
Divine Farming System Vol 2: Searching for Way to Revival

'You'll never know the value of one thing unless you lose it' was not a saying for nothing. Feng Shaotian realized this phrase just after losing Ding Bang. A new chapter of his life was being written without his beloved brother's presence. What will he end up to? Live depressed like he did in the past? Or search for ways to move forward? Available in GN

Dazzling_Verdict · Fantasy
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13 Chs

Chapter 4

Feng Shaotian and Jiang Fu then left the mini world in haste. Afterwards, the both of them walked through the hallway. It was quiet as there's no other people walking in this place. As the mansion was positioned in the Central Zone and only Feng Shaotian's contracted people was allowed to enter this place.

But there's an exception. It was none other than YiYan. Feng Shaotian can't do anything towards her, she has a monstrous cultivation that even Ding Bang might have a hard time defeating her. Thankfully she's not an enemy, she even lend him a hand in founding this City.

Feng Shaotian and Jiang Fu headed towards the kitchen. The only place where to find a certain person.

"Fatty" Feng Shaotian called out to the person eating his food on the table. But weirdly enough, this person wasn't happy at all but instead he's crying.

"Boss! Thank goodness you're here!" Fatty Ma immediately blurted out as tears streamed out of his eyes.

"Why are you crying? Aren't you happy with what you're eating?" Feng Shaotian asked weirdly.

"That monster came again!. She said that if you don't show up in the next few hours, she will cook me alive!" Fatty Ma explained feeling wronged.

"That's why you're eating nonstop?"

"In case you didn't show up atleast I've eaten a luxurious meal before being cooked alive" Fatty Ma said while stuffing more food on his mouth.

"Haha There's no need to be anxious... Hey! I'm already here. Why are you still eating?" Feng Shaotian exclaimed seeing him eating more food.

"I'm freaking hungry! That monst— hieek!" Fatty Ma froze unable to finish his sentence.

"Fatty? Hey.." Feng Shaotian called out however a hand suddenly hooked his left hand taking him by surprise. With a flexible movement, he tried escaping it but it was too late. He can't take off his hand anymore, as if bind by something.

Looking to his side, Feng Shaotian found out that it was YiYan. "D*mn you scared me!"

"Did you missed me Honey?" YiYan responded with a brilliant smile.

"Missed my ass!" Feng Shaotian answered rolling his eyes. "By the way, if you don't mind there's a favor I wanted to ask"

"What is it? You can tell me anything honey" YiYan answered smiling like a dare devil. 'Hehe. You'll be mine in no time'

"You know space magic right?" Feng Shaotian asked staring fixedly at YiYan.

"How did you know? I didn't tell anyone that I have that kind of ability" YiYan responded with a blossoming smile on her face.

Feng Shaotian returned a smile. "Instinct" he replied while winking at her.

YiYan was caught of guard by Feng Shaotian's different behavior. She blanked for a moment before acting cute. Tightening her hold on Feng Shaotian's hand before putting her head on his broad shoulders. "You have keen insight honey" she whispered softly.

Feng Shaotian didn't mind her affectionate attitude. He just stay there allowing her to do what she like. Minutes later, YiYan distanced herself a bit before looking directly at Feng Shaotian. "What is it that you want me to do? Do you want me to teach you space magic?"

"Not really. Just teleport me and Jiang Fu to Trinity Sect. Can you do it?"

"That's it?"


"Dont you want some room service?"

"No thanks"

"Dummy" YiYan muttered pouting. "I can teleport you there if you want but I have one condition" She said smiling evilly.

"Condition? Can't you do it for free?" Feng Shaotian replied frowning.

"There's no free lunch in this world honey. So, what's your decision?"

"Fine. Just don't be absurd"

"Hehe" YiYan giggled. A staff immediately appeared on her hand before raising it up. With a gentle swing of it towards the space.


The place where her staff hit started breaking like a shattering mirror. A few minutes passed before it formed like a portal.

Feng Shaotian and Jiang Fu that was looking from the side was astounded. Such a powerful skill executed like it was nothing. The both of them stared at YiYan in awe.

"What are the two of you waiting for? Let's go" YiYan said smiling before entering the portal.

"Hey Fatty, you'll be responsible of this place in my stead. Don't do something reckless!" Feng Shaotian loudly said before leaving with Jiang Fu.


Underground Faction

In the conference room. A group of people could be seen sitting on their respective chairs with serious faces. On the right side was 3 higher seats while above it was another seat with a man in his thirty's sitting. Overlooking everyone below him.

He was none other than the faction head. He was finally back in good condition. In this past month, he has been recuperating inside the cave without any contact of the outside world. Half a month later, he returned to the faction only to find everyone having different attitude towards him.

He felt angry, thinking that all of them were looking down on him. He gritted his teeth while scanning the people on the room. A certain chair caught his attention, it was a chair without a person sitting on it.

"What's going on? Where's the First Elder? Is she challenging my status as Faction head to have the guts in not attending the meeting?!" Qiang Shin growled in anger. This was unacceptable for him, he can't let this pass by.

He already knew that the First Elder don't like him and it was fine. But her not attending this meeting was a big slap on his face. "Why aren't you responding?!"

"Faction Leader, allow me to speak. First Elder left the place an hour ago. She said that she don't have time to join this nonsense meeting with a dog who just returned from out of nowhere" An elder said relaying the First Elder's words with sweat sliding down his face.

"Hahahahaha" the second elder laugh loudly.

The Faction Head's face distorted while staring at the elder who spoke seconds ago. "Faction Leader, there's no need to hassle yourself with her. She's just a little girl, don't blame her for her action"

"Stop defending her Third Elder! She must be disciplined!" Qiang Shin replied as veins started popping up on his forehead.

"Well Faction Head, I agree with what you said but I won't help you" Third Elder said.

"I have the same sentiment as the third elder. Well, I might change my mind if you can somehow defeat her brother hahaha" The second elder remarked while laughing joyously.

The Faction Head's face paled. He had forgotten one thing, the first elder isn't an ordinary person. He'll definitely have a hard time defeating her but, what about her brother? Sh*t, he'll definitely die without knowing why.

"Let's not talk about her. We can go on with the meeting" Qiang Shin said weakly.