
Divine Dragon Guardian

The mysterious dragon like expert arrives stealthily in the capital, signing an engagement contract with the iceberg beauty president. Unfortunately, he is rejected. Poor Shen Lang can only venture out to seek a livelihood. Unexpectedly, one beautiful woman after another comes his way, and Shen Lang finds himself entangled in various romantic whirlpools. Of course, his main goal remains to conquer the iceberg female president. Not obedient? Just a little training will do!

Adam_2023 · Fantasy
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26 Chs

I Can Help You Solve It

Liu Xiaoxiao blushed and gritted her teeth, "Who let you take advantage of me yesterday!"

Shen Lang was tired of arguing with Liu Xiaoxiao and shouted, "I already said, yesterday who started first wasn't clear."

"Hmph, I don't want to argue anymore, get in the car!" Liu Xiaoxiao rolled her eyes at Shen Lang.

"If only we had done this earlier, we'd have saved a lot of time, right?" Shen Lang chuckled.

"Stop babbling, please get out of the car!" 

After a fuss, the BMW finally drove away.

They arrived downstairs at the Linyin International Building.

"Director Liu, it's already past work hours. If there's nothing else, I'll head back to work first. You treated me to lunch today, so don't deduct my salary, okay?" Shen Lang smiled mischievously.

Liu Xiaoxiao gritted her teeth in frustration, glaring angrily at Shen Lang, "Hmph, you better behave yourself, or next time this beauty will make you regret it!"

Damn, there's going to be a next time? Shen Lang felt a bit annoyed. Can't this girl give it a rest and stop targeting him?

Not wanting to think about it too much, Shen Lang arrived at the office of the PR manager. The girls were already working, and Lin Caier was handling forms in the office.

"Sorry, Assistant Lin, I'm late," Shen Lang apologized.

"It's okay," Lin Caier forced a smile.

Shen Lang sat comfortably in a chair with his legs crossed, picked up the files on the desk, and pretended to be engrossed in work.

After a while, Lin Caier seemed unable to resist sleepiness and actually fell asleep on the desk.

Employees definitely weren't allowed to sleep during work hours, but Shen Lang was considerate towards her and didn't disturb her sleep.

At that moment, a young and pretty female secretary came in to deliver some documents, pushing open the office door.

"Assistant Lin, here's the company's plan for next month..."

"Shh!" Shen Lang stood up from his seat, lowered his voice towards the female secretary, "Assistant Lin is tired, don't disturb her rest. If there's anything, you can tell me."

Feeling the air conditioning was too cold, Shen Lang casually draped his suit jacket over Lin Caier.

"Manager Shen, you're so handsome. I've never seen such a caring manager before!" The female secretary's eyes sparkled with admiration as she looked at Shen Lang.

Shen Lang felt pleased with himself. Looks like being a good manager really pays off.

"Ahem, let's get back to business," Shen Lang coughed.

"Yeah." The female secretary smiled and handed the documents to Shen Lang.

Shen Lang was already familiar with the work, so handling it was straightforward.

As the female secretary was leaving, she didn't forget to flirt with Shen Lang, leaning close to his ear with a sly smile, "Manager Shen, are you free tonight? I'd like to treat you to dinner."

Shen Lang flashed a playful smile. From his angle, he could vaguely see the enticing curves beneath the uniform collar of the young and beautiful female secretary.

Because it was a fashion company, female employees tended to dress in a sexy and stylish manner.

Seeing Shen Lang's gaze linger on her chest, the secretary smiled coyly, subtly adjusting her position to accentuate her alluring cleavage.

Is she really this forward? Shen Lang felt his ears heat up and his heart race a bit. As a young man with natural urges, coupled with recent frustrations from the cold attitude of the beauty at home, he felt a bit repressed and occasionally sought release.

Although he might feel like it, he wasn't really interested in an affair right now.

Shen Lang chuckled self-deprecatingly, even if he did feel this way, the icy beauty at home probably wouldn't care if he strayed or not.

"Maybe next time, I'm busy tonight."

After seeing off the secretary, Shen Lang resumed his work.

Lin Caier seemed too exhausted and slept through the end of work.

When she woke up, she realized her mistake and saw Shen Lang's jacket still draped over her. She couldn't help blushing.

"I'm sorry! It's my fault, I'll find a way to make it up," Lin Caier said nervously. "Mr. Shen, why didn't you wake me up?"

"You were sleeping so peacefully, how could I disturb you? Don't worry, I've already taken care of your work," Shen Lang smiled.

"Well..." Lin Caier looked embarrassed, unsure of what to say.

Seeing the shy and awkward look on her face, Shen Lang patted her lightly on the shoulder and said, "Alright, it's time to go home. Go back and rest well tonight."

"Um, thank you." Lin Caier took a deep breath, her emotions somewhat complicated.

Just then, her phone suddenly rang. She picked it up and answered.

"Lin Caier, where are you now?"

Hearing the dark voice from her phone, Lin Caier's face instantly turned pale, revealing a frightened expression.

Soon, she regained her composure and said to Shen Lang beside her, "I'm sorry, Mr. Shen, I need to leave now!"

With that, she quickly grabbed her bag and hurried out of the office.

Shen Lang noticed Lin Caier's expression and, although he didn't usually meddle in others' affairs, he was curious and felt that Lin Caier might be in some trouble.

Since he was planning to leave anyway, he decided to follow behind her.

Lin Caier looked hurried, picking up her phone as she walked and asking, "He... He Tao, how did you get my number?"

"Never mind how I got it. I'm telling you, Lin Caier, tonight is your last chance. Don't disappoint me," He Tao said.

Lin Caier gritted her teeth, "Please, just let me go!"

"That's not possible. Let me tell you, I already know which hospital your mother is in. I'm running out of patience. Seven o'clock tonight, I'll be waiting for you at Xiangshan Park on the outskirts of the city. If you don't come, it's your own responsibility."

Lin Caier was both angry and helpless. She never expected that this man would be so shameless as to threaten her with her mother.

After hanging up the phone, Lin Caier walked out of the Linyin International Building in a daze.

"Assistant Lin, what happened?" Shen Lang approached her.

Lin Caier glanced at Shen Lang, then immediately turned her head away. "N-nothing."

Though she tried to hide it, Shen Lang still noticed a glint of tears in her eyes. His sympathy overflowed for Lin Caier, after all, his impression of her was quite positive.

"If you trust me, I can help you with any trouble. Just let me know," Shen Lang smiled.

"Mr. Shen, you're a good person. I really don't have any trouble," Lin Caier said, then quickly ran off.

Shen Lang felt a bit frustrated. Is his credibility really that low?

Coincidentally, his phone rang too. He took it out and saw it was his wife calling.

"Hello, darling, what's up?" Shen Lang asked with a smile.

Su Ruoxue had developed immunity to Shen Lang's shamelessness. She snorted lightly, "I'm out discussing business now. I'll be back later tonight."

Shen Lang didn't suspect Su Ruoxue's words at all. When she said she was discussing business, she was definitely discussing business. They weren't really engaged, after all.

"But I don't have the keys to the house."

"Then figure it out yourself, don't bother me."

With that, Su Ruoxue hung up.

Shen Lang was feeling quite upset. Wasn't her attitude too harsh? He sighed, feeling sorry for himself. He was technically her fiancé, but he didn't even have a key to her house.

Sighing again, Shen Lang didn't have anywhere else to go that night. He saw Lin Caier hailing a taxi nearby, so he hailed one too and followed her.

Shen Lang was worried about Lin Caier. Based on his experience, he could sense that something wasn't quite right, so he decided to follow and check on her.

Lin Caier hadn't eaten dinner and took a taxi directly to Xiangshan Park on the outskirts of the city.

The environment here was beautiful, usually a perfect spot for couples to stroll and flirt in the evening.

However, due to several recent cases of assaults on young girls in Xiangshan Park, no one dared to come here anymore. It was very quiet at night, especially on a cloudy day like today, with few people walking around in the park.