
Divine Dragon Guardian

The mysterious dragon like expert arrives stealthily in the capital, signing an engagement contract with the iceberg beauty president. Unfortunately, he is rejected. Poor Shen Lang can only venture out to seek a livelihood. Unexpectedly, one beautiful woman after another comes his way, and Shen Lang finds himself entangled in various romantic whirlpools. Of course, his main goal remains to conquer the iceberg female president. Not obedient? Just a little training will do!

Adam_2023 · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
30 Chs

Take Him Down!

Lin Caier sat on a park bench, anxiously waiting.

Shen Lang was behind the artificial mountain not far from the park, keeping an eye on Lin Caier. It was only five o'clock now, still two hours away from seven.

He didn't want to alarm Lin Caier, but found it too boring to just wait, so he leaned against the nearby artificial mountain and started playing a mobile game.

Finally, it was seven o'clock in the evening.

Under the dark night sky, a sleazy young man with dyed blond hair and gold earrings walked into the park, followed by a tall and burly bodyguard.

Seeing Lin Caier standing elegantly next to the bench, the blond-haired young man rubbed his hands in excitement. "Well done, Lin Caier, you finally came!"

"My mother, where is she?" Lin Caier stood up, looking at the blond-haired young man with a soft and slightly panicked tone.

"Don't worry, as long as you behave yourself, I won't do anything to your mother." The blond-haired young man, named He Tao, was the son of an official, a typical playboy.

He Tao had encountered Lin Caier by chance some days ago and was attracted by her beauty. The women at Lingya International were of high quality and not easy to pursue. Seeing Lin Caier as vulnerable, He Tao targeted her.

After being rejected several times in his pursuit, He Tao couldn't hold back his impatience any longer and finally had malicious intentions.

Knowing that Lin Caier's mother was hospitalized long-term, he found the hospital and decided to use this to threaten Lin Caier.

Gritting her teeth, Lin Caier said, "He Tao, you've gone too far!"

"Too far? Hehe, Lin Caier, I'll leave it at this today. As long as you obediently let me have my way with you ten or eight times, I promise not to bother you again. How does that sound?" He Tao smirked.

"I don't think so!" Before Lin Caier could respond, a mocking voice came from the woods.

A young man in a suit walked out from the side of the artificial mountain—it was none other than Shen Lang.

"Shen... Manager Shen, why did you follow me?" Lin Caier was stunned.

"I couldn't rest assured, so I followed to take a look." Shen Lang smiled and then turned his gaze toward He Tao.

"Lin Caier, I never expected you to bring another man here. Turns out you've had a man behind my back, still pretending to be innocent?" He Tao yelled angrily.

Lin Caier hurriedly pulled Shen Lang's clothes and said anxiously, "Manager Shen, please leave quickly, this is my own business!"

She knew that He Tao was not a good person and capable of anything. She didn't want to involve Shen Lang.

"Since I'm here, I naturally have to take care of things for you. Don't worry, I'll handle it." Shen Lang remained calm.

He Tao looked Shen Lang up and down disdainfully.

Shen Lang, at his age, tall and slender, handsome, with eyes as sharp as stars, giving off a sense of fierceness.

He didn't expect Lin Caier to hook up with such a young playboy, and He Tao already didn't like Shen Lang very much.

He believed that nowadays, young people were full of passion and liked to show off in front of beautiful women, but in reality, they couldn't withstand strong resistance.

Like Shen Lang now, he seemed very arrogant, as if he could do a lot for Lin Caier. But as long as he beat Shen Lang severely, he would think it was okay to leave Lin Caier.

"Young man, no matter who you are, it's best not to interfere in my affairs, otherwise, I'll break your legs!" He Tao sneered.

"Is that so? I'm really scared. Why don't you come and break my legs then?" Shen Lang smiled coldly.

Seeing Shen Lang so arrogant, He Tao exploded in rage. "Damn it, if I don't teach you a lesson, you'll think highly of yourself?"

With that, He Tao took a step forward and slapped Shen Lang. He wanted to make this kid understand the consequences of offending him!


A crisp slap rang out. Before He Tao's slap could land, Shen Lang's slap had already hit his face.


He Tao flew out, his mouth emitting a miserable howl. His entire face was almost deformed, and several teeth had fallen out.

Was this even a slap? It was more like being kicked hard by an African elephant.

"Young master, are you okay?" The crew-cut bodyguard rushed over and quickly helped He Tao up from the ground.

"Oh! What are you still standing there for? Hurry up and beat him up, waste this kid!" He Tao groaned while pointing at Shen Lang.

The crew-cut bodyguard immediately walked towards Shen Lang.

"You... don't touch him!" Lin Caier panicked and stood in front of Shen Lang.

The crew-cut bodyguard pushed Lin Caier aside and grabbed Shen Lang's right wrist.

Shen Lang didn't dodge.

He Tao was delighted to see the crew-cut bodyguard's high military quality, ready to display a gorgeous shoulder throw and knock down this kid.

But soon, the crew-cut bodyguard's face changed. No matter how hard he tried, Shen Lang's wrist seemed as immovable as reinforced steel, impossible to twist.

Shen Lang sneered coldly and grabbed the crew-cut bodyguard's arm, twisting hard.


The sound of a bone breaking echoed. The crew-cut bodyguard's face instantly turned purple-red, and he let out a sharp, agonizing scream.

Shen Lang lifted his foot and carried the bodyguard to a big tree, where the guy passed out immediately.

He Tao gasped in cold air, never expecting this kid to be such a tough opponent with such skill.

Seeing Shen Lang approaching swiftly, He Tao instinctively took a few steps back. After witnessing the kid's prowess, fear finally gripped him. He stammered in terror, "You... don't come any closer! My dad is the Captain of the District Public Security Brigade, at the deputy division level! You'll regret messing with me!"

Upon hearing this, Shen Lang felt extremely displeased. Threatening him with a higher-ranking official was one thing, but boasting about a deputy division level official was quite audacious.

"I really hate it when people threaten me." With that, Shen Lang slapped him again.

"Ouch! Hey, you... you damn it, just wait, I'll call someone!" He Tao howled angrily, holding his face in pain.

"Haven't learned your lesson yet?" Shen Lang remained expressionless and delivered a dozen more slaps in quick succession.

The sound of *slap, slap, slap* filled the air.

"Stop! Stop hitting me! My teeth are almost falling out! I'm sorry, I'll kneel and beg you to let me go!" He Tao pleaded in terror, his mouth bloody.

"This time I'll spare you. If you ever dare to harass Lin Caier again, I won't let you off!" Shen Lang's face showed a hint of menace.

Trembling all over, He Tao scrambled away from the park in a hurry.

Lin Caier pounded her chest with her small hand, still shaken by the scene just now. She couldn't believe that this seemingly humorous and witty manager turned out to be such a violent person.