
Divine Farming System Vol 2: Searching for Way to Revival

'You'll never know the value of one thing unless you lose it' was not a saying for nothing. Feng Shaotian realized this phrase just after losing Ding Bang. A new chapter of his life was being written without his beloved brother's presence. What will he end up to? Live depressed like he did in the past? Or search for ways to move forward? Available in GN

Dazzling_Verdict · Fantasy
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13 Chs

Chapter 3

'Sighs. Just as I thought' this was his first time doing it as he didn't test it on the day it was made. He sighed before turning around planning to leave.

[Please choose an active portal to connect]

[Hui Empire Main City Quanzhou]

[Tang Empire Main City Chuzhou]

[Qin Empire Main City Chongqing]


List of places where portal was active could be seen in in the portal hole. What shock Feng Shaotian is that, there's so many of them. Then if he connect his portal to all of this, wouldn't he have access to this places in an instant?. He could easily invade this cities unnoticed, he could also start a business and earn tons of money.

"System! Connect it to all active portal!"

[Ding! Command impossible to execute]

"What do you mean?"

[The system's level is not enough. It could only connect to atmost 30 active portal]

"If that's the case, please connect to 28 active portals" Feng Shaotian stated after pondering for a while. He'll reserve the 2 chance to connect in Baohu City and in the Beastman Stronghold.

[Please select the portals that you wish to connect with]

Feng Shaotian then selected the places where there are lots of people or famous city's. This includes the Main City's of every empire and Main City's of every kingdom. In this way, it would be alot easier to earn cash and make his army strong without being noticed.

"System I have a question to ask. If this portal is connected to those active portal. Doesn't it mean that people can now teleport to this place?"

[Yes they can...]

"****!" Feng Shaotian cursed hearing the systems response. If people can now teleport in this place, wouldn't that expose that a place like this exist?

[.. but it was only possible if they have your approval]


Feng Shaotian wanted to curse the system but thinking that he was in the wrong. He could only stay silent. 'It's fine. As long as no one can enter this place without my approval'.


[Someone wants teleport in here]

[Accept] [Reject]

"So soon?" Feng Shaotian muttered. With a big smile on his face. He extended his hand and pressed [Reject].


[Someone wants teleport in here]

[Accept] [Reject]

"System, reject all incoming request for now" He commanded. It was not a good thing to expose this place so soon. He has to be secretive.

[Are you sure?]


With that said. No notification came in to his head. Contented with it, Feng Shaotian turned around and was about to leave with Jiang Fu.



Feng Shaotian's face darkened. He thought it was already good but why did he received a notif? With an angry face, he opened the notification to know who wants to enter this place.

[The portal has been disconnected to...]

[The portal has been dis....]

[The portal.....]

"What's going on with this system? I asked you to reject them not disconnect!" Feng Shaotian growled in hatred.

[The person behind the other portals has disconnected us. It has nothing to do with me]

"They can't do that" Feng Shaotian said depressed.

[Yes they can]

Feng Shaotian was speechless. He thought it was an easy access but it wasn't. "Does all portal disconnected us?"


"Those people" He muttered gritting his teeth.

"Master don't take it seriously. If you really want to connect this portal to other city or kingdom. How about invading some?" Jiang Fu suggested with a bright smile.

"Forget it. We don't have time for that. Let's go" Feng Shaotian said as he walked away from the portal. Jiang Fu didn't say anything and only followed him silently from behind.


"Doctor Peng, will my sister be fine?" a sad voice of a 15 years old child echoed. It was Hu Nian, he currently has a haggard and tired face. He was too busy this past few days.

Training from morning to evening while on his free time watched over his sister. This routine has been going on til now. Feng Shaotian notice him doing it and told him to relax. However, Hu Nian was stubborn and still does it.

"Son, brace yourself. There's nothing I can do to extend her lifespan. I hope you understand" Peng Dugong replied lowering his head.

In front of the two was a girl that look so fragile sleeping on the bed. Her body was full of black spots. She was slowly dying, it was even hard for her to move her eyes. Hu Nian's eyes was red as tears gush out of it uncontrollably.

Looking at his sister in such a miserable state gives him the urge to kill the one responsible for it. A few moments later, Feng Shaotian and Jiang Fu arrived at the scene. Peng Dugong greeted the two respectfully while Hu Nian on the other hand didn't.

He looked towards Feng Shaotian with grieving eyes. "Master, you said you'll find my sister a cure? You said she'll be healed? But you did nothing!. In this one month time you did nothing!. I thought that you were great, I thought that by following you our life will be full of happiness.

"But what is this? My sister is dying and you didn't even did a single thing! Even just a little effort to help her!. All my hope and trust was given to you, I adore you so much. So please...

"Master... Please I'm begging you.. she's still a little girl. She's the only family I have. I don't want to lose her, I can't" Hu Nian emotionally ranted ang begged.

Feng Shaotian didn't get angry at what Hu Nian just said. He know that Hu Nian was just afraid, losing someone so dear in one's heart isn't easy. Feng Shaotian unconsciously clenched his fist, he saw himself in Hu Nian.

Desperate to save his love ones but don't have the ability to. "Doctor Peng, Is it true that she only has 5 days to live?" Feng Shaotian asked seriously.

"Unfortunately City lord, it was just my estimate. If we look at her condition right now, it might be lower than 5 days" Peng Dugong replied shaking his head.

Hu Nian from the side despaired at what Peng Dugong just said. His beloved sister will definitely die, there's no time to find a cure for her. He sat down on the chair next to him as his eyes turned dull.

Feng Shaotian look on his direction but didn't say anything. He only nodded to Peng Dugong before asking him to guard Hu Nian's sister. Afterwards he left with Jiang Fu.

"Master what should we do?" Jiang Fu asked worried. He don't like seeing Hu Nian suffer for losing his sister. He already considered them as his grandson and daughter, he can't just stand there doing nothing.

"Lets get that book of curses from Trinity Sect's hidden library"

"But Master Feng, that would be a 2 days travel. We don't have much time left"

"It's fine Uncle Jiang. I have my ways" Feng Shaotian answered.