
A fine day of learning!

Hi all,

learning...a beautiful word of mine.... learning...well most of people think that learning comes form school only...or when they get something which is not in their favour...if you think this way, then probably my dear you are wrong.....learning comes from your acts ,anyone's else acts ,it comes from any random idea you are creating in your mind and giving it an execution....my learnings of life are coming from the people around me, the stories I had read ,n the crazy thing I am doing so far to please me,or ease me... every story you read somewhere relate to, at a point in your life ...learn your lesson,carry it ...and forward it

for me, from the past few months have been a greatest high n lows of my life....but still I did not leave my happy side once....I love to make people happy around me... learning can be amazing and happy too....so why always people talk about serious learnings?

I am not saying being serious is a wrong thing....but then what about if you decide to face the world with a happy face.....not with a grumpy one!

that's my point!

happy faces known one or an unknown one....it makes everything beautiful,your day brighten up when you decide to be cheerful for the rest of the day!

nobody gonna miss you for your serious advices and serious face.....so my first and beautiful learning was that people like happy face more than anything else!

so start expressing yourself with a smile first .....rest we will think later....:)