
Divine & Bizarre: Increasing Points to Invincibility

Transmigrating into a mystical and eerie world, Fan Wu gains a special ability: a system to allocate attribute points! By slaying demons and monsters, he earns points to enhance his own attributes! From then on, a peculiarly muscular Taoist priest appears in this supernatural world. Facing trembling demons and monsters, Fan Wu reveals a ferocious grin. "Your purity is too low! "System, enhance my stats!"

Blink-blink · Eastern
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269 Chs

Chapter 5: First Demon Kill! Free Attribute Points Explosion!_1

Translator: 549690339

Fan Wu was not interested in how he currently appeared in Head Arrestor Liu's eyes.

He was looking down at the Green-faced Water Ghost, deep in thought.

The ghost seemed frightening, but it didn't appear to be particularly strong.

He had been carried away by adrenaline, wanting to kill the ghost.

And then, he really almost killed it.

This was somewhat beyond Fan Wu's expectations.

Or was it...

Was the True Martial Great Emperor particularly powerful?

After pondering for a bit, Fan Wu didn't immediately eradicate the Green-faced Water Ghost, but first took out a paper packet of incense burner ash.

Previously, when he was at Wang's place, he had already verified that the ash from burning incense for the True Martial Great Emperor had some exorcism effect.

At the very least, it had been able to bring back a possessed Wang.

Now, presented with a rare opportunity, Fan Wu wanted to test whether the incense burner ash had any effect on the ghost itself.

He poked a hole in the yellow paper packet with his finger.

The gray incense ash slowly fell towards the ghostly body of the Green-faced Water Ghost as he moved.

When the incense ash touched the Green-faced Water Ghost...

The ashes burst into a bright red flame as if a cat had seen a mouse, lighting up instantly!

The Green-faced Water Ghost, lying weakly on the riverbank, only capable of mumbling, seemed to suffer tremendous pain!

White smoke began to furiously billow from its body, emitting a "sizzling" corrosive sound!

"Hiss aaaaaahhhhhhh!!!!!"

The Green-faced Water Ghost's body convulsed violently as it let out another chilling, mournful scream.

It seemed the incense ash from the Taoist Temple did indeed have an effect on spirits.

And the effect seemed considerable.

The Green-faced Water Ghost's Life attribute was continuously decreasing!

Life: 1

Life: 0

After the Life attribute dropped to zero.

It stopped shouting.

It dispersed into nothingness.

[You have successfully slain "the Water Ghost transformed from a drowned brothel madam", congratulations on earning Free Attribute Points: 2 points!]

A line of text emerged before Fan Wu's eyes, confirming that the Green-faced Water Ghost was not feigning death.

It was truly gone.

It felt...

Killing ghosts wasn't difficult.

Having recovered his senses, Fan Wu reflected on his recent experience and found that when he had been face-to-face with the Green-faced Water Ghost, there was not a hint of panic in his heart; he had been very calm in executing a series of actions.

This might be attributed to his naturally bold nature; otherwise, he would not have thought of smashing the statue of the True Martial Great Emperor from the start.

Nor would he have dared to borrow a sword from the True Martial Great Emperor without knowing anything.

All in all, the crisis of the night had passed.

His identity as a fake Taoist priest had not been exposed.

The halo of the Taoist Priest was still hanging behind his head.

However, it appeared the Green-faced Water Ghost had left something behind. Fan Wu observed something at his feet and used the Demon-slaying Sword to slowly lift it. It was a ragged leg iron.

The leg iron, soaked in water for years, was utterly rotten; saying it was riddled with holes would not be an exaggeration.

"Hmm? What is this..."

Fan Wu noticed something peculiar.

He saw that the surface of the leg iron was unusual, with something inscribed on it, clearly cut by someone.

It resembled some sort of talisman script, much like the characters found on talisman papers.

Damn it!

If it really was a talisman-specific script, wouldn't that mean the Green-faced Water Ghost may not have formed naturally?

Could this Water Ghost be more complicated than imagined?

Although Fan Wu did not have much knowledge in this area, he had read enough novels in his previous life to instinctively think of conspiracy theories.

At this thought.

Fan Wu's face began to show signs of strain, affirming that he must hurry and leave Qiulong County soon.

Just then.

"Taoist Priest! Daoist Priest Fan!"

The voices of Head Arrestor Liu and his men grew louder as they approached.

Head Arrestor Liu led a group of constables, each armed with long knives or batons, running towards this way.

Head Arrestor Liu showed a thumbs-up, his face beaming with an admiring expression, "I knew it, Daoist Priest Fan, with the true teachings of the Heavenly Master, dealing with such minor ghosts must be exceedingly easy for you!"

The other constables also looked at Fan Wu with admiration, similar to Head Arrestor Liu's.

They had watched the entire event unfold right before their eyes.

They had witnessed Fan Wu slaying the ghost with their own eyes!

The pitiful, shrill scream of the evil spirit, as well as Fan Wu's brutal methods, left a deep impression on them to this day!

"Taoist Priest, is this... a leg iron?" Head Arrestor Liu noticed something hanging on the excessively large sword that Fan Wu held in his hand.

Being an arrest officer himself, he was very familiar with leg irons and he recognized it at a glance.

Fan Wu tilted his longsword slightly, letting the leg iron fall by Head Arrestor Liu's feet, and he said, "The Water Ghost's leg iron. You can take it back to give to your Magistrate as evidence."

By doing this, he was also shifting the risk. As long as this thing remained in the county yamen, even if there truly was someone behind that Water Ghost...

They wouldn't trace it back to Fan Wu.

At least, not immediately.

Hearing this,

Head Arrestor Liu was delighted.

Without showing any disgust for the ghostly object, he immediately picked it up and with a tone seeking to please, he tentatively began, "Daoist Priest Fan, your actions tonight in ridding Qiulong County of this evil are something the townsfolk will surely be deeply grateful for."

"It was but a minor effort." Fan Wu's response remained vague; his only desire now was to return to the Taoist Temple, pack his belongings, and leave this accursed place.

However, the next thing Head Arrestor Liu said made Fan Wu pause in the midst of turning away.

Head Arrestor Liu continued, "When the Magistrate hears of this tomorrow, he will certainly set a celebratory banquet for Daoist Priest Fan, and he might invite many merchants and landlords to join as well. At that time, the Magistrate might even give generous rewards to you, Priest."

"Cough cough! On that occasion, could you perhaps mention my effort tonight in front of the Magistrate? Consider it, well, as if I, Liu, owe you a favor!"

Head Arrestor Liu kept his voice particularly low, only someone like Fan Wu with keen hearing could make out what he was saying.

The other man's tone was clearly ingratiating.

He was nothing if not seeking a few kind words from Fan Wu in front of the Magistrate.

Fan Wu didn't reply to him immediately...

Because his attention was now

completely focused on the word "rewards."

Without any money, it was utterly impractical to think about traveling from Qiulong County to Nanjun Prefecture and seeking refuge with his sworn sister.

Food costs money.

Travel costs money.

Lodging costs money.

Everything costs money.

The silver in the True Martial Great Emperor statue couldn't be taken out, and his own private savings were meager.

Though he could find a way to sell some items from the Taoist Temple, that would take even more time.

It was not an option Fan Wu was considering.


The Qiulong County Magistrate's reward was something he had to secure.


Wouldn't that mean he had to stay in this accursed place for another day?

Fan Wu looked down at the Demon-slaying Sword in his hand.

A sense of security inexplicably grew within him.


Take the Magistrate's silver and leave!

"I will."

Fan Wu glanced at Head Arrestor Liu and made up his mind. Securing the Demon-slaying Sword in his hand, he said, "Tonight's events have come to an end, and it is time for me to return to the Taoist Temple. You should take your men and head back as well, the night is still not safe."

"Yes, yes, yes!" Head Arrestor Liu understood and immediately showed a broad smile, "Taoist Priest, take care!"

Fan Wu and the constables from the county yamen went their separate ways.

Seeing the somewhat excited looks on the faces of those constables, they were probably thinking about how to brag about this night's events to others.

As for Fan Wu, he headed straight for the Taoist Temple.


Late at night.

He returned to the Taoist Temple and entered.

The Taoist Temple left to him by his late master was called Qiulong Temple.

It was funded and built by some cheated and crippled landlords of Qiulong County.

On ordinary days, there were still locals who would come to burn incense and worship at Qiulong Temple.

Perhaps it was for this reason that the statue of the True Martial Great Emperor inside the temple had acquired some divine power.

Fan Wu did not rush to return the Demon-slaying Sword to the True Martial Great Emperor; instead, he placed it temporarily in his own living space within the temple, then removed his mud-stained clothes to reveal a splendid physique.

Each firm and powerful muscle was so appropriately arranged that they gave a strong sense of power; at first glance, they inspired awe!

Fan Wu focused all his heart and mind on the Golden Finger.

After killing the Green-faced Water Ghost tonight, he had earned 2 Free Attribute Points.

He wanted to see what effect these points would have once used...

