
Divine Banishment

When Zyxel was ripped out of Hell and thrown into the Earthly Realm in the modern day, he went into a rage. Fleeing from an Angel who was hunting him. But to survive on Earth, first he would need to find a Sanctuary. Instead, he discovered a human with a strange aura about her. What was it about this girl that made him so drawn to her? Being the daughter of a Priest, Trinity grew up her whole life being religious. She believed in God and always strived to do what was right. So when a certain Demon came into her life, it made her begin to question everything that she knew to be true. Could it possibly be that everything might not be as "black and white" as it appears? Can she accept him for what he is, despite everything she had been taught to believe? When these two meet, both of their lives will be changed forever. And the veil between truth and lies will begin to unravel. ~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~ Discord: https://discord.gg/FUczSTp9f6 (A small verification check is required upon joining, as well as agreeing to the server Rules; before you will be able to interact with the rest of the Discord server) ~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~ Disclaimer: I do not own the cover photo. All rights to the photo belong to the original Artist.

NovaLuna · Fantasy
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50 Chs


Father Kiran was reluctant to leave his daughter, but he understood why she might feel the need for some space. So respecting her wishes, he left her in peace.

Trinity on the other hand, was fuming at the realization that she was trapped here by the demon's side. She paced back and forth across the balcony, her temper continuing to rise with each passing minute.

She tested the same thing a few times, attempting to leave in a different direction. Each time resulting in the same scenario as before.

Clenching her two fists together, she glared in anger at the stone gargoyle above. "Just you wait until I'm released from your spell!" she growled through gritted teeth.

She turned around, wanting nothing more but to avoid the sight of him, and that's when she heard a clear and defined crack could be heard splitting in the stone, followed by a hiss of steam being released. Although when she turned back to face him, there was no steam that could be visibly seen.

She glanced at her watch, seeing that it was currently 12:30 pm. Six hours she had been forced to stay here because of him.

Blood boiling with rage, she steadied her breathing, focusing all of her anger at the demon before her.

As the stone continued to crack, she expected stone pieces to fall to the ground, or explode outwards like in the movies; but neither of these things happened. Once the hissing sound stopped, the stone seemed to melt away as if being absorbed back into his skin. Red scaly dragon-like skin began to reappear. He tilted his neck from side to side as sounds of his neck popping could be heard.

Soon after, he began his transformation back into his human-like form. His large bat shaped wings withdrew into his body, and his red scales began smoothing out until they became a dark tanned and creamy smooth skin. His jet black hair changed to dirty blonde, and his red demon eyes changed to an ice blue color.

He hopped down from the rooftop, smiling at Trinity mischievously once more. But he wasn't expecting her reaction that came next.


A clear and defined 'pop' sound echoed in his ears as Trinity's palm collided with his cheek. A deep growl escaped as he felt the sting from the slap across his face. But before he could regain his composure, she was already running off and sprinting down the stone steps.

A slight chuckle escaped his lips as his eyes twinkled in delight. "You just became interesting again!" he spoke as he proceeded to follow Trinity down the stone steps. A smile playing at the edges of his lips.


Trinity was laughing as she walked out of the movie theater with her two friends Jessica and Rachael on each side of her.

"I told you we could cheer you up!" Rachael exclaimed as she was grinning from ear to ear.

"Right!" Jessica chimed in. "Just leave it to us. We won't steer you wrong!" Jessica looped her right arm through Trinity's left arm. "You've been through so much these past few days, let's put all of that behind us for the time being." she replied.

Rachael slapped Jessica. "Don't mention that! We're trying to take her mind off what happened, not make her think about it more!"

"I'm sorry!" Jessica immediately replied back. "I wasn't thinking."

Trinity laughed at the two. "Thank you guys! You both are a huge help. Honestly, I'm fine. More annoyed and upset than anything. You guys have really helped to cheer me up though!"

It wasn't completely true though. Although she was feeling able to laugh and joke again, she couldn't shake the disturbing feeling of being followed.

'I'm being paranoid,' Trinity thought with a sigh. But still her eyes were constantly surveying her surroundings for the demon boy. Every time she thought she pinpointed the direction that the aura was coming from, it immediately shifted again, causing her to doubt if it had ever been there to begin with.

She was so focused on pinpointing the energy she was feeling, that she didn't even hear her friends calling her name.

"Hello! Earth to Trinity!" Rachael called out as she waved both of her hands in front of Trinity's eyes to get her attention.

Trinity shook her head as she tried to re-shift her focus. "Sorry, what's wrong?"

Jessica and Rachael were both looking at her worried.

"You seemed seriously out of it!" Rachael finally answered. "Your head and body was moving, but you seemed like you weren't even hearing us. What's going through your mind?"

Trinity gave a nervous smile. "I'm sorry. I just feel really out of it. I keep feeling like we're being followed."

"I know!" Jessica piped up, excited. "If you are worried about being followed, then let's go somewhere that no guy would dare to follow us into!" She grabbed Trinity by the arm as she took off running towards a specific store that she had in mind, dragging Trinity along behind as she had to sprint to keep up from the sudden burst in speed.

The three of them stopped in front of a Victoria's Secret lingerie store. "WHAT?!" Trinity exclaimed in horror. "Why here?"

Jessica laughed softly. "Because, it will put your mind at ease of being followed, as no guy in their right mind would willingly enter into here!" she said with a huge grin on her face. "Now come on! Maybe we can pick you out something nice to make you feel better!"

Rachael chuckled as she followed the two of them into the store. Jessica dragging Trinity by the arm, and Trinity blushing a bright red from embarrassment.

Jessica wasted no time digging through the different lingerie options available. She stopped at a sexy red lace bra and panty matching set. "Ooh! This would look beautiful on your figure!" Jessica cried out in excitement.

Trinity shook her head. "No, no! I really couldn't." she said, as she held both of her hands up in front of her.

"Come on! Look, no one followed us inside here! The changing rooms are private! Lets enjoy ourselves in here and have a little fun!" Jessica winked at her.

Trinity looked around the store, attempting to pick up on any trace of the aura she was feeling before, but she didn't sense anything. 'Maybe I am really just overreacting and driving myself crazy with worry.' she thought to herself.

Hesitantly, Trinity reached for the lingerie set that Jessica held out to her. "Fine! But I won't be the only one who will be put under the microscope here!" she declared as she pointed at both of her friends. "Go on now! Each of you find something to try on as well!"

The three of them went into a private group changing room. Inside, there were five private rooms, that opened into a center room that was still private and closed off from the rest of the store. As they each changed into their chosen lingerie set and modeled it in front of each other.

"Trinity, that looks beautiful on you! Red has always been your color!" Rachael exclaimed. "Much better than my polka dot set! It looked much prettier on the hanger!" she said with a disgusted face.

Trinity smiled. She really did feel a lot better now. Strangely enough, just as Jessica had said, coming here really did help to put her mind at ease, and the strange aura she was feeling wasn't returning. "I kinda like this!" she said as she smiled at Jessica. "You've got good taste!" She turned her body back and forth in the mirror as she inspected the garment on her body.

"It's what I'm good at!" Jessica grinned as she twirled around in her black lingerie set.

Trinity went back into her own private room to change back into her normal clothes. "Thanks guys! This helped more than I thought it would!" She smiled, finally feeling back to her normal self again.

Fully clothed, Trinity and Jessica sat in the center room as Rachael went back out into the store to grab another set to try on. She tried on three more sets before finally deciding on a purple and white lace set.

The three of them went to purchase their items at the checkout lane, before leaving the store; each one of them carrying a small bag in hand with their purchase. Trinity was so happy and laughing with excitement, that she didn't notice the rough looking boys standing outside of an alley just a few shops down.

As the three of them passed by the alleyway between the two shops, Trinity was grabbed and pulled into the alley. Her bag that she was carrying from the store, fell to the ground.

The guy who had grabbed her had one hand covering her mouth so she couldn't scream, and another another hand was holding a knife that was pressed against her throat. He roughly pulled her further back into the alley as four other boys slashed at Jessica and Rachael, yelling at them to stay back.

"Trinity!" Rachael and Jessica screamed. They each attempted to rush in to help her, but again the four boys slashed at them again with their knives.

The four boys ranged between about fourteen to sixteen years old, with the leader looking to be about eighteen, who had the knife pressed up against Trinity's throat.

"Leave, both of you, if you know what's good for you!" The youngest of the four boys demanded. "We're only here for the traitor. As long as you leave now, none of us will hurt you."

Rachael again tried to rush in to save Trinity from these monsters, while Jessica stood there frozen in place. Again another cut slashed at Rachael's arm, blood dripping down as the knife cut clean and deep into her skin. She looked up at Trinity with fear in her eyes.

Jessica grabbed Rachael as she dragged her away from the alley.

"No! Jessica, stop! We have to save Trinity!" Rachael screamed, tears streaming down her face.

"There's nothing we can do, except to try and go get help!" Jessica screamed, as she dragged Rachael behind her.

The other four boys all turned to Trinity. They each grinned, knowing they would have plenty of time before any cops arrived.

"You're the traitor who helped that demon!" The leader hissed the words next to her ear. "Well, we're here to show you what happens to traitors!" He nodded at each of the four boys in front of him. "Boys! Have at it!"

All four of them walked up to Trinity and began slicing into her skin with their knives. They kept each slice shallow and slow, as they wanted her to feel the pain longer.

Trinity wanted to scream, but the hand covering her mouth was pressed too tight against her, preventing her from crying out for help. Tears streamed down her face as each cut and slice dug into her skin. It wasn't long before she started to become weakened, light headed, and dizzy from the blood loss. As she finally quit squirming in his arms, the leader flung her body to the ground.

She thought that would be the end of it and they would let her go, until a swift kick met her abdomen. Then another kick that landed on her arm. She doubled over, as she coughed up blood.

As they were each taking their turn with her, some of them punching, and some of them kicking her; she heard a low growl escalating in pitch that reverberated through the alley.

Barely able to open her eyes, she forced herself to pry her eyes open to see what was going on. She couldn't believe her eyes.

At the front entrance of the alley, stood the same familiar red demon, his wings extended preventing anyone from fleeing. Traveling from each of the younger boys he slashed his claws across each of their throats, moving down the line from one to the next, until he got to the leader.

As the demon walked up to the leader, he growled at him ferociously. His red eyes seemed to be penetrating deep into the man's soul. The demon glanced down at Trinity and then back up to the leader again. "Are you proud of what you did?" he snarled at him.

The leader puffed out his chest, held his head high and spit at the demon. "If we had enough time, we would have done worse to this traitor!"

With a solid quick motion, the demon's hand had penetrated through the man's chest, gripping around his heart, and yanking it clean out of his body.

As the leader fell to the ground, the demon pulled the man's dripping heart up to his mouth. Baring his teeth, two sharpened canines glistened in the pale alley light, looking almost like the fangs of a vampire. He bit down on the heart, before dropping it to the ground beside him. As the heart fell, two distinct puncture marks could be seen, and trailing outwards was an intricate spiraling black marking that enveloped around the heart.

"Your soul has been marked. Enjoy your time in Hell! You won't be leaving." The demon snarled at the leader.

The next thing Trinity saw was a boy picking her up in his arms. A boy with dark tanned skin and ice blue eyes. But something new was now seen on him that she hadn't seen before. "Hang in there, Trinity." he whispered softly in her ear. "You won't die here!"

Bending the light around both of their bodies, he made both of them invisible to any prying eyes. The boy carried Trinity in his arms, holding her tight against his chest as he carried her out of the alley. As soon as he was out of the cramped alleyway he leapt from the ground, flapping his giant wings as he carried Trinity up into into the air with him.

His black feathered wings glistened in the sunlight as they flew through the sky.

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