, really need it".

'How odd'.

A petite teenager with long black hair and red eyes, putting on a red hoodie walked forward to the massive gates of the Awakened Academy.

However, it was nothing like she had remembered.

The giant mechanical robots that usually would stand guard at the gates, defending them against sudden attacks by the Unfriendlies were no more, instead, the obsidian gates were unmanned, free for all to pass.

Within the Academy, it was much worse, at least by her perspective.

In her time, only the Awakened people were recruited no matter their age.

That was why she and some guy called Major that she had spent her first year with, were the youngest people of their year.

That was one of the reasons why she had achieved the rank of Awakened Demigod at the young age of twenty two, a new record in the history of Earth.

But now, she could see people of all walks of life in the Academy halls, they were all required to learn how to protect themselves in case another war began.

Apparently, in thesi times, it was compulsorily mandatory for all the humans to attend the Awakened Force Academy as every single person had awakened their Mana core.

Megan looked around in facination.

'Considering the time span between my death and now, maybe all the mundane people had been killed off or something'.

However, that still left the looming question that had been on her mind ever since she woke up in this world.

'How long had I stayed dead?'

All the students were led to an obstacle course where they would be tested physically, mentally and socially.

They would also have to take another test after that would determine the amount of Mana their bodies could hold.

This would then provide detailed information about their body state, Mana core and other miscellaneous stats.

Then, they would get a watch that would show the number of Mana cores they possessed and could serve as a System they could use to measure their progress.

It was nothing like her time, when you would just be taught meagre ability and weapons training, management and use of Mechanicals, given a few 'complimentary' Cashnotes, and then sent out to die in battle despite your age.

Things really had changed.

By a lot.

All the students were arranged according to age, which Megan had been put in front despite being a sixteen year old.

This new body had a small stature, a childish face, and a freakishly flat chest that would make someone even think she was a boy, so she was put in line among the twelve and thirteen year olds.

She didn't mind though, as the weaker she looked, the more unsuspecting she was to everyone.

Even the Unfriendlies.

The first test was a Speed and Stamina test in which all the new recruits would have to run and jump across hurdles in a kind of race track treadmill.

This was a type of race track the Friendlies used, it was a race track that moved backwards like a treadmill, making the User have to work extra hard to get to the end.

Megan sneered as she looked up and analysed the 'test'.

It was literally child's play to her, someone who had an extraordinary Kill Count of at least 50,000 Alien Unfriendlies per week.

She smirked.

'This will be way too easy'.

She imagined herself clearing up all the tests in record time.

Megan, due to her new small stature, was among the first ten people who had to take the test first.

The instructor screamed as the recruits began to move.


They all burst forward with explosive speed way above that of the average athlete.

Well, all except one particular petite figure with black hair and red eyes.

She was severely lagging behind the entire set by a few hundred metres.

Megan screamed internally as she was moving much, much slower than she usually would.

'Move legs, we have to win this!!'

The instructor looked over at his watch as the first person had whizzed past.

"20.5 seconds"

"25.3 seconds"

"26.8 seconds"

"26.9 seconds"

"32.1 seconds"

"32.5 seconds"

"35.6 seconds"

"39.6 seconds"

"43.5 seconds"

As the ninth person passed, everyone looked back to the track, to see a black haired teenage girl huffing and panting.

The instructor thought as they waited for the last one person.

'Are we sure she EVEN has a Mana core?'

Soon, sweaty and tired, Megan had finally crossed the finish line.

The instructor shook his head in disappointment.

"3600 seconds" Very, Very dissapointing.

A Mana core completely changed a human person's physique.

It improved one's body to almost superhuman levels, advanced their thought process, gave an adrenaline rush-like feeling when tasked, and other stuff.

Thus, this test was literally child's play to the rest of the Awakened recruits she had taken the test with as they were capable of much more.

The next test was for strength, a major requirement for all Awakened, which she once again failed woefully as she could not lift anything past 30kg.

Megan spat and cursed in fury.

'What the f*ck had this body been doing all these sixteen years that it's still so weak?!!.'

'I'm literally as weak as a friggin child!!'

As of when she had been sixteen, in her now past life at least.

She had literally trained her body to just below a superhuman level.

And that was before she had even Awakened.

What would she do now?.