
13: Proposal?


so I'm still working on the next chapter, I'll get it done even when I'm very likely going to be in pain and everything as I'm going to need to have my balls dissected to get a hernia out and drain my right abdomen as it's steadily built up a lump there over four years by draining excess fluid there

I'm alive but yeah I'm looking at pain and possibly be out of it in the future


With the end of the War Game, the fortress the rest of the Ishtar family was in, including their Goddess, suddenly exploded as magma came from it. A masked figure wearing tight form-fitting clothes stood among the destruction, their body more muscle than anything, scales along their exposed arms. When the magma surged once more, they disappeared. A beam of light pierced the sky, signifying that Ishtar had died.

Pulling a cigarette from a pocket after pulling my mask down, I had Pandora light it with a spark of lightning. Taking a drag of it, I chuckled internally, damn good work Agni, Kai, and Cuddles that was excellent work just now.

No one even knew it was truly my doing except for Hestia, Freya, Cthulhu, Idd-yha, and likely Riveria given she's smart enough to figure out something to tie it to me. Since she'd be stupid if she didn't since when I visited her two days before my Ishtar visit, I told her basically I was going to collapse the economy. I have now done so by taking out the big wig of the Red-light District.

However, I could see Allen of the Freya family coming towards my group, and so I drew my shotgun once more as I know for certain he's beyond fanatical, he's a zealot. He's so hooked on Freya's charm, he'll kill you for just calling her a bitch.

Finger resting near the trigger, I looked at the cat, growling as I bit down on my cigarette in my mouth. Umbra couldn't be seen but could certainly be heard as the Archaean hissed loudly like a siren, Honey crawling into view on my shoulder buzzed her wings rapidly producing a warning sound as the Killer Waep's compact eyes stared at the Adventurer.

I could feel Cuddles below the ground slithering about, agitated because we're agitated. Agni and Kai were restless in my shadow, Zuno's lips were pulled back exposing his teeth while Pandora crackled with loud distorting pops of electricity. Seeing and knowing of the rather dangerous situation, the Beastman stopped sixty feet away, his spear lazily resting on his shoulder. Yet, my monsters and I kept up our warnings and guard.

"My Goddess would like to meet with you, Dakota Carter, so come along, for it is rude to keep her waiting. If you don't come peacefully, I will make you."

"Yeah, fuck no, Allen. I'm not your friend or anything, and I'm not some call-boy, try again more politely. Or when the universe is ending and all the Gods are dying. That includes Freya."

My immediate denial caused the Beastman to twitch as his eyes narrowed at me. When he disappeared briefly, reappearing before me as he swiped his spear at me, I immediately reacted, shooting it upwards and kicking his right leg that tried swooping in away. However, when he tried to move or do anything else, a large beefy hand landed on his shoulder. Ottar quite frankly appeared out of nowhere very abruptly. Though when I noticed the small indents in the earth I scowled a smile… he ran here once Freya realized this would get bloody.

What's scary though is, even with my current boost, I DIDN'T see or hear him. Just how fucked are his stats? Could he be on the cusps of level 8? Or even 9 if Freya hid information. Not impossible, but, it possibly is all due to a skill or equipment he has as he still smells like a 7.

"Allen, you shall not displease Lady Freya by letting your emotions get the best of you."

Allen looked annoyed, but honestly terrified as well, since he didn't expect Ottar to abruptly appear. The Boaze's hand squeezed the cat's shoulder, and Allen winced. It was pretty damn obvious which divinities Ottar will awaken, War and Conquest. Fairly sure he has numerous skills that mesh with, likely a Conquest Skill type.

"Hestia, Bell, go pick up the two newcomers. It seems we're going to be at an impasse, so it's best we talk like civil people, NOT making demands or threats."


"No, Bell, let's go get those girls. He'll manage."

"Thanks Hestia, I'll live. Anything else, like being whole, is a different matter."

As the two left, Zuno stalked after them with Cuddles following them. So, Pandora, Umbra, Agni, Kai, and Honey are with me… that's a 180% boost from the Family Protector skill. Even then, like with his sudden appearance, I didn't catch the fact Ottar had reached out one of his hands towards me. With an effortless pull, he ripped my left arm completely off, shoulder and all. Without thinking, as my mind and Umbra recognized it as an attack, I shot him in the stomach, the shot barking violently with the Arcane Enchant as the gun bucked upwards from the angle I aimed at to make sure it'd hit true.

He stumbled back with his stomach having a hole in it, yet it didn't go all the way through. Fucking bullshit pure muscle mass mother fucking charm slave. At best, that shot just bruised some organs and cut up his stomach, recovering from the shot, Ottar stood straight once more before crushing my arm into a paste between his hands.

"You've been let off lightly for insulting Lady Freya, Dakota Carter. Someday, though, you will visit Lady Freya and see how beautiful and amazing she is compared to all others. Come, Allen, we must return."

Umbra sealed my shoulder socket to prevent blood loss from happening. Grunting, I aimed at the remains of my arm and unloaded on it until it was erased. Agni incinerated it just in case as well, along with any blood because the Archaean in it could still go rogue even if the arm was worthless. Plus trying to repair it as it was a lost cause.

Ottar had clean hands, so he either used a skill or spell, so whatever was left of that arm was useless. As it was registered, completely destroyed, by Umbra and Isaac's sub medical functions that track an Agent's vitals and condition. Sighing, I looked in the SHD shop for an arm that Umbra could do something with until had enough of a body to recreate my arm.

Surprisingly, there were plenty of options for prosthetics, like an ISAC eyeball. In the end, I picked an arm that had a 3D projector and a fabricator that can print out SHD Drones and Turrets. It's pretty futuristic, yet the Division and others like the Ghosts all had some futuristic equipment. ISAC was nice enough to convert the arm to a more flesh-like bio material for Umbra to be able to repair cracks and stuff.

"Wonder if it'll be noticeable? Ah, thanks, Umbra, for repairing that sleeve and replacing my glove."

A ping of embarrassment came from the alien parasite, but my monsters had calmed down. Though I could feel the unrest from them at basically being unable to threaten the King as most call him. Agni and Kai could, but they're dedicated to one priority at a time and if they had fought, there'd be lots of trouble inbound.

Shrugging, I made sure the two Freya additics had left before hunting down Bell and Hestia. Honey crawling into my shirt and into my chest as a cavity opened up for the monster to sleep in. I feel like a ninja from Naruto with a bug living in me. Huh, Umbra could technically hide plenty of smaller monsters inside of me, and if more room was ever needed, we just have to devour a lot of meat and flesh to make me larger and more durable to house more or something.

Thoughts for later on how to torment Apollo because he literally tried groping my ass two days ago. I didn't consent, and yet, he kept trying as I spoke to him on behalf of the Guild. So, he deserves to suffer for his retardation and his family's, except for two, retardation. I mean, fuck, that family! They're basically cockroaches with horrible timing! THE SAME FLAMBOYANT RETARD FROM THEM KEEPS CHALLENGING ME TO WAR GAMES BECAUSE I TOOK HIM HOSTAGE AND DIDN'T BOTHER REMEMBERING HIM!

Sighing with a growl at my thoughts, I focused on finding everyone. When I found them and the two new additions to Hestia's family, I saw someone unexpected, Riveria. She looked at me pointedly before she noticed something as her eyes widened. When she steadily and admittedly timidly made her way to me, I watched her grab my replacement arm. Even through the repair clothing, I see she noticed how different it felt even when no skin was visible currently. The look in her eyes was one that made my sociopathic mindset idly remark something. My newer one following up with its own commentary.

'Why act as if this important? I've lost limbs before since coming here. Even before then, I had lost my right arm and a section of my chest before due to insurgents using an experimental laser they stole from the military. Even lost a few organs before I had finally died physically, yet it honestly doesn't seem important, you just have to move on.'

'That's cold logic and machine like behavior, Dakota…. You're not fixed, but you know why she is upset. Honestly, it's been forty years on Earth and a thousand something plus years since coming here that someone has truly cared like this. The kids are alright, but at the end of the day, I'm nothing important to them in the grand scheme of everything when they find their purposes. Heh oh who am I kidding there? I know they truly see me as a father figure, even though I'm horrible as one to any kid. Yet, that care from them feels different from what miss stoic stick up the ass shows when her mask crumbles.'

Sighing I watched as her eyes seemed to find mine, and she clearly knew my thought process yet the Elven princess raised my hand and held it to her cheek. Surprising Bell, Haruhime, Aisha, and Hestia with such an action, her words, however, got the divine and fox to giggle. I just blinked at them, Bell looked like a tomato that's extremely ripe, and Aisha was cackling with a smirk.

"If you make me worry about if you'll be whole before I… admit things and feel prepared to face some criticism, then I may have to make you stay where I can protect you."

Looking at the Elven woman before me and with my monsters basically sending the "mate now" like feeling through the taming bond, I made Riveria scream in surprise. Picking the woman up, I held her like a bride and cackled seeing her face flush red in embarrassment before declaring her words loud and clear for herself. What followed made everyone literally scream, confused given Riveria's reputation.

"If you want to marry me, just say it because let's be frank, you can be almost sociopathic as well with your pragmatic thoughts. Yet, you are pretty daring with your feelings for people like Ais, who you have all but adopted as a daughter."

"You… I love you Grave Walker, you're MINE and mine alone you insufferable gunslinger."

Then, as if no longer caring about the rest watching, she literally grabbed my face and gave me one amateurish kiss. When she pulled away, I looked at the others, then at Riveria, and promptly started running away with the Elf. My monsters who decided to stay with the group were chortling, barking, hissing, and cackling at the sight as if this were the only logical outcome. Honey and Umbra were with us because well, one's sleeping in my chest, the other is permanently stuck inside me.

"Swingty swooty I'm plundering this booty!"