
learning no. 2

What are listening skills?

again a number of replies !

well it is one of my learnings !

people love when you listen them without judging them or giving them any kind of advice...no matter you are a successful one!

for me every person is a successful one until his smiles fade away ! success does not mean you own a big house,a huge bank balance or to marry your love ,,,it has a deeper meaning ...the moment you feel happy your are successful ...the moment you listen someone without any judgement your are a successful one!

for me surprisingly a word can have different meaning from different mindset ...yes like for you success is a owing a big house or a big business you have planned but for me it can be sitting with my mother giving her experience of a wonderful child who is very caring for her and telling my feelings about world and people around me...giving her comfort that her child never gonna leave her alone for any peculiar need of my life ...success is to see her happy face and listening to her experiences...while sipping a tea, seeing her happy and contented face that she is loved and center of my life ...she is one of the priorities of my life...the priority is to ,see her happy with a company not with materialistic gifts...so success can be defined in many different ways...it is just a area of my life where I consider myself a successful one... learning ...so my second learning comes from the conversation I have had people around me...being a talkative one I never let give people chance to speak once I am on....but then still they wanted to talk to me... gradually I became a patient listener of their problems to their confessions...They never told me to keep it to myslsf and I never revealed it to anyone :) then one fine day I feel,I m so loved ...and why I am so loved ? when you have this kind of feeling you start thinking even I am human who doesn't have any important goal to finish or I am just in a fantasy world .Why I am doing this? then I did not get any replies withing just a sense of calmness ..when people talk about their experiences I feel their trust ,their love and most importantly I feel this is the way I am? I am giving them a calm place where they are free from being judged to free from advices ,where people are themselves only ...this though one fine day lead me to be a healer... idea of writing came from the people around me including family and friends who consider me a happy soul,, I have been told that the way I listened to their stories make them feel happy and confident ..they are more confident and happy ,they pursue me to write for the people of the World...that they have a listener ...who will listen to them without any judgement and advices...so the people who are reading this please make sure you can also be a good listener... listening helps people to overcome their fears and challenges ! and trust me you will also get a satisfaction and abundant love from the people too!