

this chapter is probably not good for imaginations if you hate bugs. However, Cthulhu likes an idea to get the mc fully locked into the Worlds Main Story, the main story involves a lot of stuff involving Gods who he wants to die or suffer by the actions of the mc, so I'll explain this to avoid confusion. Cthulhu's Falna was never truly on his back leaving a blank slot, Cthulhu's is directly in his mind and soul. When the idea comes up, Cthulhu basically gets a hacksaw and super glue to rearrange, painfully, his soul to make that slot accessible so you see what that can mean.

It won't however make him get double gains, it just causes the World Will to go "You're apart of the main story now... time to suffer for the greater good." nothing else honestly besides this being where things start tying into teaching Bell and Ais, and because of my brain, Haruhime about Adventurer's work more in depth.


After carrying Riveria to bed and tucking her in, I took a few moments to stretch out. Glancing out her window, I noticed the moon high in the sky, snorting a bit at a thought. Taking my leave after writing a note for the Elven Royalty, I closed her door behind me.

Meeting Bell, Zuno, and Pandora right outside her room, making a circle motion with a finger then pointing, our group got to leaving. Ais I sent to bed, seeing the teen nearly falling asleep while standing. Bell was doing alright, but I could tell he was tired, so we escorted him home. While he headed down to his Goddess, my group stayed up top and slept huddled together on a pew.

I could feel Umbra, doing something throughout the night though given the Archaean creature is always active. I was curious, but not enough to wake up because it could honestly fucking wait. By the time we all woke up the next morning, I saw Bell and Hestia looking at the surroundings curious about what they were looking at exactly, I finally noticed something. The destroyed building isn't destroyed, it is somewhat fixed and cleaner. Looking around, the once destroyed church was pretty damn brand-new looking, gothic styled but newer looking. Although the mass of Archaean sludge secretly lurking about still fixing stuff was a problem, but not an immediate one per se.

However, I could feel the culprit behind this all having mixed feelings due to our bond that when I thought about talking face to face I felt something move. A vine and bulb of Archaean origins emerged from my shirt and duster collar looking at me, and everyone else, a ping of nervous curiosity from the creature going off in my head. Grunting with exasperation, I spoke first, making the Archaean shrink away from my face, but flex its bulbous mouth as its way of smiling.

"First, You didn't ask to do this, so you're an idiot Umbra. Second, good job, Umbra."

At my words, the Goddess and mortal broke out of their thoughts looking at Umbra, though Hestia was slightly unnerved seeing them coming out of me. That, however, didn't deter the petite divine from having her usual bubbly attitude mixed with confusion. Bell just looked at Umbra with wide eyes before giving a heartfelt set of words that made the Archaean uncomfortable.

"Thank you for repairing our home like this, Umbra. It is beautiful and much more homey than it was before."

"Thank you, little one! This is incredible and much more gorgeous than a bunch of rubble! Though… why are you all here? You're welcome by anytime, but why are you here so early?"

Zuno grunted as he got off the pew and stretched out, Pandora preened her feathers before flying up into the air and flying around a bit. I shrugged, getting up as well, stretching and popping parts of my body with a low groan.

"Escorted Bell home, took a seat, and we all just went to bed for the night. Plus, the home we intended to claim, and its surroundings got destroyed, so we're still homeless."

Hearing my words, Hestia rubbed her head shyly and lightly giggled remembering that little fact, though she looked around the area and spoke without thinking it seems.

"You're not in my Familia, but you are essentially family and a dear friend, so I don't think it'd be much trouble if you stayed here with us…."

Snorting at her absent-minded words, I looked at the divine and Bell before remembering something involving Bell. Freya wants to turn the young boy I helped raise into a mindless puppet that's suffered greatly just to have a toy stronger than Ottar… she intends to hurt my extended family… as if something clicked I remembered parts of the anime and books that I would watch or read when I wanted to do so. Pulling my mask down, I looked at the petite Goddess with a snarling grin on my lips, Umbra mimicking my expression the best it could with its bulb.

"I'll take you up on that, Hestia because I know anyone who joins you will be good at heart. I'll protect this place to the end of time from all threats, divine and mortal."

Hestia seemed to step back but stopped midway as her eyes widened into saucers, before the Goddess pointed at me and began screaming, a small grin on her face. ISAC though also popped up a message.

"That… That was the feeling of my Divinity just now! You… you've been influenced by my divinity that you've unlocked a divinity like mine?! It's weak but while it's not home it's smoldering and untamed desire to protect… It's the Family Divinity, but it's closer to home?"


Reading that, I chuckled, and I knew who was the first, glancing at Bell as Hestia is attached to him and well, the kid cares for family and friends a lot than what would be healthy for most. Humming, I remembered something else as well, Sanjouno Haruhime a Renard enslaved to Ishtar and her caretaker Aisha Belka who cares for the girl as her own sister. Haruhime would fit in here perfectly with Hestia just…. Oh, yeah, she's to be sacrificed for some reason. Welp looks like I'm challenging the Ishtar family to a War Game for those two.

"Hey Hestia, would you like two new members for your family?"

"Huh? Well, yes why?"

"I know of two people who would fit with your family perfectly. Though one is enslaved to Ishtar and meant to be a sacrifice for a stone and used as a prostitute, yet her caretaker has prevented her from losing her virginity and wants to genuinely take the girl elsewhere. So, I have to ask something first to my primary God… Cthulhu would it be possible to get a second Falna as I don't technically have yours, it's just in my head and bound to my soul its self."

(I see what you're doing, and I LOVE it, you're getting involved with the Will of the World's main targets of fate. Which will bring you into conflict with Gods and more interesting Mortals more often. I shall accept this, I want them all to suffer for my enjoyment, so this helps me greatly. You'll feel a lot of pain, but that's just for the second Falna slot. TIME FOR SURGERY, MORTAL!.)

"Wait, Cthulhu, that doesn't sound healthy. You aren't planning to- AAAHAHKDNFHLKF FUCKING SQUID, I HATE YOU! FUCK FUCK FUCK FUCK FUCKING CUNT!"

I sat back down with a snarl as I felt the Eldritch God literally influence my soul and rearrange it to let space for a second Falna to be available. After a few minutes of my soul feeling like someone was using a hacksaw and magma to rearrange it, I felt different and looked towards Hestia.

"Hestia give me your Falna because if you want to save some lives, then we'll need a War Game to get them into your family without much issue. As I said before, those two will fit perfectly with you."

The petite Goddess stared at me and her eyes were dazed as she likely felt what happened to me and possibly also met Cthulhu due to how active he just was. However, my words snapped her out of it, and she quickly ran over to me as Umbra, who seemed to feel weak, fused with my clothes and opened them up to reveal my back. After a few seconds, I felt something slot into the second Falna slot that Cthulhu made happen for entertainment to happen quicker.


However, I think seeing my Falna caused Hestia to choke as she started coughing behind me as I felt Umbra reseal my clothes together. Looking back at the Goddess, I smirked at her scandalized look. Her words just made everything better.


"Pff please that's not the worse things he's done, it's the others who fuck with my Falna more than him. Also, how do you feel about sharing with them?"

"Its… It's annoying, but I know how those Gods are and this is just entertainment for them, but rearranging a Mortal Soul like that for a laugh? It's disgusting… Yet, it's given me someone who will keep my family safe…. I feel conflicted about everything, but I also know you… what do we have to do to rescue some children?"

"Well firstly is Bell acting captain?"

Hestia shook her head no so I looked towards Bell and in all seriousness spoke, my face scowling as I thought of stuff. I'm now officially wrapped in the World Plot full time and the only escape is death or victory.

"Bell, until you are competent as an Adventurer to lead and help others survive, do you mind if I'm acting captain?"

"No! Not all Mr. Carter! I'd prefer if you were as I still have a lot to learn…"

"Then Hestia as of now I'm acting captain and Bell is Vice-Captain. He'll need time to learn his future role for your family, so I hope you don't mind this arrangement."

"I'll admit I want Bell as the Captain… However, you're right he isn't yet ready for that. Plus now I have a Captain that can protect me at future meetings."

"Just so you know I'll be standing behind you always at those, even if I'm told to leave I won't budge."

Hestia chuckled wryly at that before we got to the bread and butter of the future recruits. When six days had passed my Archaean Drones returned and turned in their quest. Storing their equipment in my ISAC warehouse, except for one Exosuit that I donned for extra power after modifications had been made. With an AA-12 Shotgun with the Arcane Enchantment Concentrated Blast, that enchant blew a hole through a dungeon floor to the next one in two shots.

I stood outside the city with Bell, Zuno, Pandora, and Umbra Drone guarding Hestia, although those weren't the only monsters. We didn't use a fort for this, just a plain old field. The Ishtar family did though, but they weren't all fighting just one person, it's cute how they thought that'd protect them though.

I'm killing everyone, but the two I want, anyways as Ishtar will lose them all and her life since Freya has started circling her. A certain fat toad was frothing at the mouth as she stared at me with bloodshot eyes though. Ah yes her name is Phryne Jamil, but it seems for an Amazon she got the fugly genes. Yet she believes she's more beautiful than her Goddess, like eeesh talk about delusional.

Although hitting her four days was therapeutic, maybe I should drag this out? Yeah… let's drag it out, my version of Weapon Master essentially adds my stats to my weapons in certain aspects. So I need an extremely weak gun… ah that one will do. Switching the shotgun out I held my flare gun and loaded a live shell into it after modifying it to be all metal. Heh flare guns can shoot shotgun shells but usually break unless all it's made entirely of metal.

[Ishtar POV 4 Days Ago]

My day was perfect. I had plans coming to head that'll knock that smug smile off that bitches face. Yet things suddenly went wrong around midday, a man dressed like a desert walker with that duster and masks arrived. However, I knew who he was perfectly well as that bitch Freya took some interest in the man.

Seeing him barge into my home though with blood covering him in places, I tried charming him to make him more reasonable and to steal a toy from Freya. Yet when I tried charming him a bloody watery looking serpent that was invisible to the naked eyes appeared all too suddenly. It shredded my charm with its fangs, hissing at me when the man snarled at me behind his mask.

"Nice try Ishtar. But neither you nor Freya will enslave me into a brainless charm whore. Plus you both, while beautiful, just aren't my type."

Blinking I processed that and hummed as this was new and well the fact he mentioned Freya. Means he somehow made himself immune to charming just to spite Freya possibly… Hehehe…

"Ahahaha! Perfect! Just perfect! You got immunity to spite that bitch didn't you?!"

"By bitch you mean Freya then yes, before I ever fully came to this world I gave myself charm immunity. Just couldn't trust Freya and by extension Gods like yourself who use it actively instead of just passively using it and accidentally charming someone."

"Hahaha fair enough mortal, fair enough. You're forgiven for barging in and attacking my family just for spitting that bitch like you have. Now I believe you're here for a reason, yes?"

He nodded his head and gestured behind him as we heard loud, heavy footsteps approaching.

"Yes, primarily concerning your captain, due to her behavior, I've come on behalf of the Guild, the Civilian Council, and some Families, such as Loki, who have had issues with her. Thus they want her arrested and sentenced to death as some of her crimes involved raping important newbies, or one of the only children in a God's family. Along with other things. However, if you accept a specific type of a War Game then some stuff can be overlooked. If you don't believe me then please read these documents."

He pulled out a very thick stack of papers from his duster. An extremely thick stack of papers… he walked calmly towards me ignoring my Amazons as they poured in. Taking them from the man who stepped back calmly ignoring my sensual touch completely. Sighing, I read the documents with some displeasure. However, each one makes my mood plummet. around the two hundredth one I couldn't help but scream.


Phyrne growled but did so, the man noticed something though it seemed as he walked over to her. Reaching out he ripped it from her neck, looking at the object it was a necklace with a fox and Shinto beads. That toad could never pull something like that off, and it was far too small her neck as well.

"This brings up the War Game perfectly. One Renard, and Amazon Aisha, their caretaker, would be requested to join a family that would help the Renard girl heal emotionally. Aisha would be her Guardian in their new Family which has been picked to be the Hestia family. They're small and near some families from the Renard's homeland that she may know.

Before you ask, we also know you plan to use her as a sacrifice due to some concerned patrons who took a shine to her. Ms. Phyrne here though would sometimes barge in during sessions and demean, taunt, and abuse the girl. Three patrons who tried stopping her were raped to death or immediately killed. Thus the War Game is a Death Match Duel between Ms. Phyrne here and myself.

If she wins nothing happens, she loses, she dies, and those two leave your custody and no further problems will happen. Is that fair and understandable, Goddess Ishtar?"

It was infuriating that the fat toad was costing me so much, yet I could begrudgingly understand. If I refused I'd be raided and sent back to the Heavens because of my insufferable captain. If I accept though I lose a valuable level seven, and component to a plan, yet that would be acceptable given she's more trouble than she's worth now. Plus it may take a time but rearing a new level seven wouldn't be difficult.

"Yes, I accept. When will the War Game be and where?"

"Four days from now, on the plains outside Orario. Please keep Ms. Phyrne from running away, and again Ishtar I would agree with you on her delusional beliefs. She's more toad than woman that if she were to strip I'd call for an exorcist because there's nothing beautiful or sexy about her. She would turn any man or woman off from being aroused. You and the women around us are more beautiful than this creature."

"Why you- *CRACK*"

The man slammed the butt of a strange weapon into Phyrne's face, knocking her down as she moved to rise. Where did he even get it? However, when he next spoke I could feel the temperature plummet so low enough that my breath became visible.

"Down Toad. I'll see you in four days, Goddess Ishtar."

With that he left, his weapon gone as quickly as it had suddenly appeared. Watching as he exited my home I sighed deeply before focusing. Looking at Phyrne I growled gripping the arms of my chair tightly, this miserable cretin will suffer.

"You shall be by my side until the War Game, you DON'T get to refuse! Everyone else make sure that Aisha and Haruhime don't get hurt by anyone, and treat them well. That man didn't say it but it was clear from the Guild, if they suffer life threatening injuries before the War Game or its end, we'll all be banished from Orario."

That got the Amazons under me to move with a purpose, Aisha looking dumbfounded from the sidelines before running off to likely inform Haruhime. Haa while I planned to effectively kill the young Renard girl, I do find the duo's sibling nature beautiful in of itself. I wish I had someone truly like that… huh? I haven't thought like that in a while… Did that man being here dredge something up somehow?

[Haruhime POV Present]

Standing with two Guild employees Eina, and Gialia, along with Aisha watching the War Game. The man who is supposed to be fighting Phyrne is an older yet still young Human with brown hair, hazel eyes with a mixture of aquamarine and amber mixed into them, brown shaggy hair that looks admittedly smooth for a male, his clothing reminds me of a businessman with a large coat. He stood there quietly checking over a small strange weapon.

Meanwhile Phyrne has been frothing at the mouth at him due to how enraged he's made her. Yet as if that was just a minor problem the man began singing something to himself that was picked up by the magic recording. However, it may have been directed at Phyrne…

"You're so ugly I can't even get a boner from the pleasure of maiming you.

You're delusional to the highest degree bitch!

You think you're a primadonna, when you're the crap they shit out~!

You can't get laid normally so you rape children, but even they can't hard for your ugly face.

Compared to everyone else you're a negative hundred on looks."

It was just enraging the Amazon further, I found it strange he'd do this. Aisha and Mrs. Gialia though seemed to have figured it out.

"Ah there he goes using one of the oldest tactics~ he's a good guy, just special with people."

"He's pissing her off to cloud her judgment…."

He had achieved his goal as once the Game started the Amazon was charging at him. Yet the man as if to mock her walked leisurely while looking at the clouds. Phyrne was livid, when she went to strike the man, her fist glowed then impacted his chest. Yet he exploded in bioluminescent water as he walked out of thin air behind her.

Aiming his weapon at the back of her left knee he fired something. However, I heard it clearly when the attack fired, "You're the ugliest woman alive." Yet the man never spoke. When his attack landed however it was sickening to watch. The Amazons leg had all but been dismembered and hung on by several strands of muscles.


"Beautiful? I think you need a therapist."

When she screeched at him he shot back a comment just as fast. Stepping on the leg I watched something indescribable, a black mass erupted from his foot and invaded the leg. Eating it from the inside out, Phyrne didn't take it quietly; she landed a blow on the man's right leg yet he didn't buckle. He looked at her, quirking up an eyebrow.

"You call that a punch? That stings at best given the 120% bonus to my stats currently."


"Here this is a punch!"

He cocked a fist back then punched Phyrne after kicking her lightly into the air. When his fist connected with her body, she went soaring across the plains rolling violently.

"That's for the fox kid and Mr. Salandar, when you tried ripping the kids tail and ears off, you piece of shit."

My eyes couldn't help but widen and tear up a little as only one man had been there for that. He was a tired looking man dressed nicely with strange clothes, he had shared stories with me about his home near the forest of Alf. He was hurt badly by Phyrne and carted off to a clinic and I never saw him again. The man changed stances as if he was going to throw something.

"Agni, Kai flay the bitch!"

He threw his weapon, it flew true but when it neared two strange shadow like monsters with long claws and white bone like armor emerged. They however also were different colors, they were dark red and blue, and had small bouts of orange and blue flames. I could hear the women around me gasp. Ms. Eina screamed at the sight of two monsters.

"War Shadows! Yet they're not Aberrations… their Goliaths?!"

"Oh she fucked~ go team Grave Walker~!"

"Ah… he can tame scary stuff…"

I looked at the avian receptionist who was waving her arms around and cheering for the man. She cursed… that's not lady like at all, although if she hangs out with Adventurer's all day that's understandable then. The man vanished from his spot with a watery ripple of the air. He appeared high above her as the War Shadows flayed the skin off from Phyrne, the red one tanking her attacks with no effort. The blue absorbs any that use Mind by touching her with its claws as they cut her open.

The man dropping from above had his fist together as he swung them downwards. Knocking the Amazon off her lone leg mid hop to stay standing as his boots impacted her chest. Phyrne fell backwards with a loud thudding crash. The blue War Shadow moving, it's claws clicking together as they severed her remaining leg, burning it to ashes instantly.

"Guuuaah… my beautiful body… you monster you're ruining my beautiful body!"

Raising his leg, the War Shadows went back into his shadow, he violently stomped down onto Phyrne's stomach. That's when something clicked in my head.

"He has three monsters, that'd be 90% for this so-called boost. Where's the other 30% coming from?"

My words caught everyone's attention and then our answer came as the man's foot went through Phyrne's stomach. A small monster bee and wasp looking monster flew out of his duster from somewhere. The monster landed on her stomach as he pulled his foot out, the small monster clicking it's mandibles before diving into her stomach.

"Do it Honey."


"Why, you're the perfect nesting bed for Honey to start a colony. So much nutritional value with all your body mass, so do enjoy nurturing the little ones you worthless toad."

I could tell he was smiling happily at the pain he was inflicting on Phyrne. The white haired youth and those around him were terrified, but knew that this was possible to occur it seems. Gialia looked sickly but she chuckled nervously as she watched the man.

"Ah there's the sadistic sociopath nature of his. I thought he was joking when he said he may torture the woman live for all of Orario to witness."

"You knew?! You didn't think to tell anyone either?! He's your charge, you shouldn't let him do this! It's not humane!"

"Eina, he's sociopathic by nature yet he is protective and vindictive if you harm those he likes. Especially family. Which… Ms. Haruhime and Aisha will essentially become a part of his family thus to him he's getting revenge for them…"

What? He's doing this to vent my pent up pointless anger…? Because I'll be essentially becoming family to him…? Looking at the man he stood over the screaming Amazon with a dull look in his eyes. Before seemingly walking off towards the Hestia family. The monster called Honey crept out of Phyrne covered in gore and blood, its wings beating quickly with it taking off after him. Landing on his left shoulder the bug monster seemed to cuddle into him.

That was when snapped his fingers, the air rippled with a faint glow. Then Phyrne ceased to exist as horrors beyond the norm briefly showed and ripped the Amazon apart. Spilling blood and insects on the ground as they quickly dragged her remains into the ripples.

"Ha, Nyarlathotep is a scary skill, opening a gate way directly to THAT… I'm glad there's an option for a time limit. Otherwise this world would die, for none can stop the Creeping Chaos truly."

I stared at the man, and a fleeting thought went through my mind.

'He's a monster, but one that is a good kind, unlike Phyrne…'